Hong Kong Comprehensive: Captured by Brother Kun to make a film

Chapter 395 He really meant what he said and was moved to tears!

At 11 o'clock that night, police cars roared and sirens blared.

Outside Bar Street in North Point, several police cars suddenly gathered.

When the boy in front of the bar saw something strange, he hurried into the bar to report, but the opportunity was lost.

"Surprise inspection! Squat down immediately! Put your hands on your head!"

"Get your ID out!"

After hearing the shouting, the faces of the younger brothers suddenly changed, and they still tried to escape quickly towards the dark alley.

"Stop! Don't try to escape!"

A group of policemen quickly rushed over and subdued these people to the ground, leaving a lot of contraband scattered along the way.

Ten minutes later, all the prefixes received urgent reports.

"Boss, all our territory has been swept away!"

At the entrance of the newly promoted second-tier social group ‘Xinyi’an’, a young man said hurriedly.

"We haven't caused any trouble during this period. Are those policemen doing anything?"

Xiang Dequan didn't get angry on the spot, he just felt inexplicable.

"Go find out what happened."

"Also, is there any movement in Hongxing next door?"

He wanted to find out whether the police were targeting him alone or whether it was a sweeping sweep.

"Only our site was swept away, and several entertainment venues in Hongxing adjacent to us were fine."


Xiang Dequan cursed angrily, puzzled.

Although their "Xinyi'an" is composed of the remnants of Xinji, they have long been content with their own affairs.

"Do you really think that Xinyian is made of clay? Only attack us and not Hongxing?"

At the same time, in another place in North Point, Yao Wentai, wearing a suit and collar, stood leisurely in front of the door smoking a cigarette.

The music in the bar behind him was lively and the atmosphere was noisy.

But in front of the Yuzu City on the other side of the street, the police were busy escorting a group of shackled people into the car.

"Have you seen that there is no future if you can only fight and kill bulk goods? Now you understand the benefits of following Brother Sheng in transforming?"

Yao Wentai gloated and pointed over there and said to the younger brothers.

“Who would want to hang their head on their waist if they could make money legally?”

All the subordinates were deeply touched.

Although there is not as much money as in the past as a gangster, it is more comfortable and does not have to face the risk of being caught all the time.

"It's good that you know, otherwise you'll be like them, waiting to be redeemed with money!"

An Inspector O wearing a police badge who passed by snorted at Yao Wentai and others.

They were also unhappy when they came back late at night to work overtime to arrest people.

"SIR, you can rest assured! I make a lot of money from my legitimate business, and I don't know how peaceful I sleep at night. Who the hell wants to be in a jail cell every day?"

Yao Wentai responded with a smile.

The inspector ignored him and walked to another street with his troops.

Compared with the emerging gangs in Xinyi'an who are eager to expand, old fritters like Yao Wentai are not worthy of attention at all.

Although Hongxing ranks first among the four major police agencies, no one in the police knows that they have been transformed and there is no money to be made.

"Thank you for your hard work, SIR. Come and have a drink after work. I'll get a [-]% discount tonight."

Yao Wentai thought that the police were human beings too, so he started shouting.

On the other side, the northern part of the Western Ring Road.

The Yi Gang, who had repeatedly collided with Hong Xing and was expelled from Central by Du Sheng, is now shrinking here to develop.

As the leader of the agency, Wang Qing has already admitted defeat. While restraining his subordinates not to conflict with the four major social groups, he also started making quick money in Fenglou, underground casinos and other businesses in order to restore his power.

Unexpectedly, several newly renovated places were raided by a group of policemen that night.

Not only did they clean up the equipment, but they also asked him to pay money to redeem people.
  "Fuck you! Who told me what's going on?"

After Wang Qing heard this, his face turned pale and he pushed the woman away, grabbed his pants and went downstairs to yell.

"Brother Qing, our place in Tseung Kwan O has also been wiped out!"

"However, the strange thing is that the policemen didn't touch Hong Xing's scene, and just stayed there to give guidance and watch the show."

"Some people say that it was a group of ghosts who put pressure on the Governor's Mansion, but the problem is that we didn't provoke them."

Wang Qing had a gloomy face, waved his hand to interrupt the noisy scene, gritted his teeth and said:
  "I'll attack your mother and investigate thoroughly!"

He only had this little money left, and he still hoped to rise again, but in the end he was ganged up on, and the hatred was so great that it knew no bounds.

On the other side of Tsuen Wan, the number Yao Jianzi Dui was sitting in the restaurant mourning Biao when he learned that his noodle business had been destroyed and many people were arrested. He was so angry that he overturned the table.

