good old days

Chapter 132 Metamorphosis

Chapter 132 Metamorphosis

As soon as Jiang Xinyu left the commune, Chen Yi came back with snacks and fabrics bought from the county.

His mother said that he needed to find someone to go to Jiang Xinyu's house to get all the gifts. It was enough to bring snacks and a piece of fabric. He wanted to buy a watch for Jiang Xinyu, but he hadn't got the corresponding ticket yet, so he had to wait.

"Xiao Chen, your partner just left for a few minutes, you can still catch up with her by walking faster."

The uncle wearing glasses reminded Chen Yi after learning about Lao Zhang's physical condition from Chen Yi.

Chen Yi smiled, greeted him politely, lifted his legs and left with his things in his hands.

Jiang Xinyu tidied up her clothes and came out from behind the haystack, ready to ride her bicycle home quickly, otherwise the light-colored trousers would leave traces more or less in the future.

In the lush green forest, a tall man suddenly appeared on the road in front of her, blocking her way.

The man was tall and tall, with flushed face and sweat on his forehead, as if he had just exercised. The most striking thing was that he had a cleft lip and palate.

His eyes were hot enough to make her very uncomfortable.

Jiang Xinyu looked around calmly, and when he approached, she backed away.

"Yao Xianmin, what do you want to do?" Her tone was warning.

Yao Xianmin seemed to be on drugs, his eyes locked on her tightly, and he greedily looked at her face.

Beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful that he dreams of her almost every night.

He fell in love with her immediately at school.

Today he was resting. In the alley in the morning, he saw Jiang Xinyu and Zhang Yanyan taking the bus to the county together. Within two hours, when he came out of the food station, he saw Chen Yi slowly stepping on a tricycle with others The scene where a comatose person is sent to the county.

He waited at the entrance of the town for half an afternoon, but he finally waited for her back. There was no Chen Yi by her side, so he was ecstatic.

When Jiang Xinyu was on vacation every week, he followed her in the forest belt a few times, but it was a pity that Chen Yi would send her off almost every week, so he had to follow quietly in the forest belt. He had already left the road from the town to the Wuliqiao brigade cooked.

Seeing Jiang Xinyu right in front of his eyes, he looked like he was drunk, and said with a fiery look: "Jiang Xinyu, I really like you, you are with me, okay?"

His tone was so soft that it was weird, and his drunken look gave her goosebumps.

Jiang Xinyu thought that people in this era were very simple, and indeed, most people were very simple.But the person in front of her, who seemed to have taken an aphrodisiac to make her scalp numb, looked completely perverted.

She moved back and right calmly, "What do you like about me?"

Yao Xianmin still had a smile on his face, "You are beautiful and charming, I can't help being happy when I see you."

When she reached the place where a thick wooden stick was lying, Jiang Xinyu bent down and quickly picked it up. The bastard was not as thick as a baby's arm, but she couldn't hold it long.

Jiang Xinyu raised her stick and said louder, "Stay away from me."

Even if she took the stick, Yao Xianmin didn't pay attention to her thin arms and legs.

When he reached out to grab the stick, Jiang Xinyu stabbed him three times with the stick.

Poking there is a bit obscene, but the effect is immediate, and it will definitely wake up this pervert.

Jiang Xinyu's stab was quite accurate, and Yao Xianmin immediately bent down and hugged her abdomen.

Jiang Xinyu took the opportunity to run out quickly, shouting "Help."

Yao Xianmin slowed down, and ran after him regardless of the pain in his lower body, his face was hideous, it was completely in pain.

Jiang Xinyu was dragged to her clothes by the hand stretched out from behind, and her figure became unsteady and fell to the ground.

She almost scrambled to her feet, and before she could stand still, she took a stick and slapped him across the face.

Yao Xianmin suffered a lot, and finally snatched the stick away, her palms were torn by the rough stick.

