good old days

Chapter 190 Accident

Chen Xiuyun didn't think about getting ahead today, because she hadn't figured out how to solve the Yuan family's troubles. You know, Fang Xiaochuan's younger brother has left, but his family still has a yard and two houses, which is still quite troublesome.

After Jiang Baoqin's words fell, the eyes of the villagers shot at Chen Xiuyun.

The expressions of the Yuan family members were like X-rays, which instantly brightened up.

Jiang Xinyu interpreted Yuan's family looking at her mother's expressions, and said plainly: I don't know how much this little boy Fang Xiaochuan can sell?
The reason why Jiang Baoqin made a sound out of nowhere was because she knew the face of the Yuan family.

In the previous life, Fang Xiaochuan's younger brothers were also taken away, Yuan Chunhua's only child was Fang Xiaochuan, and Fang Xiaochuan lived with the widow Wang who had no son.

Because of Fang Xiaochuan's house, Yuan's family often came to make troubles. Widow Wang is a fierce and difficult person, but she is alone, and she always suffers from troubles with Yuan's family. Even her legs are limped because of fighting with Yuan's family.

However, Fang Xiaochuan was a good one. When he grew up, he was one of the few people in the village who was admitted to university. Later, Fang Xiaochuan left the Wuliqiao brigade with the lame Widow Wang.

Jiang Baoqin didn't want to send a son to Chen Xiuyun's family, but wanted to cause trouble for her family.She believed that if the Yuan family found out about the situation of Chen Xiuyun's family, they would definitely make trouble for them in the future.

"Ma'am, Sister Yuzhu and Xinyu both have jobs, so they can support no matter how many children they have in the family. In the future, their sisters will also have someone to support them."

Jiang Baoqin seems to be persuading Chen Xiuyun's family.

The Yuan family grasped the words "everyone has a job". What does this mean?rich!Good condition!
Without waiting for others to speak, Jiang Xinyu came up to Jiang Baoqin, looked her up and down, and then at Song Zhiqing who was not far away, "Jiang Baoqin, are you full of food and meddling with my family's business? Are you teaching my mother how to do things? "

Jiang Baoqin: "I just came up with an idea, and I also thought about it for your family."

Jiang Xinyu didn't know what her plan was. Anyway, Jiang Baoqin's family and her family were at odds with each other, and this girl was also ulterior motives.

"Don't talk to me about it. From now on, my family's affairs have nothing to do with you. You don't mind your own business. Also, I can see from your proposal that you also want to have a son. Why, you are a woman." , still hate girls?"

Jiang Xinyu raised her voice: "Educated Song, how many sons are you two going to have in the future?"

Jiang Baoqin gave her a hard look, "You are not married yet, so you really don't know how to be ashamed at all."

"Why am I ashamed? I care about you. What if you only give birth to a girl in the future and don't have a son to take care of you?"

Jiang Baoqin was about to retort when Song Minghan approached. He grabbed Jiang Baoqin's hand and said coldly, "Why are you meddling in other people's affairs? What does it have to do with you?"

Jiang Baoqin and Song Minghan had already obtained a marriage certificate, and after having a drink, they lived in the educated youth spot. Without her mother Zhang Fengmei's involvement, Jiang Baoqin had already coaxed him well, and the relationship between the two is not bad now.

A little further away from the crowd, Jiang Baoqin shook off Song Minghan's hand, pulled his face and said, "Are you still thinking about Jiang Xinyu? As soon as she spoke, you pulled me away. What do you mean?"

Song Minghan looked at her in disbelief, "Don't tell me anything else, I'll just ask you, what does other people's family affairs have to do with you? Your mother fought with their family, what is the relationship between your two families?" You don’t feel that your own behavior is annoying? You still want to cause trouble and fight with people?”

Jiang Baoqin was teased by Jiang Xinyu for a few words before she was dragged away by Song Minghan. Song Minghan didn't save her face just now, and now she was full of anger, so she started talking nonsense, "I It seems that you still miss her."

She can be so confident, one is because the two of them got a marriage certificate, and the other is because he hasn't come for a few days, and they were all accurate before.

If she gave birth to a child, he would never want to abandon her in the future.Furthermore, she had already figured out Song Minghan's temperament, and concluded that even if he was admitted to the university next year, and even if she failed the exam, and had children, he would not abandon their mother and child.

Song Minghan was so angry that he stabbed at the waist, with disbelief, disappointment, and anger in his eyes, he stared at her without speaking for a while.

Jiang Baoqin's scalp was numb from his stare, and she couldn't help but argue: "It was kind of me to suggest to my aunt just now. My aunt has no son, and no one will take care of her in the future. I have good intentions!"

Song Minghan: "If you don't mean to say it, don't meddle in other people's business in the future."

Jiang Baoqin was stabbed by his tone: "Don't meddle in Jiang Xinyu's family business! You still miss her!"

He was so angry that he was speechless, and snorted coldly: "Why didn't I realize that you are such a nonsense person before, you can think whatever you want."

Song Minghan turned around and left, leaving Jiang Baoqin stunned.She suddenly felt a little regretful, she knew better than anyone else whether Song Minghan and Jiang Xinyu were still alive, why was she talking nonsense just for the sake of breath.

Jiang Baoqin turned around and glanced back at Jiang Xinyu in the crowd, then ran after Song Minghan.

Among the crowd, the Yuan family had already surrounded Chen Xiuyun.

"You don't have a son, Xiao Chuan can be your son, and the four brothers have a good place to go, and we are worthy of Chunhua."

Chen Xiuyun wanted to support Fang Xiaochuan, but the virtues of the Yuan family were at stake. Before she could think about how to mention it, Jiang Baoqin pushed her to the Yuan family.

Looking at Fang Xiaochuan's eager eyes, Chen Xiuyun couldn't bear it.

She looked at Yuan's family: "I'll give you three yuan, and Xiao Chuan will belong to my family from now on."

The couple only offered three yuan, and Chen Xiuyun wanted to do the same.

Jiang Xinyu was surprised by Chen Xiuyun's words, she thought that Comrade Chen Xiuyun was so kind to the three girls because he had no obsession with having a son.

Jiang Zhenzhen and Zhang Hua also approached with their children in their arms, as well as Chen Zhengyu who jumped over like a monkey. He followed the half-old children in the team to fish in the small river ditch.

The Yuan family had heard what Jiang Baoqin said earlier that two members of Chen Xiuyun's family had jobs, so they were not very satisfied with the three yuan.

"I gave you three yuan because you are the child's mother's family. In the final analysis, I shouldn't pay any money. After all, you never raised him."

Of course, the Yuan family was not happy, and they all started shouting.

Chen Xiuyun got a headache and said with a raised voice: "If you want more, ask others to go. I don't have to have a son. After raising a son, I have to feed him, drink him, go to school, and marry him. How much will it cost?"

"That's not what you said. Spend the money and spend it. After you have a son, you can take care of your old age."

Chen Xiuyun smiled: "My daughter won't leave me alone. Besides, if I want a son, I don't necessarily need your Yuan family's grandson. It's not troublesome enough to argue with you."

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