The First Gongsheng of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 650: Bright fall and dark rise

Zhang Zhou gave Yongkang an explanation to let her understand the importance of dispatching troops to Liaodong, and also to show that this is the overall strategic situation and should not be changed because of your children's personal relationship.

This also shuts Yongkang up and prevents her from asking questions like "Why is it my son-in-law who goes?"

"Eldest Princess, if there is nothing else, it is best for you and I not to meet. After all, we have no overlap in affairs, so it is not good to meet like this." Zhang Zhou reminded her kindly.

Yongkang said: "You and I are on the same journey, even if we meet, can others criticize us? I don't believe that some people really dare to gossip. I am not afraid of such rumors. I believe you, Mr. Zhang, should not be afraid too, right? I offend you... ...I heard that it didn’t end well.”

"Really?" Zhang Zhou smiled calmly and said, "I am a very free and easy person."

"But you care about it and don't give people a way to survive. Just like that old Xie Ge, I heard that he is not living a good life now." Yongkang said.

Zhang Zhou raised his hand to signal Yongkang that enough was enough.

If the emperor knew about this, with Zhu Youtang's temper, knowing that his sister was talking about Xie Qian privately, it would mean that you, the eldest princess, are not satisfied with being a woman in the boudoir. While you want to find a way out for your husband, you also want to Interfering in government affairs?
Even the queen has no right to interfere. What qualifications do you, the eldest princess, have to make irresponsible remarks on this?
"Your Highness, there is a letter from the camp, saying it is from Uncle Jingshan from Jizhou." The voice of the accompanying woman brought by Yongkang came from outside.

Probably the outside world is also worried about the bad situation between the eldest princess and Zhang Zhou, so this can be regarded as a "relief" for Yongkang.


Yongkang stood up and walked towards the door, but he said as if he was begging for mercy: "Even if the prince-in-law has to go to Liaodong, I hope that Mr. Zhang will not have to charge into battle for the sake of the past. In the past two years, there have been many princes-in-law. If you lead the troops to fight for the first time, your good life will not always be with you. I hope he is safe."

Once you have merit, you begin to hope for peace and safety.

Zhang Zhouxin said, this is completely different from your mentality when you pushed your husband to go to the battlefield.

Zhang Zhou nodded and said: "Although there is no affection between me and the eldest princess, I follow your majesty's wishes and do not let Cui Prince Consort take risks. I have written this down. But leading the troops outside is not dangerous at all. It’s impossible not to. Please come back.”

Yongkang knew as soon as he heard this that Zhang Zhou refused to make a promise.

It sounds good, and it seems to be giving her face, but in fact, what Zhang Zhou said is as if he didn't say it.

Even if Zhang Zhou arranged for Cui Yuan to be a pioneer officer, it seemed that he did not violate what he said today.

"No wonder your Excellency is able to do anything in the court. His Majesty still trusts you so much. It seems that this palace is really not something that a female prostitute can handle. If I have anything to do, I will ask Mr. Zhang again. Mr. Zhang does not need to see you off, I will do it first. went!"

When Yongkang left, she looked more like an eldest princess, and her steps were not as delicate as those of ordinary women in a boudoir.

Even Guo Ang and others who were guarding the door felt that the eldest princess walked with the same vigor as a man.



"Master, are you okay? Her Royal Highness the Princess..."

After seeing off the guests, Guo Ang was still very concerned about Zhang Zhou's every move as usual.

Zhang Zhou glanced at him and said to himself, "If you don't know, you would think that he is a supervisor for me, trying to find out all my whereabouts for Jin Yiwei so that he can report it to me?"
Because Guo Ang was not promoted by Zhang Zhou in the first place, and Guo Ang was unwilling to be transferred from outside this time, the two of them were only polite and polite, and did not achieve the tacit understanding of the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

Zhang Zhou said, "The princess is here to speak for her husband. He will lead his troops to Liaodong as the commander-in-chief of Jizhou, and he will probably set off on the ship. Since she was not informed of this matter in advance, she will have some questions."

Guo Ang thought for a while and said cautiously: "If this is to send troops to Liaodong, Cui Prince Consort has fought many bloody battles and led the troops, which is indeed the best choice."

This was probably following Zhang Zhou's wishes, and it was a kind of verbal flattery to Zhang Zhou.

It seems that he understands the meaning of this, which is to let Cui Yuan strike while the iron is hot. He has just led his troops to victory, and then fights the next battle, which can be regarded as a rush.

Zhang Zhou smiled and said: "Cui Prince Consort led the troops to Liaodong, but because there were too many troops and horses mobilized everywhere, he had to recruit more troops from Jizhou. He went there and was not a front-line general. The one who really wanted to rush forward was , or the troops from Liaodong itself, as well as the reinforcements transferred from North Korea, don’t think too much about it.”

