good old days

Chapter 159

Old man Jiang left, and Chen Xiuyun brought the frog back to Ma Meili's house.

She is not short of his meat, otherwise these two old guys thought she took advantage of them.

Seeing that she brought the things back again, Jiang Youfu said, "Zhenwu caught a lot, why did sister-in-law bring them back?"

Ma Meili was busy in the kitchen, when she heard the words, she poked her head out and said, "Why did sister-in-law send it back? It's not something valuable."

Jiang Zhenwu has been catching frogs for the past two days. Ma Meili heard that Jiang Xinyu was about to have a job, so she wanted to give something to get closer. Frogs are not snacks, and there is no need to spend money on tickets. Ma Meili is still willing to give them away.

Chen Xiuyun glanced at the old man Jiang who was sitting under the eaves and smoked with his face down, and said intentionally, "Dad just wanted to seal my family's marriage with Yuzhu by mentioning a bag of frogs. We don't dare to eat this frog."

"Also, it's not easy for my family, Xinyu, to find a job. She doesn't have any real brothers. Even if Chen Yi has connections, she won't help anyone who is not related to her."

"Dad, don't give it away in the future. Keep everything for yourself to eat. You are not too young. Eating well and keeping healthy are better than anything else. Don't worry about our mother three, we are doing well."

Chen Xiuyun put the frog on the ground, greeted Jiang Youfu and Ma Meili, and left.

Jiang old man's face drooped, very ugly.

Ma Meili was convinced, she understood what Chen Xiuyun said.

She originally wanted to deliver frogs to Chen Xiuyun's house after dinner, but old man Jiang went by himself while she was cooking. She couldn't say anything, but she took the frogs caught by her son to give benefits, and also wanted to find a job for Zhang Fengmei's son, and was eyeing Jiang Yuzhu's marriage. Why is his face so big?

Ma Meili said to her man in a low voice: "Your father is quite capable, he wants to accomplish great things with a bag of worthless frogs."

Seeing Mrs. Li coming out of the house, Ma Meili snorted and said, "Mother, which family are you going to tell Yuzhu?"

Mrs. Li kept a straight face and said nothing. She heard what Chen Xiuyun said just now in the room, and she was not happy.She didn't feel that her plan was beautiful, she just felt that Chen Xiuyun didn't know good from bad.

Mrs. Li and Old Man Jiang didn’t talk and it didn’t affect Ma Meili’s performance. "The captain’s daughter-in-law is very close to his sister-in-law these days, and the captain takes good care of Xinyu. Maybe the captain’s family also wants to be in-laws with Xiuyun. Li Lei is a worker, so he is a good match with Yuzhu. Mother, which young man are you talking about? Are you a worker in the city? Do you have a formal job?"

Ma Meili deliberately ran on the old couple.

Although she is also jealous that Chen Xiuyun's family is getting better and better, but jealousy is jealousy, and she still wants to have a good relationship with Chen Xiuyun's family, so that she can be lucky in the future.

As for the eccentric people like Mrs. Li and Old Man Jiang, Ma Meili couldn't help her eccentricity.

Mrs. Li gave her a hard look, "Shut up, you are the only one who talks too much every day." She was unwilling to see that all the daughters of Chen Xiuyun's family had jobs and paid wages, but she didn't get any benefits, and she felt very uncomfortable.

Ma Meili rolled her eyes when she turned around.

After eating at Jiang Xinyu's house, Chen Xiuyun took Xie Xiaofang to other people's houses to exchange about [-] eggs. Xie Xiaofang's sister-in-law was pregnant and needed eggs to supplement nutrition.

At night, Jiang Xinyu slept on Jiang Yuzhu's bed and gave up her room to Xie Xiaofang.

Only the mother and daughter were left in the room, and Jiang Xinyu explained in detail about the job change.

After hearing this, Chen Xiuyun frowned and said, "You two have big ideas, why did you make the decision in such a hurry?"

Jiang Xinyu said: "I'm going to see the manager today, so I'm in a hurry, and we signed an agreement."

The matter is a foregone conclusion. Compared with the job in the state-run hotel and the teacher, Chen Xiuyun is more inclined to the teacher.

There is only one public teacher in the brigade. Chen Xiuyun is a private teacher herself, and she gets work points and subsidies. The teachers in the team are definitely not treated as well as those in the commune. Now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, Chen Xiuyun said seriously: "Listen to her teaching you carefully, the opportunity is in front of you, you must seize it."

Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi had the same idea, they only considered their current job as a transition, and didn't plan to stay here for the rest of their lives, but Comrade Chen Xiuyun was so serious, she obediently agreed.

After talking about work, Chen Xiuyun asked Jiang Xinyu about her second daughter. Recently, many people wanted to marry Jiang Yuzhu. The captain's wife also came to talk to her from time to time, and the meaning was quite obvious.

Let Chen Xiuyun see that Li Lei is a good guy, he is a member of the brigade, he knows everything, and he also works in the county. If this happens, the two of them might be able to settle down in the city.

Jiang Xinyu didn't know whether to bring out the matter between Jiang Yuzhu and Zhou Qi. In her opinion, the two of them might have nothing to do in the future.

"My sister is not very old, so don't be in a hurry to get married. Let's talk about it in a year. Maybe she has someone who looks right in the county."

When the college entrance examination resumes, if Comrade Yuzhu can enter the university, maybe he can meet like-minded people in the university.

The mother and daughter talked a lot, and when they were talking in high spirits, there was a faint commotion in the team.

Jiang Xinyu has successfully integrated into the rural life, and there is something lively to watch. Regardless of the day or night, she rushed out excitedly after getting dressed. Comrade Xie Xiaofang was also poking her head out of the courtyard room, "What's wrong? It's so loud."

Jiang Xinyu shook her head, "I don't know, just go out and have a look."

The night was already quiet, and a slightly louder voice could be heard. Jiang Xinyu could hear it, and the scolding sound seemed to come from Zhang Lanxiang next door.

Zhang Lanxiang just gave birth to a daughter at home a few days ago, and she is in confinement these days, and her mother-in-law even came to Jiang Xinyu's house to exchange eggs.

Jiang Xinyu and Xie Xiaofang quickly arrived at the place where the sound came from. It was in the forest belt where Jiang Xinyu often went to catch frogs. There were quite a lot of people at this meeting, and a third of the people in the village were alarmed and ran over.

In the center of the crowd, Zhang Lanxiang and her man were squatting on the ground with their trousers waist up, and were being beaten by Zhang Lanxiang. Yuan Chunhua, who was disheveled and had messy hair, was beaten at a glance.

After Zhang Lanxiang beat her man, she went to kick Yuan Chunhua again, cursing such words as "broken shoes, whore".

"Okay, stop beating, we'll take them away, let's go, it's midnight, it's time to go back to sleep."

This is the comrade of the policeman in the town talking. Through the light of the miner's lamp, Jiang Xinyu saw the face of the comrade of the policeman. She had seen this comrade in the police station.

The policeman didn't speak, Jiang Xinyu didn't even know about it and even alarmed the policeman.

This matter is not right today. It should be that someone reported Yuan Chunhua in advance, called the police, and then caught the traitor in the wild?

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