good old days

Chapter 130 Graduation

"I'm a little girl, and others say it's okay to settle accounts. Why do you have a problem? Uncle Zhang, why do you get less points? You can't figure it out in your own mind?"

Zhang Tiezhu stared, "I don't care, the stipulation is [-]%, and there is no less. And the [-]% you gave me is less than [-]%!"

He didn't make trouble for himself, he did it for Yuan Chunhua.

Although Yuan Chunhua was good to others behind his back, there was still some affection between the two of them, and besides, if it could really change back to [-]%, he could get more of it.

Jiang Xinyu snorted, "After paying the public rations, our brigade's rations are limited. Of course, we have to work hard to earn work points, like Uncle Zhang, who spends three days fishing and two days drying the net. How much food will be distributed?"

Zhang Tiezhu wanted to pooh her, if he didn't care, what would he eat and drink?Can the northwest wind be full?

"I don't care, how can it be less than the [-]% agreed upon by others? Why should it be deducted from me?"

Jiang Xinyu said speechlessly: "Uncle, what's the matter? The food in the brigade is not enough. Of course, you must perform well. Otherwise, why should someone who works hard have the same treatment as you? After the autumn harvest, what you lack will naturally be made up again." But Uncle Zhang owes the brigade every year, when are you going to pay it off?"

Zhang Tiezhu was thick-skinned, and changed the subject again, "Seventy percent of what was agreed, must be seventy percent! Sixty percent is a violation of the regulations!"

"It was agreed not to mess with the relationship between men and women, and Uncle Zhang didn't abide by it!"

Jiang Xinyu's words were astonishing, the captain's and the accountant's jaws were about to drop, and they coughed unnaturally.

Zhang Tiezhu's face turned red, he was speechless for a while, and finally pointed at her and said, "You can't talk nonsense."

Jiang Xinyu had an innocent face, "I'm not talking nonsense, don't slander me. At the forest belt that day, who were you and that..."

Zhang Tiezhu ran away without waiting for her to finish speaking, and did not mention [-]% to [-]% of the matter.

He left, and the captain and secretary were still embarrassed.

Jiang Xinyu turned her head and said naturally: "I was just trying to scare him. I heard other people gossip about him before. He doesn't work hard all day long, and he thinks that the distribution of food is too little. How can he want to give up all the benefits? It’s taken up, so what’s the right of those who work hard? Don’t scare him, he’s annoying even if he doesn’t stop.”

The team leader and the secretary nodded approvingly, feeling that Zhang Tiezhu and Yuan Chunhua were really outrageous, and almost everyone in the brigade knew about their scandals, so it was really shameless.

If you want to live with the two of them, you can go with the family, but you hang around in that unclear way, and you still think that everyone in the village is a fool.

Thinking of Yuan Chunhua pulling a face during the food distribution in the morning, as if someone owed her a lot of money, it's hard to say that Zhang Tiezhu's troubles were not caused by her.

"Go check with Xiao Lin again, and go to the grain drying field in a while."

When the setting sun turned red on half the sky, the grain drying field became lively again. After dark, the miner's lamps were turned on, and it was getting late when all the food for the commune members had been distributed.

The little bastards in the team who ate the candy from Jiang Xinyu sent a dozen frogs to Jiang Xinyu's house, and they were already cooked by Chen Xiuyun.

Jiang Xinyu is not tired of eating this food, and she can almost have a meal every week when she comes back. Comrade Chen Xiuyun's frying technique of frog is getting better and better.

This year, there is plenty of rain, and the crops in the private plot are picking up well. Jiang Xinyu ate a big watermelon that was plentiful, sweet and crisp.

On Wednesday morning, the students who graduated from the second year of commune high school took their graduation photos in the school yard.

The background is a "teaching building" with only one floor. In the photo, the red flag is fluttering in the wind, and the faces of young high school graduates are full of energetic smiles.

Jiang Xinyu put on her most decent clothes and left a group photo in the dusty summer of 1976.

It's a bit sad to think that all the photos she took are wearing clothes.

School is over early today, and all the bedding in the school must be brought back.

Chen Yi came to pick her up on a bicycle at noon, and hung all the bedding and luggage on the car.

This year's [-] bars can carry a load of three to four hundred catties. It's nothing to put all of Jiang Xinyu's luggage on it, but the back seat is so full that there is no place for her to sit.

There are students packing their luggage at the door of the dormitory. After all, there are only a few who have bicycles at home, and many of them are directly carried by family members all the way back.

Walking to the school gate, Zhang Yanyan came out with her mother.

After the two parties greeted each other, Zhang Yanyan did not forget to remind Jiang Xinyu that she would come to the town tomorrow morning, and the two of them would go to the county together to find out where to recruit workers.

Even if Zhang Yanyan's father works at the school, he can't arrange a job for her. Job opportunities in the city are as tight as supplies, and they are all available.

Jiang Xinyu usually has a good temper, and gets along well with her classmates. Besides, no matter what age, pretty girls seem to be quite attractive, and most of the people nowadays are very simple, so on the way out of school, there are constant The classmates greeted her, and many people looked at Chen Yi, a tall, clean and bright man.

It's also a coincidence that Xia Dongmin also came to pick up his younger brother Xia Donghua this time, and it was inevitable that the two of them would have to say a few words when they met.

"It's rare to meet together today, I'll sit east, how about going to the restaurant together?" Xia Dongmin was still embarrassed about what happened last time.

How can you take advantage of others for no reason?

Chen Yi refused on the grounds that he was in a hurry to return to the brigade.

After talking for a while, the two parties separated.

Concerned about Jiang Xinyu walking with two legs, Chen Yi rode very slowly with luggage.

In the middle of no one's way, he stopped, raised his chin slightly, "come up."

Jiang Xinyu refused, because the bar was very tight and uncomfortable to sit on.

"Otherwise I'll take you with me by bike?"

Chen Yi asked back: "Can you ride?"

Jiang Xinyu straightened her back, why couldn't she?
She looked at the luggage on the bicycle, and simply sat on the luggage in the back seat, holding his clothes tightly with both hands.

This posture is not very elegant, but the luggage underneath is thick, and the road is bumpy and does not feel uncomfortable.

Apart from needing to pick up her graduation photos, she no longer needs to go to school. Jiang Xinyu also felt that she had accomplished something important.

Jiang Xinyu didn't want to go to work in the field, and it happened that Jiang Yuzhu had a job in the city again, which gave her a good situation to have food without going to work.

The family saved some money by selling pig pancreas soap and mung bean cakes. When Jiang Xinyu said that she didn't want to work, Chen Xiuyun didn't object.

As a normal mother, who wants the children at home to go to work every day, and who wants the children to suffer?
Early the next morning, Chen Yi drove her to the town on a bicycle. After watching her and Zhang Yanyan get on the bus successfully, he turned around and left in peace.He didn't think the two of them would be able to find a job smoothly, but it would be good to go around the county.

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