Chapter 241
——Congratulations to Chief Physician Cheng Qing for opening the connection between the self-service medicine vending machine and the player's trading platform. Within ten days, the same share of the sold medicine will be returned as a reward (only for transactions made on the player's trading platform).

——Please set the daily trading volume.

Cheng Qing was almost stunned by this sentence, and instinctively removed the medicines with low stock from the shelves, leaving only hemostatic medicine, blood tonic medicine, basic antidote and pain-relieving patch, these 4 medicines with more than 2 stocks in stock, and set daily The transaction volume is [-] pieces.

In the next second, she immediately understood what the so-called equal share of rewards meant.

Drugs sold out as soon as they hit the shelves

——Ding, rebate of the same hemostatic potion, blood potion, basic antidote and pain relief patch, each *2.

If I had known how much she had in stock, I would have set the amount. The rebate would be for ten days. At worst, I would modify the quantity on the last day. You must know that 2 medicines have 1 mithril coin.

The operation of the medical station costs 1 Mithril coin per day. Although it is not much, who knows if the operating expenses of the medical station will increase as the territory and its equipment are upgraded together.

Since medical equipment is essential to make the territory more complete, Cheng Qing naturally will not stop the operation of the medical station just to save 1 Mithril coin.

"I want to open up a herbal garden, are there enough seeds?" Cheng Qing asked Cheng Mary while walking to the safe house.

The doctors, nurses and handymen stayed in the medical station, and there was a duty dormitory at the back for rest. If there was an emergency, he could be notified through the brooch on Cheng Mary's neckline.

Cheng Mali calculated the number of seeds, "I want to match up with Cheng Su. Some medicinal seeds are also food and condiment seeds. Pure medicinal seeds can expand two herbal gardens of the same area."

"Then it's a matter of manpower and preparation time now." Compared with the types of diseases, the medicines she knows are far behind, but as long as the medicines she refines, the effects are far better than the actual medicines. It can be said that The curative effect is amazing.

Nowadays, most of the player's illnesses are caused by bumps and traumas. Recently, cold and heat have been added, but as long as they can return to the safe house in time to rest, sometimes they can be relieved slowly without medicine, except for very serious ones.

Cheng Qing was thinking about how to quickly improve the level of his pharmacist skills, and walked to the No. 1 storage room unknowingly.

When I opened the door, I smelled a tangy aroma, and the red fruit tree was ripe.

She picked the fruits, and one of them is an attribute fruit that increases physical fitness.

Eat it decisively.

——Ding, physique: 9+1, congratulations on successfully reaching level 10 in your physique, every 10th level is a cut-off point.As the most important data of human beings, physique affects all your attributes, the most notable being mental fatigue.Under the escort of a level 10 physique, the rate of mental fatigue will slow down by 1% every hour.

I can't blame her for getting tired and hungry more easily than her companions. The root cause is here!

Because of the attribute of infinite strength, Cheng Qing didn't pay too much attention to the physical statistics. Although he was surprised that he was easily tired and hungry, he only regarded it as an adverse reaction caused by a lot of exercise at a young age.

Now it's cleared up.

Night is coming, today is sleet, and the ground is covered with a layer of hoarfrost in a short time.

The moment the door was opened, the cold wind blew in, and it was expected to be at least thirty or forty degrees below zero outside.

It's winter in a second, and the later the weather, the lower the temperature.

Without the protection of the safe house, the player will never survive.

Because this kind of abnormal weather does not affect the growth of plants, Cheng Qing did not take any protective measures. Now they need to protect themselves.

Sitting at the window, looking at the fields illuminated by snow, she just ate a plate of peanuts for supper.As a result, the level of mental exhaustion remained stable, without any sign of decline.

In the past, she would replenish her fatigue points by eating a crooked belly, but now she can finally let go of her stomach.Finally, there is no need to worry about the crisis of developing horizontally instead of being too tall. The King Kong Barbie must be tall enough to match in order not to fall into the name of King Kong.

At exactly nine o'clock, the game system officially announced the number of surviving players worldwide.

——Oriental 601879 people.

——300833 people in the south.

— 210016 people in the West.

——279931 people in the north.

——Ding, areas with less than 50 surviving people will face mergers or splits and reorganizations.The East is qualified and no longer regroups.The West has the lowest number of survivors and will be split.The north and south were merged into the southern district, with a total of 580764 people.

——After the split of the West, it will be merged into the East and South districts on average.

——Currently, there are 706887 people in the Eastern District.

——Currently, there are 685772 people in the Southern District.

——Note that once the number of people in the two districts is less than 50, the Star Paradise game will be forced to go offline.

The last one was broadcast a total of 3 times, and the red letter was bolded, which made people panic for a while.

The communication platform immediately changed, and it was divided into 3 sections, the southeast two districts and the global platform. Players can connect with each other, but the players in the east district can only watch bullet chatting on the west district communication platform, and cannot send bullet chatting, and vice versa. An exclusive global platform does not limit the right to speak.

All three communication platforms were blown up.

All players are afraid of the so-called downtime. Some of them entered the game of Interstellar Paradise while sleeping, but there are many night owls who witnessed the scene of energy hitting the body when Le Saturn collapsed.

They 'died' together with Le Saturn.

Once the game is offline, will they cease to exist as well?
But soon, another theory popped up out of nowhere.

—Why should you be afraid?The interstellar online game is offline and out of service, and the players will be automatically ejected?
——Yes, this is our chance to return to reality!
——I want to go home, I must go home, even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, I will give it a try!
——I don't dare to take risks, isn't it good to live?Do you want to sacrifice a dozen, 20, or even more lives, just to bet on an impossible opportunity?

——The coward upstairs, so many people die on the interstellar every day, what are you afraid of?I don't know if it's you who died, but it definitely won't be me!


The longing to go home surpassed all.

The three communication platforms are all guessing and analyzing the past hints of the game system, trying to find out the probability of returning to reality through offline shutdown.

Cheng Qing rubbed her forehead, she really didn't expect that so many people died overnight in the other three districts.

150 million people, in the end, even less than a fraction of the last two, especially the West District, which ended up being split.

She endured and endured, and finally posted a sentence on the global communication platform when the talk about returning to reality intensified.

Cheng Qing, a large bay player in the Eastern District: Have you ever thought about why the Western District will be split if offline players represent pop-up players?The style of the West District is to control violence with violence, with a large number of deaths, but in exchange for it being dismantled and ceased to exist?
Ou Silai, a large city player in the Southern District: You are alarmist. If you hadn't used unscrupulous means to snatch the number one position, the West would not have suffered heavy losses!

Cheng Qing, a player from the Eastern District: The Interstellar Paradise game is not a charity. What reason does it have to protect the interstellar people?Is it because interstellar people are mining alien energy everywhere?

South District player Ou Silai: Because human beings are the end of evolution and an important part of the history of interstellar activities, did you fail the culture class?It is an inevitable result of natural development that human beings can move among the stars.

(End of this chapter)

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