There's definitely something wrong with my elf

Chapter 368 H263 There are a lot of secrets in the Slowpoke secret realm!

Chapter 368 H-263 There are a lot of secrets in the Slowpoke secret realm!
King-level potential and elite-level strength are quite good for a wild elf.

Even if he is placed outside the Liuli Secret Realm in Liuli City, Fang Che's hometown, he can still be a little overlord.

But this is the secret realm of Slowpoke!
It is the secret realm where the Slowpoke Well is located, which even Mew and Cresselia need to take seriously.

It is said that King Yanwu can turn into Groudon if he drinks too much magma. The agility shown by this Slowpoke is completely inconsistent with its potential.

"Metal monster, shadow ball."

"Genesect, vicious attack!"



Metal Monster and Genesect floated above Slowpoke like two flying saucers. They aimed their "cannon muzzles" at Slowpoke. The next moment, the rich ghost energy and evil energy directly bombarded Slowpoke. on the beast.

This Slowpoke is only at the elite level. It can't even withstand beatings as well as the previous Gotha Duck. It only took one attack to beat it out of combat capability.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Che threw a Poké Ball. He wanted to see what was the reason why this Slowpoke had such intelligence.

The Slowpoke, which served as logistical support, lost its combat capability, which meant that the Gotha Ducks were in misery.

The high-tech light cannons and meteor beams that resumed bombing made the Gotha Ducks complain endlessly. They didn't expect that their unfailing tactics of bullying the minority would be beaten today by counterattacks. This was really tragic.

As the last Gotha duck fell, Soraya's body, which had been paddling, was also shrouded in a burst of white light. This is the light of evolution!

Zoroa started to gain experience a long time ago, but it has always resisted fighting and evolving, so it has not evolved.

Soraya, who is now relieved of his knot, will naturally have to catch up with his brothers and sisters.

"Zoroark (wash green) (female)
Level 30 (Growth Level)

Attributes General, Ghost
Ability · Illusion

Special Ability Phantom: Use superpowers to refract space to achieve stealth effects

Special Ability·Ghost: Increase the power of ghost skills by 50%
Special ability·Chain of Hatred: Special attack, special defense increased by 20%, attack damage from ghost and evil skills reduced by 50%
Special Ability·Zoroark’s Blessing: Unknown
Props None

Moves: Unreasonable, glare, rapid return, claw sharpening, shadow sneak attack, spell, provocation, slap down, resentment, high-speed movement, shadow ball, shadow black hole (1%)

Special moves·Supernatural power, revenge, parting gift, see through, imitate, assault, dark hole, loud roar, hell thrust, pray for rain, shadow claw, sword dance, Tarzan crush, slam, destroy light, spray fire, kick down, strong spirit Thoughts, dark shadows, strange light, sleeping, stand-in, guarding, sludge bomb, freezing wind, phosphorus fire, holding on, biting apart, magic, splitting tiles, seal, loud sound, fake crying, swallow return, meditation, Qi bomb, wave of evil, grass knot, lower body kick, crystal burst

Intimacy · 198”

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were "feeding" Soraya before he unlocked his heart knot and evolved. The skill machine he used before plus the power of evolution made his skill pool look quite scary.

However, what concerned Fang Che the most was Zoroark’s new special ability after his evolution, Zoroark’s blessing!

Although its true ability was not shown on the data panel, Fang Che felt that this was most likely a blessing given to it by Soraya's mother before she died, containing all the love a mother has for her child.

"Congratulations, Zoroark, you have grown up!"

Fang Che walked up to Zoroark. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked Zoroark's soft mane. The fluttering hair made the originally lively Zoroark look more wild. , but Fang Che knew that as long as Zicui Zoroark could control his heart, it would definitely be a very reliable partner.

[From now on, I can also protect you, Ah Che! 】

Zoroark knelt on one knee in front of Fang Che. It gently rubbed Fang Che's palm. From now on, it could no longer stay on Fang Che's shoulder, which made it feel a little bit... sad.

Fang Che's side ended the battle, and Zhao Wanxi's side was also finished.

With Harkeron as the main C, assisted by Gardevoir and Fairy Elf, a mediocre gym-level Gotha Duck was no match for her. In the end, she contributed a "large amount" of experience and fell in the jungle.