"What a fool! You won't shed tears until you see the coffin!"

Unlike other leaders, he got information from Xu Lei early in the morning and sent someone to warn Como.

Unexpectedly, the other party went all the way to the dark side. This kind of ignorance made him furious.

"And that bastard congressman, I will make your family rich and powerful tomorrow!"

This time he lost at least [-] million, and it was not enough to fry these two pieces of skin and bones!
  Unlike the crowd of angry social talkers, many members of Hongxing were actually watching the show.

They watched other officers being arrested by the police, and they felt at ease watching the show. This feeling was quite strange.

And the scene tonight is very grand!

The police were mobilized in large numbers, and some gangs that were preparing to start a business were also arrested. Sirens filled the streets.

But Du Sheng, who was originally at the center of the whirlpool, was staying out of it now and was still in the mood to accompany Fan Wenfang for a trial.

It's still a wedding scene, and the scene is very grand.

Du Sheng plays the male protagonist A Xing this time, who is using his special powers to spy on his dream lover Qimeng.
  After a while, the bedroom door opened slightly, and a wisp of white gauze came into view, and then Fan Wenfang walked over with a smile and holding a floor-length skirt.

After putting on the pure white wedding dress, she looked dignified and holy.

Coupled with the looming shy look on her face under the thin veil, which made people want to hold her in their arms and ravage her.

Du Sheng sincerely thanked the crew of "The Gambler" for sending her the Qimeng skin, which felt very immersive.

Half an hour later, there was only a long sound of breathing in the hall, and Fan Wenfang sat on the ground with enigmatic eyes.

"Brother Sheng, stop for a moment, I need to take a break!"

Her wedding dress was already riddled with holes and turned into strips hanging on her body, looming even more alluringly.

It was true that Du Sheng's acting skills were too strong, and even his eyes were piercing, and she simply couldn't bear it.

Du Sheng smiled slightly, hugged the girl back to the sofa, and Yao Wentai's call came in.

"Brother Sheng, many places in North Point have been swept away!"

"Oh, what's their loss?"

"I saw that a lot of people were arrested, and I heard that a lot of fans were found at the scene. It would cost more than [-] million to be conservative this time."

Yao Wentai said with a somewhat gloating smile.

The numbers are piled with dozens of characters, but they are not monolithic. If it were not for the strength of the crowd, the signboard of the Four Major Society Groups would not be able to be saved.

The characters such as sword, benevolence, and power have always been floating around, and they have the idea of ​​​​setting up their own business.

"Just such a small loss?"

Du Sheng curled his lips. This small loss was not enough to make these characters take risks.

However, the police's clearing operation should last for a while, and their losses will at least double or triple.

After all, we can’t make ends meet with our doors closed, and the channels for walking furniture are cut off. This is a waste of money!

“If they ask, just say that this incident was caused by Congressman Como and Gerson of Yihe Financial Company.

If they really have ideas, they will understand what they understand. "

Du Sheng originally planned to mention Wang Qing from the Yi Gang, but after thinking about it, he felt it was unnecessary.

Because the highest level of fishing in troubled waters is to harvest the results without anyone noticing.

Moreover, this incident cannot be traced to him at all. If those ghost guys from the Governor's Mansion want to take revenge, they will only look to the Yi Gang and Xinyi'an.
  After all, I don’t have much grudge against those ghost guys.

The prefixes that were scanned tonight are different. Blocking people's way of making money is like killing their parents!

After hanging up the phone, not long after, Yamashita Tadahide, Ekin and others also sent text messages.

Du Sheng asked them to sit back and watch tonight. If nothing unexpected happens, there will be a good show tomorrow.

Even if you want to eat meat or resell Gui Lao's assets, you have to wait until the dust settles.

After the arrangements were made, he began to accompany Fan Wenfang for the next scene.

I have to say that this girl came all the way to Xiangjiang and really endured hardships, and she knew how to act very well.

"What are you talking about! The police didn't target Hong Xing?"

Unlike Du Sheng, when Como heard the news, he directly pushed the young model aside with a sullen face.

"That bastard Du Sheng is so arrogant and domineering in the police station. Are those police officers just eating shit?"

I don't know if he was too angry, but his face was unusually red, which seemed a bit abnormal.

The female model who picked up the skirt and put it on saw something. She wanted to speak but did not dare to say more. After all, the other party was in a state of anger.

The person on the other end of the phone sighed and said:

“There’s no way, the police department is all his people!
  You may never imagine how ridiculous Du Sheng's connections are, and even the white police superintendent is willing to be a traitor. "

"Is the police department crazy! Dare to disobey the arrangements of the Governor's Office?

