good old days

Chapter 156 Work Mishap

The people from the Women's Federation saw that she was honest, and heard about Zhang Fengmei's family being punished recently. They finally decided to let her go to the commune Women's Federation every morning to receive education after a week.

After the people from the Women's Federation finished talking about Zhang Fengmei, they went to the educated youth point to find Su Qingqing.

When the people from the Women's Federation came to find her, Su Qingqing scolded Jiang Xinyu in her heart that her words were nothing, didn't she say that the matter was over?Why did they call people from the Women's Federation over?

Su Qingqing is capable of bending and stretching, and has a very good attitude to admit her mistakes, and promises that she will never listen to the wind in the future.

Su Qingqing's good attitude satisfied the comrades of the Women's Federation, and she was exempted from going to the commune for education and reform.

Even if this matter is over, the rumors in the team disappeared within two days under the thunderous attack of Jiang Xinyu and Chen Xiuyun, and the support of Widow Wang.

A week passed in a flash, and the matter of the salesperson of the state-owned hotel was confirmed.

When Chen Yi came back yesterday noon, he told Jiang Xinyu about this.

Jiang Xinyu's surprise, the salesperson of the state-run hotel, she can do it!
A few months ago, she wanted to find a job, but later found out that the world is not so safe. The most important thing is that the job is one carrot and one hole, which is really difficult.

Regarding the matter of the state-run hotel, Chen Yi went back and forth three times before deciding on it. This morning, he had to take Jiang Xinyu to the hotel to have the manager check it out. If there was no problem, he would be able to go to work immediately.

Jiang Xinyu went out of her way to talk to the captain and the others, telling them to quickly find a new cashier.

Although the captain was a little surprised, there was no reason to stop him. These days, anyone who can go out of the village to work outside deserves his high regard, let alone his family intends to let Jiang Yuzhu be his daughter-in-law.

Jiang Xinyu changed into the half-worn ginger long-sleeved shirt that Jiang Zhenzhen brought back yesterday. The long-sleeved shirt had a patch on the front and made it into a pocket, which looked quite suitable.

The new dress is ready, but Jiang Xinyu is not willing to wear the new dress to the restaurant to dye it.

When the two arrived in the town, they met Xu Nan who was blocking the way and two other comrades, a man and a woman. The lesbian Jiang Xinyu still looked familiar.

Jiang Xinyu thought for a moment, and pulled out the lesbian from her memory.At the beginning, Comrade Xie came to the village to see Chen Yi on a bicycle with his belongings, and several of them even talked.

Xu Nan said directly: "Comrade Xie Xiaofang wants to discuss something with you two, which is related to the work of the state-run hotel."

Xu Nan also knew that Chen Yi was going to take Jiang Xinyu to the state-run hotel today, and had been waiting at the intersection early in the morning.

Xie Xiaofang begged him, so he had no choice but to try to help, and besides, he mainly helped because he thought it was not a bad thing.

They found a shady place, and Xie Xiaofang said directly, "I'm getting married, and I'm going to the county in the future, so I want to change jobs with you."

Jiang Xinyu didn't understand what this meant.

Xie Xiaofang patted her younger brother standing next to her and said, "This is my younger brother Xie Hongbin. I want him to work in a state-run hotel. I heard that you filled the vacancy of the state-run hotel, so I wanted to exchange my teacher's job with you." one time."

Jiang Xinyu was a little confused, "You are not working in school, can you still give up the teacher's job to others?"

What kind of operation is this? It made her unable to understand this era.

The job of the eldest sister Jiang Zhenzhen was given to her four younger siblings, and now it is back in her hands. She already thinks it is fantasy enough, is the school so casual now?
Xie Xiaofang said patiently: "Of course you can't just let the job go, but you are a high school graduate, as long as you can pass the examination and have my uncle's recommendation, you can do it 100%."

Jiang Xinyu thinks 100% is a bit exaggerated.

She has never been a teacher before, and she doesn't know if the exam is difficult. What if she can't pass it?
The job in the state-run hotel is something she can hold in her hands now.

Although Chen Yi thought it was unreliable, he was still inclined to let her work in the school as a teacher and a salesperson of a state-run hotel.

Yao Xianmin used to work in a state-run restaurant, if Jiang Xinyu went there, she might be judged by others.

Xie Xiaofang said it firmly, seeing Jiang Xinyu's hesitation, she simply said, "You graduated from high school, if you enter school, your initial salary will be 30 yuan a month, and if you enter a state-run restaurant, it will be 23 yuan a month."

Chen Yi shook his head slightly, "It's not about money, what if we change the job in the state-run hotel with you, and my partner can't be a teacher?"

Xie Xiaofang was confident that this matter would not change, so she simply said: "My family will pay you twice the money you have collected before and after, and I will pay you an additional 100 yuan."

Chen Yi shook his head, 100 yuan is nothing.

A job is a hen that can lay eggs. A worker's job in the city costs three to five hundred yuan, and a job in a state-run restaurant costs several hundred yuan.

Chen Yi is now looking for a job for Jiang Xinyu because she wants to make a transition. Both of them know that the college entrance examination will resume next year. In fact, work is not necessary, but Jiang Xinyu doesn't want to work in the fields, and she can't just sit around, so she finds a job to hang around.

Jiang Xinyu asked, "Do you teach elementary school or junior high school? Your brother is also a junior high school graduate, so he can't take your class?"

There are some secrets in this, but for the sake of safety, Xie Xiaofang did not say at this time, "I teach junior high school mathematics, physics and chemistry. My brother is not good at teaching. He can't even pass the written test, and he is not good at giving lectures. If you Yes, I will go back and train you, teach you some skills, and make sure you can pass.”

The two hesitated, and Chen Yi took Jiang Xinyu to the side to discuss.

"What do you think?"

Jiang Xinyu was a little moved by Xie Xiaofang's proposal, but she was also afraid that she would not pass the assessment.But if it passes, compared with state-run restaurants, being a teacher can have more free time to review.

"If it doesn't work, she has to pay us 300 yuan."

The annual salary of the state-run restaurant is more than 300 yuan, and Chen Yi also spent a lot of money to leave the favor. Even if she goes to work, she will go to college until the college entrance examination resumes next year. If things fail, the [-] yuan compensation is just right.

Awareness is knowledge, human feelings are human feelings, work is the most important thing in this day and age, and it cannot be sloppy at all.

After the two talked about the conditions, Xie Xiaofang didn't agree for a while.

300 yuan is not a small amount. Her family has it, but it is difficult to explain it when she goes back.But she was confident that if Jiang Xinyu took her class, she could avoid paying the 300 yuan, and finally she gritted her teeth and agreed.

After agreeing and signing an agreement, Chen Yi took Xie Hongbin to the state-run hotel to meet the manager.

The manager knew that a lesbian was coming, but he didn't expect a gay man to come today, but gender doesn't matter, salesperson is not a technical post, and doesn't need a high education and rich knowledge.

Anyway, he accepted the benefits, regardless of whether the other party brought a man or a woman.

The manager saw that Zhou Zheng was dressed cleanly, and asked about the specific situation of Xie Hongbin's family. After knowing that there were relatives in the family at school, it was a pleasure to let people join the job.

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