"The rain seems to be getting heavier?"

Zhao Wanxi walked to Fang Che's side. She stretched out her hand, and a small puddle of water appeared in her palm in just a few seconds. If you put it outside, it could be considered a heavy rainstorm, right?
Fang Che raised his head. Although the sky was not clear, it was not so dark that the city was about to be destroyed by black clouds. It would be too outrageous to say that the downpour was caused by Slowpoke's prayers for rain.

You told him that this was Kyogre coming to the secret realm of Slowpoke and he believed it!

"Let's go to the lake over there to see what's going on. If the rain continues, the alliance will pay compensation to Neihe County again."

Fang Che sighed. Although the alliance always rescued and compensated the affected people in time, it would be better if the source of the problem could be dealt with in time.

Summoning the Black King Bai Xue, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi flew towards the lake not far away without looking back.

Shortly after the two left, a black shadow appeared out of thin air at the place where Fang Che had subdued the Slowpoke. It looked blankly at Fang Che who left, and then a dark ball of light appeared in its palm.

As the ball of light was thrown into the water at its feet, it disappeared from its place.

Lake of Slowpoke, this is the core area in the secret realm of Slowpoke, and it is also the place where Slowpoke likes to stay most on weekdays.

Thousands of Slowpoke gather here in a daze. If they feel the surroundings are dry, they will pray for rain to make the surroundings moist.

When Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi arrived here, they witnessed with their own eyes a group of hundreds of Slowpoke beasts shooting rain-praying light balls into the sky, and then the heavy rain in the sky became even heavier.

"This power is no more than that even for a champion!"

Zhao Wanxi sighed as she looked at the heavy rain falling in the sky. She had also seen champion-level elves use rain prayers, but even champion-level elves could not bring down so much rain on such a large scale.

Fang Che glanced at it and saw that most of the Slowpoke floating on the lake were at the growth level and elite level. A few Slowpoke that didn't look so sluggish could reach the Gym level.

There is not even a king-level Slowpoke in this huge lake of Slowpoke.

Moreover, the potential of these Slowpoke beasts is actually at the king level.

Yes, they are all at the Heavenly King level, without any exception.

This is amazing. Thousands of Slowpoke beasts all have exactly the same talents. No one would believe it!

"According to Cresselia, the Slowpoke Well is at the deepest part of the Slowpoke Lake." Zhao Wanxi looked at the lake in front of her. She felt a little headache because there were more than 50 Slowpoke The beast blocked their way to the lake.

"Didn't the Alliance trainers who came in in previous years discover the Well of Slowpoke?"

Fang Che tilted his head. He didn't believe that a trainer who traveled all over the world to find his favorite elves and secret treasures would let go of the Slowpoke Secret Realm. Only those who treat others as fools are the real fools.

Zhao Wanxi shook her head. According to the alliance's investigation, there is nothing strange about the Slowpoke Lake.

Because the environment of this secret realm is very strange, once Slowpoke uses Pray for Rain, it will rain heavily, and then this place will become a paradise for water elves.

But if Slowpoke doesn't pray for rain for a long time, the place will quickly dry up again, and the entire Slowpoke Lake will dry up, exposing the river bed.

Alliance investigators came in many times to investigate, but found nothing.


Fang Che rubbed his chin, then raised his head and looked at the sky, then at the group of Slowpoke beasts, and a strange thought appeared in his mind.

Among the 36 small worlds connected to the Well of Slowpoke, is there a small world where Groudon and Kyogre live?
If you want to find an explanation for the strange environment that appears in this secret realm, the only ones left are Kyogre, the King of the Sea, and Groudon, the King of the Earth.

Of course, what Fang Che was talking about was not the Sea God Kyogre and the Earth God Groudon. Those two were exceptional first-level gods, unique beings among their respective ethnic groups.

What he is talking about is the members of the three divine bird races similar to the frozen bird, lightning bird, and flame bird.

In the past, everyone thought that mythical beasts were the only ones, but after King Feng's introduction, humans learned that mythical beasts also have tribes.

Let’s not talk about the three divine birds. Mana Fei can give birth to Fiona. Even the first-level gods Lugia and Rayquaza have tribes. Groudon and Kyogre who live under Rayquaza It is not unusual to have ethnic groups.

