good old days

Chapter 182

Chapter 182
Jiang Zhenzhen was pregnant again, and she turned her mouth when eating. Chen Xiuyun simply cooked a pot of porridge with the wheat grains, red dates, and yams sent by Chen Yi, and mixed a hot and sour raw cabbage heart.

Jiang Xinyu couldn't get used to this kind of raw cabbage, so she made a bowl of thick porridge.

Fortunately, I don't live in the same room with Jiang Zhenzhen's mother and son at night, so I don't have to be tortured by the crying of the baby.

The next morning, Chen Yi came over and brought Ding Changhai's words, saying that Shaqima is very popular and we can do more.

Jiang Xinyu was afraid that Shaqima would not be able to keep it without packaging due to the current weather, so she only planned to make it on the day Chen Yi was going to deliver the goods.

It has already been negotiated, and he will ride a bicycle to deliver the goods after eleven o'clock in the middle of the night. When he leaves in the morning, he has agreed with Chen Xiuyun that he will go to the county tomorrow, and he will not come back after the delivery today. It will be delivered in the middle of the night in two days.

This time, the old man was in charge, and Chen Xiuyun was on the sidelines. Jiang Zhenzhen was wandering around the gate of the courtyard with the child in her arms. She made 27 small bags for most of the day.

Chen Xiuyun has been taught by her that she can do it by herself.In the middle of the afternoon, Jiang Xinyu brought clean clothes, some wrapped mung bean cakes, Sha Qima, Li Xiuhua and Li Lei, and went to the town together.

Li Xiuhua is already married. She went back to the village yesterday and is going back to the county today. Her husband is not particularly tall, but he is quite talkative. He talked to Li Lei non-stop along the way.

When Jiang Xinyu returned to the dormitory, she saw that Song Guifang had more injuries on her face, and she was lying on the small bed with her eyes open and not moving at all.

"Sister Song, has your man been here?"

The tea mugs belonging to Jiang Xinyu placed on the table were partially dented, and the paint was a little off.

The tea mug was new, and Chen Xiuyun asked her to bring it to school as a reward from the county police station.

The good tea mug was so ruined. Combined with the wound on Song Guifang's face, it was hard for her not to think of something.

Seeing that Song Guifang turned over and did not speak, Jiang Xinyu put away all the things she had brought, and took the tea mug to the faucet to wash.

The mug was destined to fall on the ground, so of course it had to be washed well.

After washing the teapot, when he turned around and walked back, the door of the male teacher's dormitory was pushed open. Mr. Xiao Lin was walking out, and there were bruises on his face.

"What's wrong with all of you? Sister Song has a new wound on her face, did you fight together?"

Zhong Ying waved her hands in the room, "Come in and say."

Speaking at the door, Song Guifang must be able to hear.

The male teacher's dormitory is larger, and the teachers eat in this dormitory, and usually talk about Dashan in this dormitory.

After entering the dormitory, Xiao Lin sat on the bed, staring at his eyes and pursing his mouth, and said in a vicious voice: "It's not Mr. Song, she is a man! The day before yesterday, he came to the dormitory and forced Mr. Song to divorce him. The two fought in the room." When we got up, we rushed in when we heard the movement. When Xinqiu saw that we were helping Teacher Song, he insisted that Luo Yuan and I had an unclear relationship with Teacher Song. With Xinqiu's strength, Wu Jian and I both fought. But he ended up going to the police station."

"His grandma, I really haven't seen this kind of ball. I wish my mother-in-law would give him a cuckold. Next time I see this seventh grandson, I have to beat him so hard..."

When Xiao Lin got excited, his local accent came out. Jiang Xinyu asked without shame, "What does Xinqiu mean? What does seventh grandson mean?"

Xiao Lin was scolding the grandson angrily, but when Jiang Xinyu interrupted him, he froze on the spot, almost choking on his own saliva.

"Xinqiu means a fool, and the seventh grandson almost means the grandson of a bastard."

Zhong Ying rushed to answer, and then asked: "You are a local, why don't you know what it means? I have known it since I went to the countryside for three years, and I can also speak your local accent."

Jiang Xinyu smiled awkwardly, "People in the village have scolded people in fights, but I'm not sure what the scolding means, and I don't know how many Chinese characters it is written in Chinese."

Zhong Ying uncovered this, and pointed to her husband Wu Jian's face, "Look at it, my Wu Jian's eyes are all blue, that bastard Zhu Lin just greets people in the face when he hits people."

"I've never seen such a worthless man. If he wants his son to get a divorce, he will give up his daughter. Teacher Song will definitely not hinder him. If he wants to take all the benefits, he thinks it's beautiful."

"Isn't it because of Sister Song that she can't reproduce? This kind of person is nothing."

Sitting together, they all gritted their teeth and cursed at the mention of Zhu Lin.

Jiang Xinyu said: "Teacher Song doesn't agree to a divorce for one day, and he will definitely not give up. What if he comes to the school to make trouble in the future? You are beaten like this, what are you going to do in class? The students don't watch the fun."

Jiang Xinyu didn't expect that, just going home for a few days, there would be a scene at school.

If she was Song Guifang, she would have to pay a few people to put him in a sack and beat him up a few times.

"You bastards, just watch the fun, there's nothing you can do about it. But it's really troublesome for Zhu Lin to come again."

"This shameless grandson is really lawless. Mr. Song should go to the Women's Federation, let the Women's Federation intervene, and divorce the child."

When several people were chattering, Song Guifang opened the door and came in. They immediately shut up and looked at her together.

Song Guifang hasn't eaten much for two days, and her body is a little weak. Everyone saw her as a joke, and she didn't even go out for the past two days.Hearing their discussion outside the door just now made her feel a little better. It turned out that others didn't laugh at her.

"The previous thing was that I caused you trouble. When I solve the matter, thank you very much."

Zhong Ying asked: "Sister Song, what are you going to do?"

Song Guifang said: "I'm going to go to the police station first, and then go to the Women's Federation to find someone."

Decades later, domestic violence still cannot be convicted of intentional injury, and some women lost their lives because of it.

Jiang Xinyu felt that Song Guifang's matter was difficult to handle, but she should try.

"Xiao Jiang, Zhong Ying, I have to ask for two days off, and I have to ask you to help me with my lessons, okay?"

Jiang Xinyu agreed, "As long as I don't have classes, I will help you."

Zhong Ying also nodded, "I want to bring morning reading, morning reading can't help you."

Song Guifang and the others checked the schedule correctly, and they are going to take two days off for the time being.

Song Guifang didn't show up at school for two consecutive days, and Jiang Xinyu helped her take two days of morning reading.

When she came back on Tuesday night, there were no new injuries on her face or body.

However, as Jiang Xinyu predicted, the police station can't control the fight between husband and wife, they just say a few words to the man.The Women's Federation sympathized with Song Guifang and even helped Song Guifang have a child.

But Zhu Lin's family killed the child and belonged to the old Zhu's family, and the mother of the child cannot be taken away, and the Women's Federation is really out of luck.

Zhu Lin's family knew that Song Guifang would not be able to give birth, and even if she remarried in the future, she would only be a stepmother. Niuniu was her only child.

(End of this chapter)

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