There's definitely something wrong with my elf

Chapter 387 H292 Accelerate the pointer!

Chapter 387 H-292 Accelerate the pointer!
The imperial capital, the Zhao family.

Lan Ying was chatting with her father. The Lan family's involvement in this incident was the result of joint discussions between Lan Ying and her father, Lan Tian.

"Dad, there is no need to do more things."

Lan Ying reminds Lan Tian that in response to the Lou family's actions, the Lan family only needs to express its stance and follow up. Don't be so stubborn and go head-to-head with Lou Tie. That is something that only people who have nothing to do with Fang Che need to consider. .

Lan Tian on the other end of the phone responded, and then the two hung up the phone.

Zhao Qiansun had been sitting next to Lan Ying but said nothing. It was not until Lan Ying hung up the phone that he hugged Lan Ying, who kept sighing.

"Now I'm going to make Ah Che laugh."

A trace of bitterness flashed across Lan Ying's eyebrows. To be honest, she really didn't want her father to curry favor with her son-in-law, but she was also from a noble family.

Even though the Lan family is just a small aristocratic family, the aristocratic family is not exempt from vulgarity.

Zhao Qiansun squeezed Lan Ying's shoulders and said, "Don't worry, that kid A Che is very sensible and mature. He won't see the Lan family's jokes."

"I really didn't expect that A'che would wipe out a former Heavenly King family if he didn't move. This battle is like Nezha making waves in the sea. He really mobilized so many hot wheels."

Zhao Qiansun was a little sad. The battle between the twelve families in the imperial capital was so scary that even some of the current king families had to retreat.

If Fang Che can really integrate this force, then he can walk sideways in the imperial capital from now on.

Oh, no, with the protection of President Dongfang and the main force of almost an entire divine team, Fang Che himself can walk sideways, but most people don't know that.

While Zhao Qiansun and Lan Ying were talking, the doorbell rang.

Lan Ying stepped forward to check and found that it was Xu You who was outside the door!
"King Xu Tian?"

Lan Ying quickly let Xu You in, and Zhao Qiansun looked at Xu You with two bottles of good wine in shock.

"Old Zhao, younger brothers and sisters, is the old man here?"

Xu You is older than Zhao Qiansun, so he and Zhao Qiansun have always regarded each other as brothers. This time he came to learn from Mr. Zhao.

Zhao Qiansun shook his head and said, "My old man has something to do and will not return to the imperial capital for the time being."

Zhao Weimin went out to "hide" something.

Fang Che made a bit of a fuss, and whether he, the vice-president, was in charge or not, Zhao Weimin simply went to President Dongfang directly, and discussed with him the matter of publicizing the leader of the Eastern Alliance.

Xu You was a little distressed when he heard that Zhao Weimin was away, because he really came to ask Zhao Weimin what to do next.

The Xu family was also involved in the operation against the Lou family, and because he was the only active king to express his position, Master Zhao from the security office directly approached him, hoping that he could suppress Lou Tie and wipe out the Lou family completely. of sweeping.

Xu You was shocked when he saw the evidence of Lou Tie's crime provided by Gao Xiu. He did not expect that the previous generation of kings would collude with external forces in an attempt to subvert other alliances. This was a serious crime.

However, if he wanted to deal with the old king of the previous generation, Xu You still had to come to Zhao Weimin to vent his anger. After all, there was no precedent for the kings of the past generations being liquidated.

To what extent is it appropriate for him to take action?

"If the old man is not here, then Lao Zhao, please help me do the total."

Xu You sighed, put the wine on the table, and then told Zhao Qiansun everything he was thinking.

Zhao Qiansun fell into deep thought. After a while, he looked at the wine brought by Xu You and showed a mysterious smile, "Brother Xu, if you believe me, just fight Lou Tie. But don't put Lou Tie in trouble." [Beat him] and let Lou Tie run away."

Xu You stared at Zhao Qiansun dumbfounded. Did he let Lou Tie run away?
This is not in his plan.

"Old Zhao, are you talking nonsense? According to the relevant information held by the security office, there is no room for maneuver in Lou Tie's fate. I came here to ask the old man whether he should kill him on the spot or take him back to the security office. ah."

Xu You has no worries about whether he can kill Lou Tie. After all, although Lou Tie is a former king and a champion trainer, he is old after all, and his main force is not that powerful.

Xu You just didn't want to set a precedent by killing the king.

