good old days

Chapter 151 Strange and Strange

Chapter 151 Strange and Strange

The gazes of the female educated youths made Jiang Xinyu very uncomfortable. When she came back from cutting pigweed and met other female comrades in the village, the eyes of the female comrades looked at her so that she must have something wrong.

When rumors are flying, the parties are often the last to know.

When Jiang Xinyu returned home with her mouth curled, Jiang Zhenzhen had already fried the loach, and the side dish was the fungus that Jiang Xinyu soaked in the morning.

Chen Xiuyun was washing her face in front of the water tank.

Jiang Xinyu asked: "Mom, is there some gossip about me in the team, these one or two don't look right at me."

Comrade Chen Xiuyun looked up in surprise, she hadn't heard anything.

Seeing that Chen Xiuyun didn't know about it, Jiang Xinyu felt relieved.Now it's different from the situation where every family lives in a high-rise building and they don't even know who the neighbors are. The village can't hide secrets. If there are any rumors, she will definitely know about them in a short time.

"Go and see if Chen Yi is back?"

Jiang Xinyu took Xiao Hei for a walk to Chen Yi's house. Widow Wang was busy in the kitchen, and there was an old woman standing at the door of the kitchen. The two of them were talking. Stopped, Jiang Xinyu felt strange.

"Auntie, is Chen Yi back? My brother-in-law is back today, and my mother asked Chen Yi to eat too..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the sound of a bicycle sounded behind her.

"I'm here."

Jiang Xinyu turned her head to see him, and repeated what she said just now. The way the aunt looked at her made her feel uncomfortable. Jiang Xinyu simply asked: "Auntie, why are you looking at me like this? I have flowers on my face?"

The female comrades hurriedly shook their heads, looking silent, "It's all right."

Jiang Xinyu frowned slightly, strange, so strange.Widow Wang looked at her with complicated eyes.

After Jiang Xinyu led Xiao Hei away, the aunt also left. Widow Wang called Chen Yi into the room and whispered, "Did Xinyu get bullied by that Yao?"

Chen Yi paused, and returned to normal after a while, "The one surnamed Yao remembers Xinyu's hatred. Xinyu was almost strangled to death by him. Fortunately, I rushed there in time and nothing happened. Mom, who did you listen to?"

When Widow Wang heard that she was almost strangled to death, she hurriedly inquired about the specific situation.

Chen Yi told the story of that day.

"He really has a dark heart. This kind of person should squat on the fence until he dies." Widow Wang was extremely angry.

"Mom, who told you that Xinyu was bullied?"

Widow Wang said: "I just heard about Qiang Zi's mother. I don't know where the rumors came from."

She said with some concern: "I'm afraid many people in the brigade know about it."

The rumors are messy, how can this kind of thing be clarified?What will others think of Jiang Xinyu in the future?What do you think of her son?

Widow Wang's complexion changed a few times, and finally said bitterly: "Whoever makes irresponsible remarks in the future, I will tear their mouths apart."

Chen Yi went to the county today. In addition to studying, he also went to see He Yong with his things. He brought a broken radio that was recovered from the machinery manufacturer's affiliated hospital at a low price, and asked the carpenter in the county to call him. Two cabinets.

At this time, he put down the cloth bag containing the radio and sent it into the room, and took the basin into the small room to take a bath.

Jiang Xinyu's uneasy feeling dissipated instantly after entering the courtyard and smelling the aroma of braised pork.

The piece of meat that Chen Yi bought was less fat and leaner, and it was stewed to taste delicious.

Hearing that Jiang Xinyu said that Chen Yi was back, Jiang Zhenzhen hurriedly pushed Zhang Hua, and took out money from her pocket: "Go buy wine."

Zhang Hua's task tonight is to feed Chen Yi!

The quality of loose wine in the team is not very good, and tickets are not required. After receiving the money, Zhang Hua scratched his head and asked, "Where is the consignment point?"

Jiang Zhenzhen glared at him, "Have you been here before and forgot?"

"Little sister, go, buy two catties of loose wine, and buy the rest yourself candy."

Jiang Zhenzhen handed over one yuan and fifty cents.

Chen Xiuyun poked her head out from the kitchen, "How can I ask you to pay for it..."

The mother and daughter made some humility, and Jiang Xinyu had already gone with the enamel jar and bowl at home.

The bulk liquor in the team is 65 degrees, fifty cents a catty, one catty in an enamel jar, and another catty in a large bowl. Jiang Xinyu took two trips to bring the wine back.

These two catties of wine are quite a lot, and the smell of baijiu is still a bit offensive. She can't even drink it by herself. I don't know if Chen Yi can do it.

When Chen Yi came, the braised pork was still suffocating in the pot, and Chen Xiuyun mixed another boiled peanut.

The small river prawns that were fried before were put on the table first, let a few people eat first, and wait for the meat to be stewed before serving on the table for dinner.

After the braised pork came out of the pot, Chen Xiuyun quickly made an egg soup, and the rice was also on the table.

There are a total of four dishes and one soup, fried loach with mushrooms, braised pork with potatoes, cold peanuts, fried small river prawns and egg soup.

Chen Xiuyun served a bowl of braised pork to Widow Wang. Today it was to feed Chen Yi, so it was inconvenient to call Widow Wang over, lest she feel sorry for her son.

The loach vomited cleanly, and Zhang Hua rubbed it many times. Although Jiang Zhenzhen didn't put much oil, the taste was generally acceptable, at least the earthy smell was not so strong.

When Jiang Xinyu was picking up the rice, Chen Xiuyun picked up the shallow glass cup and said to Chen Yi: "You have helped the family a lot, and my aunt thanked you from the bottom of my heart."

There is no reason to ask the elders to toast, Chen Yi hurriedly picked up the wine glass, "Auntie has taken good care of me, we will be a family in the future, and those are what I should do, you don't have to be polite."

Chen Yi drank it all in one gulp, the alcohol was not low, and he was drunk immediately.

Chen Yi still didn't know that today was aimed at him.

After Chen Xiuyun finished drinking, Zhang Hua clinked another glass with him.

When Jiang Xinyu was eating meat, Chen Yi had already drank four cups. He seemed to be fine, but it was strange that Baijiu felt comfortable in his stomach.

Jiang Xinyu picked up some chopsticks for him and reminded him to press it with rice.

Jiang Zhenzhen glanced at her sideways, and raised her wine glass, "I'm not married, so I can't go back to my mother's house every three days, and I still want you to take care of me at home."

After Jiang Zhenzhen drank a cup, her face turned red immediately.She can't drink baijiu either, and she doesn't know why some elders love this sip. The baijiu is extremely spicy, and it burns her heart and makes her head feel hot again. One sip is like a punishment.

Jiang Xinyu didn't want to drink a drop of it at all. If she could drink wine, fruit wine, sparkling wine, etc., forget about white wine.Thinking of wine, she thought of the unripe mountain grapes she saw on the mountainside today. She wondered if she could make some wine this year.

Jiang Zhenzhen turned her gaze to Zhang Hua, and it was clearly written in her eyes that it was up to him to get Chen Yi drunk.

Zhang Hua can drink well, Chen Xiuyun can also drink a few cups, Chen Yi eats the food, drinks one cup after another without changing his face, looking like a normal person.

(End of this chapter)

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