good old days

Chapter 101 Sisters' Night Chat

Afraid of leaving marks on the white shirt, Jiang Xinyu rubbed it with pig pancreas soap several times. After washing the clothes, the hot water in the pot was almost ready.

Jiang Xinyu thought she was still reading the script, so she said, "Sister, you are too hardworking."

Jiang Yuzhu raised the book in her hand, which was "How Steel Was Tempered" that Chen Yi borrowed from Jiang Xinyu.

"Little sister, I heard from my mother that the commune will start to recommend the selection of workers, peasants and soldiers college students."

Jiang Xinyu was taken aback.

From the memory of the original owner, it is known that the commune recommends and elects workers, peasants and soldiers college students every year, and the number of places is not certain every year.

"How old is this year?"

Jiang Yuzhu said: "Nine, 4 for junior college students, 4 for middle school students, 1 for college students who do not transfer their residence registration, and who come from social organizations to social organizations."

The so-called commune to commune means not to transfer the account, but to come from the commune and return to the commune.After finishing college, I will definitely go to the commune where I came from.

Nine quotas sound like a lot, but there are more than a dozen production brigades and dozens of production teams in Hongqi Commune, and each brigade is assigned less than one.

In the memory of the original owner, last year there were only seven places, and this year there are two more than last year.Looking at the indicators, there is only one quota for serious college students, but technical secondary and junior college students are also very popular.

Jiang Xinyu wiped the cream evenly on her face, rubbed her hands and sat on the side of the bed, "Sister, do you want to become a college student of workers, peasants and soldiers?"

Jiang Yuzhu sighed, "Are you stupid? I haven't graduated from high school for two years, so I don't have the conditions to participate in the recommendation and selection."

Jiang Xinyu was stunned again, then patted her head, "I forgot."

The condition for participating in the recommendation and selection of workers, peasants and soldiers college students is to participate in productive labor at the grassroots level for two years after graduating from junior high school or high school.

Jiang Yuzhu didn't think it was important not to go to college before, but now she is quite interested in these things. The Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University may be her only chance to go out.

She graduated from high school for one year, and if she wanted to participate in the recommendation selection, she had to wait another year.

Seeing Jiang Yuzhu's regret, Jiang Xinyu began to paint cakes for her again, "Sister, you believe me, at the end of next year at the latest..."

"The college entrance examination will resume."

Before Jiang Xinyu finished speaking, Jiang Yuzhu angrily finished speaking for her.

I really don't know where the little girl's confidence comes from. She even believes in the little girl's unreasonable guess.

Jiang Xinyu, who was not troubled, fell asleep quickly. She thought she had forgotten the day's affairs, but in her dream a headless torso chased her with a knife. No matter how she tried to escape, she couldn't escape. wake up.

"Have a nightmare?"

Jiang Yuzhu hadn't fallen asleep yet, and Jiang Xinyu was startled by her sudden noise.

Jiang Xinyu patted her chest, "Sister, you are going to scare me to death, why don't you sleep in the middle of the night?"

Jiang Yuzhu turned to her sideways, "I can't sleep."

Jiang Xinyu was so frightened that she didn't dare to sleep for the time being, "Sister, let's change positions, I'll sleep against the wall."

Sleeping against the wall feels safe.

After the two of them changed positions, Jiang Yuzhu asked in a low voice, "How do you feel being with Chen Yi?"

Jiang Xinyu asked back: "Do you have someone you like? Li Lei?"

She had seen Jiang Yuzhu and Li Lei standing and talking together, and Li Lei was the best son-in-law candidate for the seven aunts and eight aunts in the brigade.

Jiang Yuzhu was a little embarrassed, but still said: "I used to think he was okay, but now he is just like that."

Jiang Yuzhu didn't like the way Li Lei's mother looked at her, as if her family Li Lei was rich and expensive.

"It's okay, do you like it?"

Jiang Yuzhu said: "It's okay, which means that I think if I marry him, life will be the same, and I can't say I like it."

All the girls in the village get married when they are old. She didn't think there was a problem before, after all, everyone is like this.

Jiang Xinyu understood, Jiang Yuzhu just thought that Li Lei was a suitable marriage partner, after all, his conditions in the brigade were good.

"How do you feel when you are with Chen Yi?"

Jiang Yuzhu circled the question again, it seemed that she had to get an answer from Jiang Xinyu, she suspected that Jiang Yuzhu had someone she liked.

Jiang Xinyu hesitated and said: "Well, I am happy to see him, that's how I feel."

Jiang Yuzhu pursed her lips and smiled.

Jiang Xinyu was a little ashamed and scratched her, "Say, who do you fancy?"

Jiang Yuzhu hesitated for a long time and refused to say anything, and Ren Jiang Xinyu didn't say anything about scratching her.

Chen Xiuyun was woken up by the voices of the two sisters, "What are you two laughing at, you are still not asleep."

The two shut up for a moment and lay down obediently.

In the haze, Jiang Xinyu didn't know when she fell asleep again. The dream was messy, and she didn't sleep well all night.

After eating porridge, steamed buns and pickles, Jiang Xinyu was taken to work by Chen Xiuyun.

Jiang Xinyu's mouth was so pouty that she could hang oil bottles, and she had a sagging face. Chen Xiuyun glanced at her and said with a smile: "Which girl in the team doesn't say that she goes to high school like you, and doesn't have to go to work every day during the holidays?"

She made money selling pig soap soap. When people saw that her family was living well, when asked, she would say that she was a helper from her natal relatives.

But you are living a good life, and there are always people who are jealous and say something ugly behind your back.

The little girl and Chen Yi are talking about each other. Chen Yi took the little girl to the county to watch a movie yesterday. The aunts, aunts, and daughter-in-laws in the brigade are all saying how good Chen Yi is to her little girl, and her little girl is so delicate. Not only did they say the words themselves, they would definitely gossip in front of the widow Wang.

Chen Xiuyun knew that some people were purely jealous, but she couldn't let such rumors grow.

Letting the little girl go to work in the fields always shuts up some people.

"Okay, okay, just work for half a day, and when you come back at noon, you can wash your hair and tidy up."

Jiang Xinyu retracted her pursed mouth a little.

The life of a farmer is really hard. There are four seasons of the year, except for the period before and after the Chinese New Year in winter.

The rapeseed in the field is already ripe, and the wheat is about to be harvested. The open wasteland will be planted with crops such as sweet potatoes, peanuts and corn, as well as a large cotton field.

The team leader is assigning work to everyone who comes to work, weeding, carrying water, harvesting rapeseed, plowing the ground and sowing seeds.

The only baby tractor in the team was plowing and sowing seeds, and the little donkey was also pulling the cart to transport the cut rapeseed.

Jiang Xinyu only worked for half a day, and Captain Li assigned her the work of harvesting rapeseed in two parts of the land, and earned three work points for her.

When it was time to work, Jiang Xinyu tied a piece of breathable gray cloth stuffed in her pocket to her head to cover her face. She also wore a straw hat on her head, which seemed to be tightly covered.

You have to be careful when using a sickle, it is too strong, and the hand cuts the roots too far, and if you are not careful, you will scratch your legs, which is too easy to cause accidents. Generally, the team leader will not assign this work to half-grown children.

The land not far from her is Su Qingqing, and the one who sweats like rain with a sickle is called a hard worker.

Jiang Xinyu was puzzled, didn't she like to ask other gay men in the brigade to help?Why do you seem to be a different person today?

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