Strictly speaking, Zhao Wanxi's Hackron can also be regarded as a member of the Rogia tribe, but it is just an extremely remote branch.

"What are we going to do now, get around these Slowpoke beasts?"

Zhao Wanxi lay on Bai Xue's back. She took out a stick and dipped it into the water at Bai Xue's feet.

Soon, a number appeared on the stick, three!
This means that the place where Bai Xue's feet step is three meters above the ground. You must know that this has not yet entered the scope of the Slowpoke Lake.

"It's very simple, just sneak over there."

Fang Che snapped his fingers, and Zoroark appeared beside him.

During Zoroa's time, it allowed Fang Che to sneak through even the King-level elves, not to mention that Zoroaco has evolved now.

Those elite-level and gym-level Slowpoke beasts are not scary. What is scary is that there are too many of these Slowpoke beasts.

If they come one by one, or in groups, Fang Che feels that with the elves at hand, he can penetrate the secret realm of Slowpoke.

But once more than one hundred Slowpoke use telekinesis or more than five hundred Slowpoke use spells, immobilization and other skills, even the Sword General can only ensure that Fang Che does not die in this secret realm.

Therefore, relying on Zoroark's stealth ability to sneak directly into the lake is the best option.

"No problem, just watch mine!"

Zoroark's voice sounded in the hearts of the two of them. It opened its hands and an invisible wave enveloped Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. However, Zoroark did not wrap up the black men under their command with power. Wang Baixue.

Because if Black King Bai Xue is also substituted into the lake, the water waves pushed out will be a bit big, which will inevitably attract the attention of the Slowpoke Beasts.

Since you are going to enter the lake, you must be fully prepared.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi carry their underwater working equipment with them, but the Slowpoke Lake is not too deep, and Fang Che has superpowers, so there is no need for diving suits or anything like that.

The two of them each took out a cylindrical underwater breathing apparatus, opened the soft plastic mouthpiece and held it in their mouths.

Relying on this underwater breathing apparatus, they can breathe in the water for up to three hours. This is the crystallization of technology!
After getting ready, Zoroark took Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi to carefully bypass all the Slowpoke beasts, and finally the two of them arrived at the center of the lake.

With a soft sound, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi dived into the water. They held hands and headed toward the bottom of the lake. Zoroark had already been taken back by Fang Che. The only thing that could help them underwater now was the Variety Monster. .

If a fight broke out among Slowpoke, Fang Che would have no choice but to let Swampert fight.

Fortunately, they didn't encounter Slowpoke along the way. The Slowbeasts are all staying on the water to pray for rain. God knows how long they will play.

Under the water, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi relied on their diving goggles to see the river bed full of mud. The two held hands and began to move forward to find the location of the Well of Slowpoke.

Fortunately, Cresselia and Zhao Wanxi mentioned that the Well of Slowpoke is right in the center of the Lake of Slowpoke, and they only need to search in this area.

However, three hours passed, and Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi found nothing.

The two changed to an underwater breathing apparatus and continued searching. They had already expected this result.

After all, Alliance investigators conducted many surveys of the Slowpoke Lake after the river bed dried up, but they did not find any Slowpoke Well, which means that the Slowpoke Well may not be so easy to find.

However, another three hours passed, and the two still failed to find the Well of Slowpoke.

In desperation, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi could only return to the water for a short rest. With Zoroark's phantom ability, they could enjoy an early dinner in the center of the lake with peace of mind.

"Ache, do you think the Well of Slowpoke will require the power of God to find?"

Zhao Wanxi, who was eating bread, suddenly thought of a possibility. When Meng Che found Fang Che, she said that only those with first-level divine protection could enter the Well of Slowpoke. Does that mean that only those chosen by the gods could enter the well? Only the messenger can find the Well of Slowpoke!
Fang Che was also stunned. He looked at the Infinity Gauntlet on his palm and fell into deep thought.

If this is really the case, then how can he inspire the power of God?

You know, so far, he has only passively discovered the identity of the divine envoy, and has never actively inspired the power of Talebagos.

As for Solgaleo, it's still an egg.

(End of this chapter)

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