Moreover, if Hongxing, the largest society in Hong Kong, does not fight, what is the use of fighting those minions? "

Como gritted his teeth and couldn't figure it out at all, with an uncontrollable anger flashing in his eyes.

He was holding the phone and wanted to rant a few words, but suddenly his body shook a few times and he fell onto the bed with a thud.

The two models noticed something was wrong with Como and shouted anxiously:
  "Mr. Como, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, Como's face was pale, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead, as if he was suffering from indescribable pain. He clutched his abdomen tightly with his hands, and the heartache surged like a wave, almost making him unable to breathe.

His lips wriggled, but he couldn't make a sound. His stomach contracted violently, and his whole body began to tremble.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to notice something and shouted:

"Como! Como, what's wrong?"

Como was unable to answer, blood even spilled from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were as white as dead fish, and he was breathing heavily like a saw.

"Oops, it looks like Mr. Como is having a heart attack!"

The female model was so shocked that she didn't even bother to put on her clothes and immediately ran out for help.

After a while, Como's villa fell into chaos.

At the same time, Sang Biao angrily asked the young man beside him:
  "Is Como's son in the hospital?"

For two hours, the police raided for two full hours and still didn’t stop!
  Even if he withdraws part of the gray industry in advance, Fan Lao and the underground warehouse cannot be hidden for a short time.

This time alone, more than [-] casinos were banned and closed, dozens of kilograms of powder were damaged, and hundreds of horses were captured.

"Yes, Bilson is at the Sanatorium and Hospital!"

The young man heard something and made a throat-slitting gesture with a grin:
  "My people are still watching over there, do you want-"

"It caused me to lose more than [-] million yuan, and I will have to pay another [-] million yuan later. If the two father and son die, who will die?"

Sangbiao gritted his teeth:

"Don't move now. After the storm subsides in two days, send his Tsuen family to Victoria to feed the fish!"

So what about the white-skinned ghost guy? Even if he is the King of Heaven, he will make the other party pay the price with blood.

Not to mention, the Yihe Consortium behind the two father and son has lost power, and dead people are worthless.

On the contrary, after they die, others will have the opportunity to care about those high-quality assets.

"And that Congressman Gerson, send someone to scrape it out!"

Sangbiao decided to find an opportunity to send all these dead ghosts to heaven one by one.

Otherwise, if there is another big purge, he will not be allowed to jump off the building?

And if people like them who do shady business are not afraid of others, then why do they still do business?
  Even shit can’t keep up with the heat!
  Although Sangbiao was temporarily restrained, it didn't mean that he could hold back other prefixes.

In addition to Hongxing being eliminated from this "Operation Hurricane", other groups including Dongxing, Heliansheng, and Yibang were not spared.

The entrepreneurial groups that came out of the Kowloon Walled City also suffered losses to some extent, and they were all holding back a sense of anger.

"The Yan family shovel, the thirty kilograms of goods we just brought in are all gone!"

After hearing the statistics, Guo Yi, the head of the Xiangjiang branch of the Songlin Gang, was so angry that veins popped out on his forehead and he kicked the chair in front of him.

The Pinewood Gang is one of the largest gangs in Bay City, with more than [-] members.

Although the Xiangjiang branch was only established last year, they have the guns, power, and backstage support. They are expanding rapidly and are now on the verge of being second-tier.

Recently, Guo Yi was planning to further expand his territory and scale, but tonight's surprise cleaning was not informed in advance. It can be said that his back was broken in one fell swoop.

Meifeng alone lost more than [-] million.

If one could afford to lose like this, being caught with hundreds of horses would be a heavy loss.

Because many of them were brought from Bay City, and there were more than a dozen close friends.

The money for bail was the next best thing. He was most afraid that his subordinates would be forced to confess, and they would leak out and confess to him.

Guo Yi was hesitating whether to run back to Bay City first to avoid the limelight.

But if you run away like this, the power and territory you have finally built up will be gone.

Even if we make a comeback next time, we won’t have much chance to get started. After all, the four major societies have blocked the road.

But if he doesn't run away, once he is betrayed, he will have to attain enlightenment in the Dragon Field for the rest of his life.

When Guo Yizheng was hesitating, he saw his subordinate who was out to inquire pushing the door open and asked impatiently:

"what is the problem?"

He has been here for more than a year, and he knows very well that the Xiangjiang police will not clean up frequently. There must be a reason this time.

"Brother Yi, there are rumors outside that this big cleanup was done by Como, the head of Yihe Company, together with more than a dozen ghost businessmen, to recruit Senator Gelson to put pressure on the Governor's Mansion."

