good old days

Chapter 149 Going to the Commune

Chapter 149 Going to the Commune

Jiang Zhenzhen followed Jiang Xinyu into the house, saw the red cloth and the floral skirt, and said in surprise: "Where did this cloth come from? This red cloth is very rare. It is not easy for our own people in the supply and marketing cooperative to buy it. There are not many goods, and they will be gone in a day."

Jiang Xinyu talked to her, and Jiang Zhenzhen knew that Chen Yi and the younger sister had now passed the enlightenment path.

"After a while, my mother came back and told her to ask Chen Yi to come for dinner tonight. I will ask your brother-in-law to get some loose wine and drink him today."

Jiang Zhenzhen's words made Jiang Xinyu a little confused, "Why are you feeding him?"

Jiang Zhenzhen gave her a white look, "You don't know when you are young. Some men beat their wives and children after drinking a little wine. The old man next door to Zhang Hua's house often starts beating his wife and children after drinking a little wine. It makes people sleepless in the middle of the night. That aunt is really Poor enough, with a limp in one leg."

"When we get married and find a partner, we can't just look at external conditions such as work and appearance. We must find out his temperament in advance, otherwise it will be no different from jumping into a fire pit in the future."

"When your brother-in-law came to our house before, our father also let him drink. If you drink too much, you can see that he is a wimp, so you can rest assured."

Jiang Xinyu twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard "Worthless".

"It happens that your brother-in-law is here today, so it's quite appropriate to call someone over for dinner."

Jiang Xinyu said: "He didn't go home last night, I don't know if he will come back tonight."

In the past, after the two got married, Chen Yi spent a lot of time on business trips, and sometimes came home smelling of alcohol, but she was not sure if he had ever been drunk.I just don't know if he will come back today or if he can catch up with this meal.

Chen Xiuyun came back sweating profusely, with a big watermelon in her arms.

"Mom, where did this melon come from?"

"Zhang Fengmei's family paid for it. Today the captain brought someone to pick three familiar ones and returned one to me."

Seeing her grandson, Chen Xiuyun happily hugged her for a long time.

"Zhenzhen, go and make noodles, there are a lot of eggs at home, fry some tomato and egg noodles for topping."

Jiang Zhenzhen responded and got busy, mixing sorghum noodles and wheat flour and cracking an egg into it, doing work with her hands, talking about pouring Chen Yijiu at night.

Chen Xiuyun also agreed with Jiang Zhenzhen's proposal. Some men usually seem to have a good temper, but after drinking, they become another person. It is necessary to drink once.

Jiang Xinyu was listening, wondering if she should sympathize with Chen Yi.

In the kitchen, just after cooking, the team leader came.

"There are people coming from the commune. Come with us to the commune after dinner."

Jiang Xinyu: "Is it about that account?"

The captain gave an affirmative answer, "It should be, but you have settled your accounts well, and you can't blame yourself for anything."

As soon as the captain left, people in the family asked what happened.

After Jiang Xinyu finished speaking, Zhang Hua and Jiang Zhenzhen frowned at the same time.

Zhang Hua's father is a cadre of their commune, so he is still a little sensitive about this kind of matter. It's hard to say how it will be handled because it is a matter of policy.However, Jiang Xinyu is just an accountant, not an official accountant of the brigade, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Jiang Xinyu went to the captain after eating a bowl of noodles.

A group of people went to the commune in a donkey cart in the team.

When we arrived at the commune office, we waited for a while before the secretary came with someone.

The captain and secretary stood up nervously.


Before he could finish speaking, the secretary waved his hands and told them to sit down, "Sit down."

Seeing the secretary's attitude, Jiang Xinyu felt that nothing would happen today.

Captain Li and Secretary Yu also breathed a sigh of relief, and they both felt that the problem was not too serious.

The secretary put the ledger of the Wuliqiao Brigade on the table, "I have checked everything here, and there is nothing wrong with the ledger."

"I compared the output of the Wuliqiao Brigade in the past three years. This year's autumn harvest has not yet passed. In terms of wheat output, your brigade is leading the entire commune. The year before last was [-]% higher than that of the Advance Brigade, and last year it was [-]% higher. This year it went straight to [-]%.”

The secretary of the commune has done a comparative study. Although the distribution ratio has been changed, the output has indeed increased.

After receiving the anonymous report letter, Secretary Wang raided the Wuliqiao Brigade. He did not think that the various accounts of the Wuliqiao Brigade he had obtained were fake, but the production report submitted by the Wuliqiao Brigade and the pile of The numbers in the ledger are somewhat different.

Obviously the output is not low, but the reported number is actually similar to that of other brigades.Secretary Wang understood the reason why they did this, but he still wanted to beat and beat.

Secretary Wang changed the subject, "But the numbers in this book are not the same as the reports you submitted before. Why did you lie about the data?"

Jiang Xinyu was speechless, Secretary Wang was asking the question knowingly!

Captain Li and Secretary Yu were too guilty to speak.

They changed the distribution ratio in order to increase the labor enthusiasm of the commune members. The ghost knows that the output will increase every year, and the higher-ups will also increase the amount of public grain!If the amount of public grain is also increased, then why do they have to think of ways to get everyone to work hard, and they just don't want to make progress as before?
The captain and the secretary did not dare to speak out what was in their hearts. At this time, they were ashamed. Jiang Xinyu glanced at Captain Li and found that he was winking at her.

Jiang Xinyu: "..."

She wondered uncertainly, did the captain want her to be her substitute?

Secretary Wang has some authority, and the captain and the secretary are afraid, because they are regarded as Secretary Wang's subordinates, but Jiang Xinyu is not.

"Leader, the change of the distribution ratio was jointly decided by everyone in the brigade. As for the results after the change, you should have seen that it will effectively improve production efficiency and increase food production. We have to pay a little bit of public food. Then the rest is the rations that the commune members should have received. To be honest, it is worthwhile to work hard for one's own family."

Secretary Wang thought Jiang Xinyu was very interesting, and she knew how to do Tai Chi at a young age.Obviously what he asked was why the accounts handed in were different from the accounts of their brigade.

"You settled this account?"

Jiang Xinyu nodded and said: "Our brigade will do the calculations before, and then I will do the calculations again."

"So you don't think it's wrong to change the distribution ratio?"

Jiang Xinyu replied earnestly: "The original intention of the captain and the secretary to feed the members is correct, but the brigade really shouldn't hide from the commune. This is undoubtedly wrong. The commune and the brigade are a whole. Only when our hearts are united and we work together can we be better.”

Secretary Wang smiled.

Jiang Xinyu looks young, but she is already the same as the old oily child. She can speak nice words and admit mistakes, but in essence she just thinks that it is right to change the distribution ratio. The most important thing is that she still can't catch her words .

(End of this chapter)

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