Do you understand why I do this?

Don't be so sentimental. You, Guo Ang, are just a member of the Imperial Guard, and you are not qualified to discuss the rationality of the military plan. Telling you this now is already giving you face. You'd better be wise and stop caring about you. Things that have nothing to do with errands.

Guo Ang seemed to sense that Zhang Zhou didn't have much trust in him, so he hurriedly bowed and resigned.

But before he could go far, he saw Sun Shangqi coming in a hurry.

The two met each other, and before Sun Shangqi could salute Guo Ang, Guo Ang passed by Sun Shangqi as if he was in a hurry to do something.

"Master." Sun Shangqi came into the room and saluted Zhang Zhou.

Zhang Zhou said: "How?"

Sun Shangqi said: "Sixty large ships have been transferred to the port, plus some ships transporting troops, there are more than 200 ships."

Zhang Zhou nodded and said: "Although these sea-going ships are quite good in terms of specifications, they are still not enough compared to the ocean-going ships. However, they are more than enough to transport soldiers, horses, grain and grass to Liaodong. I may have to trouble you. Hurry to the port first and complete all the preliminary preparations. I will arrive six or seven days later than you."

"Yes." Sun Shangqi saluted.

Zhang Zhou said: "Has your transfer order been issued?"

Sun Shangqi said: "Yes, I have been promoted to Jin Yiwei to command the Qianshi. I did not elaborate on the errands. The people in the original class are still assigned to their humble posts. In addition, they have to obey your orders."

"Yeah." Zhang Zhou nodded, "You've been running a lot of errands recently. I'm treating you poorly by going back and forth like this. You can rest more after finishing the recent tasks. In addition, please send me a secret code. When the report arrives in Beijing, I will report it directly to His Majesty. Even if you are not here, please arrange for people to send it to me so that there will be no mistakes."

Sun Shangqi hurriedly saluted and said: "I will try my best to fulfill my humble duty."



In the capital city.

Liu Yu, the former governor of Jizhou Town, who had just been transferred from the imperial prison, came to the court of the Ministry of Punishment. He was exhausted. He was already stained. However, he had put on clean clothes when he came. His people will be transferred to the Ministry of Punishment. Inside the cell, but received a special treat.

Li Shishi, the right minister of the Ministry of Justice, received him personally.

"Brother Liu, thank you for your hard work." Li Shishi looked very concerned. As a minister, he stepped forward to salute Liu Yu.

This surprised Liu Yu.

During his time in prison, he thought he would be killed at any time, and there would be no possibility of his safe escape. At the very least, he would be charged with exile. Who knew that he would be treated kindly by Li Shishi as soon as he was transferred to the Ministry of Justice, which made him flattered.

Liu Yu said: "Li Shilang, you can't do this. Sinners dare not be polite to you."

Li Shishi greeted: "Come here, prepare a chair for Mr. Liu."


Someone immediately brought a chair that looked like a stool, with armrests on the side and no backrest on the back.

Because of the strange shape of this chair, Liu Yu would be a little scared when he saw it. He was very afraid of what kind of torture tool it was. What if Li Shishi was just pretending to him, and then used torture to teach him a lesson?

But fortunately, it was all because of his carelessness, and he was indeed allowed to sit down. The chair was indeed of no use except for sitting.

Li Shishi also sat on a chair with almost the same shape. The two sat side by side. Li Shishi held something that looked like a case report in his hand and said: "Although the case is not clear yet, now that we are here, we are close to walking out of jail." , it will be soon.”

After hearing this, Liu Yu felt a little excited and asked, "Is it soon?"

"Yeah." Li Shishi nodded and said, "Based on what I've learned from many sources, it should be right at the beginning of the year. Let's not say that your case is not serious. Let's just say that you have someone behind you, so this matter can be solved properly."

Liu Yu wiped his cold sweat and said, "I don't have any backers, it's just me."

"How can you say that? Don't worry about anyone listening, it's just a conversation between you and me." Li Shishi said, "What I'm talking about is neither Mr. Xie Ge nor Ma Shangshu from the Ministry of Personnel, but Cai Guogong. It seems that your case was caused by Cai Guogong, but you have to know that someone actually targeted you, and Cai Guogong had to hold you accountable. "

With Liu Yu's political consciousness, of course he would not accept this casually.

"Your case involves money and all aspects of the investigation, but someone wanted to get you to involve Mr. Cai Guogong behind the scenes, so you may not have received any good treatment in Beizhen Fusi. But fortunately you withstood it." Li Shishi continued.

Liu Yu didn't dare to speak anymore.

