good old days

Chapter 185

Chapter 185
After eating, Chen Xiuyun cleaned up Jiang Xinyu's room.

There were quite a lot of people today, and Jiang Xinyu's house was requisitioned again. Chen Beiliang and his brothers were arranged to live in Jiang Xinyu's house, and Jiang Yuzhu's house let Zhang Hua sleep with the children.The main room was covered with straw mats and old mattresses. Jiang Zhenzhen slept in the main room by herself, and Jiang Xinyu and Chen Xiuyun crowded into the same room.

When Chen Xiuyun came out of the house, Chen Beiliang was sitting on the bench under the shed and picking out the big bag he had brought.

"Gu, I brought some things over here. Grandma and parents asked me to bring them to you."

Chen Xiuyun: "Yuzhu and Xinyu both have jobs, and they don't lack anything at home. What else should they bring?"

Chen Zhengyu said in a daze: "My aunt sent home a large package of red dates, chestnuts and yams, but you are not stingy. How can my parents be stingy?"

"My mother is good at making smoked fish, and they are all freshly dried. She is also afraid that I will not be able to eat them when I go to the countryside, so she brings them with me."

Chen Beiliang took out all his things, and indeed he brought a lot, a pack of ten or so.This means that the weather is getting cooler, and nothing happened after being bored for two days.

In addition to the smoked fish, there are two small packs of Tiao Tau Cake and a pack of dried mushrooms and fungus. To Jiang Xinyu's surprise, there is even a box of chocolates.

Chen Beiliang said: "These mushrooms and fungus were sent back to me by my former colleagues from the Northeast. I also brought you a small ginseng, which was artificially planted in the Northeast. My colleague has it at home, and the year is different." High, it can be used to make wine, and it can also be eaten with stewed chicken."

"You keep it for yourself, I don't need it."

Even if it is artificially planted, it is probably not cheap. Chen Beiliang's eldest nephew is really not stingy, and Chen Xiuyun is really embarrassed to accept it.

"What's the matter, I mentioned it all, and I can't let me bring it back."

Jiang Xinyu was a little surprised, "Can ginseng be planted artificially now?"

"It's very valuable in the wild, and it's also very profitable to plant it artificially. My former colleagues and their villages planted it at the foot of the mountain."

Chen Beiliang used to work in the Northeast. The railway construction in the Northeast is at the forefront of the country, and the economic level is at the forefront of the country.There are many medicinal materials in the deep mountains and old forests, and some villages have begun to try to plant ginseng artificially at the foot of the mountain, and they are small-scale.

In addition to food, Chen Beiliang also brought two pairs of cloth shoes to Chen Xiuyun, "These are made of milk, I specially asked me to bring them here for you."

Chen Xiuyun's eyes are a little hot. Her mother's health was not very good last year, why is she still making shoes for her?

"I still have some bills that are used throughout the country. In the future, Zhengyu will live in my aunt's house, so I will have to trouble you."

Chen Xiuyun refused, because her family really has no shortage of things now, "You take it back, you have a family, and the family will always need it."

Chen Zhengyu persuaded: "Sangu, don't be too polite. My sister-in-law is from a cadre family, and the family has supplies. My eldest brother is also paid well at work, and he eats at the work unit. His family even has a TV set. There is no shortage of these tickets. "

What Chen Zhengyu said was the truth, and Chen Beiliang was relatively easy to obtain some receipts that were not easily obtained by ordinary people.

Chen Beiliang's needs and expenses are very small. Most of the problems in his life can be solved at the work unit, such as clothes. He often wears uniforms, and he can't pull much cloth in a year. He basically doesn't need the bills, and his wife also has a job, so there will always be some extra bills, and he takes them home.

It's really a drought, a drought, a flood, a flood.Jiang Xinyu was stunned when she heard that, Cousin Chen's life is really good, at least it has surpassed the life of 90.00% of the people in the country at this time.