Zhao Qiansun smiled and said nothing at Xu You's complaints. He silently took out his mobile phone and put it on the table.

Xu You looked at the page opened by Zhao Qiansun and fell silent, "Are you sure there is no problem? You know, Lou Tie is a genuine champion-level trainer. Even I may not be able to save him even if I deliberately save his life. All his main forces were defeated."

The page opened on Zhao Qiansun's phone was Fang Che's contact information. His meaning was very simple, asking Fang Che to deal with Lou Tie himself.

Xu You knew that Fang Che had the Cleave Commander given to him by Fang Tianyang, and that the Cleave Commander seemed to have evolved into a more powerful form, but it would be impossible to deal with a declining champion-level trainer with just the Cleave Commander. .

Zhao Qiansun chuckled, "My good brother, you can rest assured on this. Let alone a retired old Bi Deng, even the reigning kings, none of them can be A Che's opponent."

Xu You took a breath of cold air, what Zhao Qiansun said was a bit loud.

Fang Che is just a new trainer. It has only been more than half a year since he got the initial spirit. Being able to become a gym-level trainer is already an almost miraculous genius. Now you tell him that Fang Che can defeat a championship-level trainer?


Xu You's eyes lit up, and he knew that Zhao Qiansun could not just talk nonsense, which meant that Fang Che was really sure of defeating Lou Tie.

Lan Ying looked at her husband with some worry. Is it really okay to reveal Fang Che's secrets?

"Don't worry, Ah Che is basically not afraid of external pressure now."

Zhao Qiansun shook his head. Some young people who coveted the resources controlled by Fang Che no longer threatened Fang Che. Perhaps the only ones who threatened Fang Che in the entire Elf Star were the twelve generals of the Shadow Regiment.

After all, they may actually have multiple mythical beasts in their hands.

However, when all the elves in Fang Che's hands grow up, even if the twelve god generals of the Shadow Group come out in full force, they will not be Fang Che's opponent.

In addition, Zhao Qiansun believed in Xu You's character, and it was impossible for Xu You to talk loudly about leaking Fang Che's information to the outside world.

"Brother Xu, do you still remember the uproarous shadow incident in the north more than 70 years ago?"

Zhao Qiansun asked Xu You mysteriously. He did not intend to tell Xu You about Cosmog and Kyogre. Just a Marshado was shocking enough.

More than 70 years ago, Xu You's father was not even born yet, so it was naturally impossible for Xu You to know.

However, after becoming the King of the Alliance, Xu You came into contact with a lot of secret information. Even if he glanced over it, it left some impression.

"Are you talking about the phantom elf Mashado?"

Xu You was thoughtful, and then a trace of horror flashed across his expression, "Is it possible..."

Zhao Qiansun smiled and said nothing, Xu You suddenly became interested, "How did Ah Che do it?"

Being able to make the phantom spirit recognize its master is an unprecedented achievement.

Although Fang Che has Genesect and Meltan in his hands, these are the phantom elves he has cultivated since childhood.

Mashadona is a fully illusory elf who has caused a lot of noise in the Elf Star. Being able to subdue him will definitely break the precedent of the alliance.Of course, those guys from the Shadow Group don't count. Who knows what method they used to "enslave" those mythical beasts.

"Since Lao Zhao said there is no problem, then I will go and get ready."

After some small talk, Xu You left after confirming that Fang Che's "trump card" was enough to deal with Lou Tie. He still had a lot of preparation work to do.

After Xu You left, Zhao Qiansun immediately sent the relevant information to Fang Che, but he waited for a long time but could not get Fang Che's reply.

It wasn't until the evening that Zhao Qiansun received a reply from Fang Che.

The reply was only two words.


Tianjian Mountain, the alliance resident.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi looked at the stone table in front of them attentively. Fang Xuan and Su Ya stood outside the camp to ensure that no one would approach this place.

"Are you ready?"

Fang Che's voice was very low, and Zhao Wanxi nodded seriously.

Zhao Wanxi took out a small jade box from her pocket. She slowly opened the jade box, and then took out a needle that looked like it was made of ice.

"Phew! Get ready!"

Fang Che took out the Phoenix King's feather and placed it on the stone table. Zhao Wanxi also carefully placed the ice needle directly under the feather.

The two of them took out Cosmogu's elf egg at the same time and placed it on the stone table.