Withstood it?
Are you kidding me? At first I refused to let go, but then they tortured me and I confessed whatever I was asked to do. Even if it meant slapping myself in the face, I did it no less.

If you say today that I am greedy for ten thousand taels, I will admit it. If you say tomorrow that my backer is Xie Qian, I will admit it. If you say the day after tomorrow that I listen to Cai Guogong, I will not deny it... In the end, you are all right, as long as you give me a good time. , I don’t even want to get out alive.

Even before Liu Yu was transferred to the Ministry of Justice, he thought his compromise had worked.

Li Shishi said: "But your status is too special. Mr. Liu Ge, Mr. Xie Ge and Mr. Ma have all recommended you one after another, but it was you who paid the most compliments to Duke Cai in the end. Don't blame me for speaking harshly. You are so duplicitous, no matter what." No one can protect you."

Liu Yuxin said, Isn’t it because of who gains power and who I take refuge in? Besides, when Liu Jian and the others recommended me, they nominally valued my ability, and I didn't give them much benefit.

Who told me that the political achievements I made at that time were indeed good?

Li Shishi added: "An Xin will stay here for a while. One month at the latest, I will allow you to go out. If the conditions do not allow, I will not drink with you. I will have a banquet after I go out to cleanse you from the dust."

Here, Li Shishi was about to ask someone to send Liu Yu into the cell. Liu Yu asked: "Li Shilang, I dare to ask, why are you so... indifferent to me?"

Li Shishi smiled and said: "Is it really necessary to be so strict as a minister in the same palace? I heard that many people knew that you were in prison and disowned you, but I know that your official career will not be suspended because of this. I also know that, You may be transferred to Jiangxi..."


Liu Yu was shocked at this time.

He seemed to understand why Li Shishi could still retain such goodwill even though he knew he was the guilty minister.

Your gossip about relationships is a bit overwhelming.

Not only do you know that I will be leaving within a month, but you also know that I will be transferred to your hometown of Jiangxi? How did you know? Also, is your news true? Don't make my joy go to waste.

Li Shishi said: "Anxiety and wait for the news. Come, send Mr. Liu back, but remember that everything is the best condition. If anyone dares to neglect, he will not be lenient. After a while, Mr. Liu will still be Mr. Liu. Don’t worry about what’s around your neck.”



royal palace.

Zhu Youtang received a secret note from Zhang Zhou from Yongping Mansion.

Because Zhu Youtang was still reviewing the memorial at that time, and Chen Kuan and Wei Bin not far away were watching. Zhu Youtang just opened it and read it, then put it aside and found a paperweight to hold it down. Chen Kuan and others realized that if anyone opened it without the emperor's permission, it would be no different than seeking death.

"Ahem." Zhu Youtang coughed twice unconsciously.

Chen Kuan said hurriedly: "Your Majesty should rest early, it's almost dinner time."

Zhu Youtang said: "Don't worry, let me review a few more copies. I'm in good spirits today... Can you bring me a few more copies? Isn't it important?"

Chen Kuan quickly looked back at Wei Bin.

Wei Bin took one and came over and said: "Your Majesty, this is the only one. It is related to Yizhou Shanchang. It is said that the person in charge has not arrived yet, and many things have been delayed, especially those related to the coming year. The purchase of charcoal and other matters have been delayed for a long time.”

Zhu Youtang said: "It's time to arrange for someone to take over. After all, Tang Yin has been in North Korea for a long time."

"Your Majesty, are you..." Chen Kuan wanted to ask if he wanted to transfer people back.

Halfway through the question, Chen Kuan said no more.

Zhu Youtang said: "Tang Yin has an important responsibility. When he comes back from North Korea, he will be transferred to Liaodong. Moreover, he can lead troops. He has proven himself in Liaodong. Do you have any recommendations for Yizhou? ?”

Chen Kuan thought for a while, and the emperor actually asked him what official he wanted to recommend?
Originally, this matter was not under his control, and even the officials could not make a hasty decision. As a minister-level official, Admiral Yizhou Shanchang had to be discussed by the court.

Chen Kuan immediately said: "Li Shishi, the right minister of the Ministry of Punishment."

When Chen Kuan brought this person up, even Wei Bin couldn't help but take a look.

After all, Admiral Yizhou Shanchang was only a temporary minister, not a full-time official, and Li Shishi was already a full-time right-hand minister of the Ministry of Justice. Why should he be allowed to go? Demoting Li Shishi?

"Okay." Zhu Youtang said, "The affairs of Yizhou will also be related to coal and other matters in Xishan in the future. It is time to improve it. The minister is not enough. The next step... should be given the title of Minister of the Ministry of Industry, with Li Shishi's With experience, he is indeed qualified." (End of Chapter)

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