Jiang Zhenzhen's baby cried again at night, and Jiang Xinyu really felt that children were annoying.When a baby is quiet, it is very painful, but when it is crying, it is really annoying.

The next morning, Chen Beiliang got up early. It took him three days to send Chen Zhengyu off, and two more days to go back, so there must be no delay.

Chen Xiuyun got up early in the morning and boiled a pot of yam, red dates and barley porridge. He generously added a lot of sugar and boiled twelve eggs. Chen Beiliang asked Chen Beiliang to take the rest of the eggs to the car to eat.

After eating, Chen Xiuyun made some mung bean cakes and Shaqima for Chen Beiliang, and filled him with some radish sticks in canned fruit bottles, which can be eaten on the train.

The two of them rode bicycles to the town, and Chen Xiuyun watched him get on the bus to the county before going to the food station.

Chen Zhengyu went to work excitedly early in the morning, and was assigned to harvest sweet potatoes.

Jiang Zhenzhen and Zhang Hua sat in the room rubbing mung bean skins, and the child fell asleep peacefully after eating.

Jiang Xinyu wanted to inquire about Jiang Zhenzhen yesterday, but she didn't see the gap.

"Sister Xinyu, I've brought you pigweed." Fang Xiaobing carried a bundle of pigweed into the courtyard gate, sniffling his nose.

Jiang Xinyu was about to go to the stove to get him a roasted sweet potato to eat, but he ran away without a trace.

The Fang family brothers knew that working for her would be delicious, but not every time they worked, they would take the initiative to catch bugs and feed the chickens for her family, and Chen Xiuyun would also take care of them.

"Brother-in-law, help me chop up pig grass and mix some ingredients for the pig."

Jiang Xinyu didn't order Zhang Hua to work, but wanted to send him out so that she could ask Jiang Zhenzhen about her husband's family. It was like watching a TV series and not being able to see the next episode.

Zhang Hua went out, Jiang Xinyu touched Jiang Zhenzhen's shoulder, "Sister, tell me, what's going on with your face."

Jiang Zhenzhen gave her a white look, "What's going on, I proposed to my parents-in-law to give half of the house repair money to each of the two families. Zhang Hua's father thought about it and thought it was okay. His mother was not very happy, but he didn't object.

Pan Yu was not happy, she didn’t want to pay a dime, and said that my job was originally hers, and she also said that if she wanted a job, it would be okay for her and Zhang Chao to pay half of it, but she didn’t have a job, and the family had to give them all. out.

She didn't want to pay, so she asked Zhang Chao to make trouble with her mother-in-law. Zhang Hua's mother was biased, and finally told Zhang Hua to build the house for the fourth family first, and let us continue to live at home. She can also babysit us. "

Speaking of this, Jiang Zhenzhen paused.

Jiang Xinyu interrupted: "Then brother-in-law hesitated, and persuaded you instead?"

Jiang Zhenzhen nodded.

Jiang Xinyu was a little convinced by Zhang Hua.

"I don't agree. After Pan Yu and I got upset, Pan Yu went back to her mother's house for a few days, but my father-in-law was fine, and my mother-in-law and Zhang Chao taunted me every day."

Jiang Xinyu: "Brother-in-law didn't stand up for you?"

Jiang Zhenzhen smiled: "He's better this time than last time, he had a fight with his brother."

"When Pan Yu came back, she brought her natal brother with her. Her brother spoke too badly. I cursed back a few words, and Pan Yu came up to beat her. After I fought with her, her brother also helped her. He got beaten up and got into a fight with Zhang Chao."

"After the fight, my mother-in-law just scolded Zhang Hua. This time, Zhang Hua also knew how partial his mother was to Zhang Chao and how unpopular Zhang Chao was. We just asked for leave and came back to stay for two days to let his mother hang out."

Hearing this, Jiang Xinyu looked at Zhang Hua with admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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