The subordinates did not dare to hide anything and told all the information they had learned.

"Congressman Gerson?"

Guo Yi suddenly raised his head, a little surprised and uncertain.

"That's Councilman Gerson from the Executive Bureau! Brother Yi, you even gave him a sum of money that time!"

The subordinates said angrily.

"The Yan family shovel! Are you treating me like a piglet?"

Guo Yi gritted his teeth and his face was a little distorted.

Gerson, this bastard, takes money but doesn't do anything and doesn't talk about it. He doesn't even know about such a big thing?
  This is clearly treating their Pine Forest Gang as leeks that can be harvested at will.

Guo Yi's eyes were gloomy and uncertain, and he picked up his cell phone and dialed a number.

I don’t know if it was because of the early morning, but it took a long time to get through.


Councilor Gerson yawned and took the phone from the fire-breathing girl with sleepy eyes.

"I'm Guo Yi!"

"Guo Yi? I remembered, it's the one from the Songlin Gang? Is there anything wrong at this late hour?"

Gerson sobered up for a while, thought about it, and knew the reason for the call.

After all, he was a small benefactor who paid tribute, so he was still somewhat impressed.

It's just that after the last incident, he wanted to find someone to investigate the trade between Lianyi Security and Guancanghai, but the other party didn't take the initiative to help or say anything, and instead gloated and watched from the sidelines. This was the reason why he disliked the society.

Although he secretly resented knowing that the police had not taken action against Du Sheng two hours ago, hearing Guo Yi's gritted teeth tone at the moment made him feel much better.

"Did you propose this police action? Do you want me to be buried with you?"

Guo Yi shouted angrily.

"What proposal? Don't blame me. How can I control how the police do things?"

Councilor Gerson took out a cigarette and lit it leisurely, feeling even happier.

However, considering that the other party had contributed a sum of money, he still mentioned:
  "If you don't want to be implicated, just keep a low profile these days and wait until the storm passes."

These words were almost equivalent to acquiescence. As soon as Guo Yi heard this, his blood pressure rose and he cursed:

"You Yan family shovel, I——"

Gerson hung up the phone casually. With the man in his arms, listening to the short mule squirting was a terrible sight.

"I'll attack your mother! You're looking for death, right? I'll help you!"

Guo Yi threw the phone aside, his eyes as sinister as a snake, and finally made up his mind.

This time it was a [-]% failure.

If you can't take risks, hide back to Bay City first.

If nothing happens, wait until the dust settles before coming back.

But he knew very well that the way back was blocked.

As long as he runs away, those guys who were caught selling rice noodles will definitely help him out as soon as possible.

This made Guo Yi's hatred for Gerson reach the extreme.

Even if you fall into trouble, you will never let the other party have an easy time!

"I said I would make your Yan family rich, then I will definitely make your Yan family rich!"

The next day, Gerson just got into his BMW and was about to return to the Governor's Mansion to continue to put pressure, at least to wipe out Hong Xing.

But before the vehicle had driven far, three vans rushed towards us from all directions!

The driver and bodyguard were shocked, and while driving to avoid, they reminded:
  "Mr. Gerson, be careful—"

Before Gerson, who was sitting in the back seat, could react, the BMW was knocked over head-on with a rumble.


The van continued its rampage, regardless of the sparks exploding from its headlights, and did not stop until the BMW was dented and shattered.


The car door opened, and the expressionless Guo Yi jumped out first.

He ignored the panic-stricken crowds along the way, passed over the driver and bodyguard who were shot at randomly by his younger brother, and roughly dragged the shocked Gerson to the ground.

"Guo Yi, you..., what do you want to do?"

Congressman Gerson was frightened, frightened, and extremely embarrassed. There was no sign of a noble white man.

Guo Yi looked ferocious and kicked him directly:

"What? I want to fuck your mother!"

"Guo Yi, I'm warning you, don't mess around, otherwise you won't be able to escape!"

Congressman Gerson was kicked to the head and bleeding, and he became more and more frightened, so he could only scream inwardly.

"If you can't run away, I will drag you to death. Go to hell!"

Bang bang bang!
  Veins popped out on Guo Yi's forehead. He pulled out a gun from his waist and fired continuously.

"you you--"

Representative Gerson fell in a pool of blood and stretched out his hand, seemingly wanting to ask for help.

"Do you really think that because you are wearing white skin, I won't dare to touch you? Go to hell!"

Guo Yi vomited and finally felt a little relieved.

He is a man of his word, even if he has to run away, he will take revenge!

(End of this chapter)

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