With burning palms, she knelt down and grabbed a handful of soil and sprinkled it towards his eyes.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she turned around and ran, the bicycle was not far away, but she had no chance to ride it.

She ran to the road next to the forest belt in a hurry, shouting for help, and then Yao Xianmin grabbed the collar of her shirt, and she dragged her whole body backwards, and her body fell backwards, unable to exert any strength at all.

Chen Yi's legs were not slow, and he heard Jiang Xinyu's voice several hundred meters away.

His complexion changed, and when he ran quickly, he saw the traces of the grass being overwhelmed in the forest belt and the faint humming sound, his heart beat like a bulging forehead, and he ran in with veins bulging.

In the grass, Yao Xianmin was half-pressing on Jiang Xinyu's body with a ferocious expression, his hands tightly strangled her neck, Jiang Xinyu's face was flushed red and she couldn't even hum.

Yao Xianmin's face was bloodstained by Jiang Xinyu's fingernails, "I like you, why can't you be nice to me? I will be nice to you..."

Jiang Xinyu was about to roll her eyes faintly, is this perverted behavior an attitude of liking people?He was trying to strangle her.

Yao Xianmin really wanted to get her, but his lower body was still hurting, he couldn't think of anything else at all, and was irritated by her series of resistance, now he just wanted to vent his anger.

She grabbed a handful of dirt in her hand and paste it in front of his eyes.

When she thought she was about to be strangled by Yao Xianmin, Yao Xianmin was dragged up.

Chen Yi punched Yao Xianmin with a ruthless expression, causing Yao Xianmin's nose to bleed from the beating.

Jiang Xinyu was able to breathe fresh air. After coughing, she panted heavily. She turned her head and saw that Yao Xianmin looked like a dead dog. She felt happy, "Don't, don't beat him to death."

It's not worth going to jail for this pervert, he should be sent to sit on a fence!
After Jiang Xinyu recovered, she also kicked the pervert several times. Immediately, the pervert was foaming at the mouth, convulsed all over, and rolled her eyes.

Chen Yi's fists and kicks didn't stop, I saw the veins on his forehead were bulging, his complexion was dark, his eyes were red, and the veins on the back of his hands were bulging. Jiang Xinyu called him several times, but he didn't respond at all.

If you continue to fight, you will die.

She hugged his waist and sank down to drag him back, "I'm going to be beaten to death, I can't beat him anymore, it's not worth it to go to jail for him!"

She shouted his name loudly, and finally called Chen Yi, who had lost his mind, back to his soul.

His arms were shaking from the exhaustion, and he couldn't imagine what would happen to her if he came back a little later.

Jiang Xinyu's body was also shaking, he hugged her tightly, she absorbed the warmth from his body, and felt a lot more at ease, the two of them watched Yao Xianmin suddenly go mad.

I don't know how long it has passed, Yao Xianmin has been twitching, she swallowed and asked, "Will he die?"

Chen Yi thought coldly, it would be best to die.

He gently smoothed her hair, "I'll dig a hole for him if he dies."

As far as he knew, epileptic seizures looked scary, but they were rarely fatal.And although he beat him fiercely just now, it wasn't fatal.

Jiang Xinyu was stunned and said seriously: "Then we have to bury it farther and deeper."

Speaking of burying the corpse, she trembled even more.

As a good young man who abides by the law, she has never done anything illegal, but this time, she is seriously thinking about how to bury Yao Xianmin so that no one will find out.

She would not let Chen Yi squat on the fence for her.Yao Xianmin died of illness, how could Chen Yi be allowed to squat on the fence, he deserved to be beaten until he became ill.

When Chen Yi heard her words, he looked at her strangely, and instantly understood her brain circuit. With complicated emotions, he held her hand tightly.

While the two were talking, Yao Xianmin, who had been convulsing all the time, suddenly stopped moving, like a fish out of water that had finally died of lack of oxygen.

Jiang Xinyu's heart sank completely.

(End of this chapter)

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