Following Fang Che's order, the metal monster who had been waiting on the side immediately used telekinesis to activate the ice needle. The ice needle began to continuously emit mist. In just three seconds, the mist would include the stone table. One cubic meter of space was covered.

[World-class secret treasure·Acceleration pointer (one-time use): The broken pointer derived from the condensed power of XXXX can temporarily accelerate time in an area (1m). Life forms in the area will fall into a deep sleep until the power of time dissipates. . 】

This is the secret treasure that Zhao Wanxi obtained from Geng Gui. Its level exceeds the upper limit of perfection defined by the alliance and has reached world-class level.

It is only one step away from the highest level of God's Secret Treasure that Fang Che knows.

Although this acceleration pointer was not clearly stated, Fang Che felt that its power should come from Dialga, the God of Time.

With the power of Dialga, supplemented by the life force of the Phoenix King, it can definitely help Cosmog break out of his shell and be born quickly.

After all, in terms of personality, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina should be regarded as the top first-level gods. They are gods beyond the universe, second only to the God of Creation. Arceus.

Although Solgaleo and Lunala are first-level gods of the ultimate space, their status is not even as good as the glorious god Ultimate Necrozma, let alone the two dragons of time and space.

Under the gaze of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, the white mist enveloped the elf egg. The flow of time's power did not show any abnormality, but was quite calm.

"This is not what I expected."

Fang Che approached Bai Wu thoughtfully, but before he could reach out his hand, Ma Shaduo grabbed his sleeve firmly.

"Don't worry, I won't seek death."

Fang Che was a little dumbfounded. His data power could detect the situation inside the white mist. In the past ten seconds, the acceleration pointer had stretched the flow of time to a hundred times, and it was still increasing steadily.

If he reaches out rashly, he is afraid that he will be swallowed up by time in an instant.

"The power of time and space is always so magical."

Zhao Wanxi shook her head. Although some super elves can temporarily interfere with time and travel through space, the one who controls time can only be Dialga, the God of Time, and the one who can control space can only be the God of Space. God Palkia.

According to human research, time is the sum of changes in all things. Without time, the universe would be dead.

And just the flow of time will cause the universe to fall into turmoil. At this time, space is needed to stabilize the universe.

Time passed little by little, and Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi kept guarding the camp.

A large group of elves including Mashado, Kyogre, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were all squatting beside the stone table. They were watching the surroundings vigilantly, fearing that a fly would come in and interfere with the hatching of the elf eggs.

Under Fang Che's "gazing", the acceleration pointer continued to shrink, melt, and finally turned into a ray of light and merged into the white mist.

The two elf eggs have also absorbed enough of the Phoenix King's life force, and they are only one step away from hatching.

In the evening, the white fog dissipated, and the Phoenix King's tail feathers became dim.

Having absorbed so much life force in a short period of time, even Phoenix King's natal feathers were somewhat depleted of power.

However, the results obtained by consuming a world-class secret treasure and using most of the power of the Phoenix King's tail feathers are still very remarkable.

The two elf eggs that originally took a long time to hatch began to flicker with white light. Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi took all the elves back, leaving only Machado silently vigilant in Fang Che's shadow.

After another half hour, the white light on the elf egg gradually stabilized, and a crack began to appear on the surface of the elf egg.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi stood there and watched silently. Although they looked very calm, they were actually extremely nervous inside.

This is their first time hatching a mythical beast!

Another half hour passed, and there were already many cracks on the surface of the elf egg. At the same time, the originally peaceful elf egg began to shake violently.

With a "click" sound, two small and cute gas-like elves burst out of the egg. After looking around, they happily fell into the arms of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

"Cosmog (Genderless)

Level 1
Attribute Superpower, God (blocked, evolved into Solgaleo and unblocked after breaking through the master)

Qualification·God (blessed by Solgaleo, unsealed)
Features · Simplicity

Special ability·Power of the stars: Attacks with the power of stars, ignoring 10% of the opponent's defense.

Special Ability · God's Power: All stats increased by 0% (unblocked by Solgaleo's blessing)

Special ability: Majesty of God: When attacked by non-divine spirits, damage is reduced by 0% (blocked, unblocked after evolving into Solgaleo and breaking through the master)
Special Ability God's Sanction: Attack non-God attribute elves, damage increased by 0% (blocked, evolved into Solgaleo and unblocked after breaking through the master)
Props None

Moves · Teleportation
Special Move Meteor Flash (1%)

Intimacy · 255”

(End of this chapter)

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