good old days

Chapter 203 The Lazy Man

A lot of fish were brought back today, taking advantage of the night, Chen Xiuyun packed up the fish and asked Jiang Xinyu to bring out the cakes to entertain Chen Yi.

Chen Yi wants to go home, "I have to take the fish back and let my mother clean it up while it's dark."

"Auntie, the other end asked when you will start making again? There are quite a lot of people asking for goods."

According to Ding Changhai, due to the small quantity of Shaqima, it sells very quickly, and there are quite a few people who want it.

Chen Xiuyun thought for a while and said, "I'll start doing it in two days."

Xiao Chuan has said here several times that family affairs cannot be shared outside, and even if she eats meat, she cannot show it off to others. Although this baby is still young, she looks quite reliable when she nods and pats her chest to assure her.

Every time Chen Yi went to deliver goods, it was midnight, and Xiao Chuan had already gone to bed at that time. Although he couldn't hide it from Xiao Chuan when he was making things, he probably didn't know what he was doing.

The fish is packed and hung in the newly built house to dry. After the surface moisture is dried, apply a layer of white wine, and then marinate with salt and peppercorns for a few days. After marinating, let it dry for half a month. The fish is ready and can be kept for a long time.

When Chen Xiuyun was busy, Xiao Chuan circled around her, either scooping up water or squatting there anxiously watching the fish.

Xiao Hei smelled the smell of fish, so he squatted there obediently. Chen Xiuyun threw the fish intestines casually, and he was able to pick it up, and he ate it up in three or two bites.

Chen Xiuyun refused to feed it too much, how could this raw thing get better if it was eaten too much, what if something went wrong.

When Jiang Xinyu came out of the small room after taking a shower, she saw Xiao Chuan and Xiao Hei watching eagerly.

"Xiao Chuan, the saliva is coming out, wipe it off quickly."

Xiao Chuan believed that he really raised his hand to wipe his mouth, but in the end he felt lonely and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Go, go, go to bed, stew fish soup tomorrow, and have it in the morning."

There were also two live fish swimming in the water basin, which Chen Xiuyun specially saved for tomorrow.

Xiao Chuan wished that when he opened his eyes, it would be tomorrow morning.

Not to mention that Xiao Chuan wants to eat fish, Jiang Xinyu also thinks a little bit. She has eaten the braised fish in the restaurant several times, and the taste is quite good. I don't know how the stewed fish made by Chen Xiuyun tastes.

Looking forward to it, I woke up early the next morning smelling the smell of fish soup.

The fish soup is served with white radish, the soup is milky white, and the flavor of onion and ginger has already been integrated into it. This soup has no technical content, but the taste is very fresh.

The fish is pure wild fish, and the meat is quite strong.

Xiao Chuan drank a sweat, very satisfied.

Two fish in one pot of soup, four people ate it all.

As soon as Chen Zhengyu finished his last sip of soup, Chen Xiuyun said unceremoniously: "Hurry up and go to work. Be good to me these two days. I don't want the team leader to come to me again. If you do well, I will call you in a few days." Go buy meat, otherwise, you won’t have anything to eat!”

Even though his nephew had no problem eating and drinking, but this guy was lazy every day, the captain said twice, Chen Xiuyun couldn't hold back his face.She wasn't afraid that saying this would touch her nephew's sensitive heart, this guy had a thick skin.

Chen Zhengyu acted like an old man, shook his head and sighed, he was really convinced, why is there so much work in the village when it's cold?
Shoveling the grass in the fields and ditches, leveling the ground, digging ditches, picking manure to fertilize the land, it seems that there is too much work to do!It was only when I went to the countryside that I realized how hard life is for rural people.

Supplies are in short supply. Although the life of the ordinary people in their city is not very good, many families live together with a large number of people, and the alleys are full. Although the places where they live are a bit crowded, not every household can eat enough food, but there is absolutely no seemingly endless farm work.

But the people in the village seem to be used to working, they don't complain at all, and they can laugh and talk happily while working.

The endless farm work made Chen Zhengyu doubt his life, "Gun, when can I rest before the Chinese New Year?"

Chen Xiuyun thought for a while and said: "This is not necessarily the case. It depends on whether you will be allowed to dig canals in other villages this year, but don't worry, digging canals will take at most ten days. If you don't have this job, you will be free in a month or so. .”

Digging canals is the most tiring job. The digging is very deep. That work is really not something ordinary people can do. You can lose a few pounds in three days, calluses can be formed on your hands, and the blisters will continue to grow when you pick one, and your hands are itchy. People are uncomfortable.

Chen Zhengyu didn't know yet that he would not be able to escape the fate of digging a canal this winter.

Chen Xiuyun's words made Jiang Xinyu a little scared. She heard from Xie Xiaofang that their teacher had also dug them, and it was scary to think about it.

Jiang Xinyu processed shrimp to make shrimp paste, Xiao Chuan was busy like a happy bee, picking up firewood to carry water, feeding pigs and chickens, and Chen Xiuyun rubbed mung beans in the house.

Looking at Xiao Chuan's non-stop work, Jiang Xinyu thinks it's good to have such a younger brother, at least she doesn't need to do those jobs, hehe.

Xiao Chuan felt that his happiness was about to bubble when he ate noodles with shrimp paste at noon.

Jiang Xinyu packed two cans of shrimp paste and went back, planning to let some teachers try it too. Although they didn't do much fishing, they were all together.

When Song Guifang arrived at the dormitory, her daughter, Niuniu, was already there, and the little girl was crying for her father.

Song Guifang sat aside, her expression was on the verge of breaking out.

Jiang Xinyu felt that it would be somewhat heartbreaking to change her.But the child is still young, but he can win her heart back.

Such a young child doesn't understand anything, and may be taught to listen and believe, but her behavior is really hurtful.

Song Guifang coaxed her for a long time, but she was still like this, she was not angry, she was angry and wanted to cry, she wanted to be beaten but was unwilling to do so.

"Your father wants to marry another one, do you want a stepmother or me?"

Jiang Xinyu heard an answer that surprised her.

"I want a younger brother. Grandma said that if I have a younger brother, my younger brother will treat me well and support me in the future."

Jiang Xinyu suspects that this child doesn't know what it means to support her, and she admires the Zhu family very much. This child has been successfully brainwashed.

"Both grandma and papa say that mother doesn't want me anymore, but I want papa..."

The child opened her mouth and cried, Jiang Xinyu's brain ached, and she took out a big white rabbit toffee from the drawer.

There is no child who does not like sugar, no!
The crying stopped immediately and turned into sobbing.

Seeing that Song Guifang's forehead was covered with sweat, and her face was flushed with anger, she comforted her, "Talk slowly, don't worry, she is still young, she will kiss you after a while."

Jiang Zhenzhen's crying son, and Song Guifang, a rambunctious girl, made Jiang Xinyu feel that children are not cute at all sometimes.

Thinking the baby was annoying, Jiang Xinyu took her cloth shoes and went to the well to get some water to wash. As soon as she squatted down, she heard the sound of Wu Jian and Zhong Ying quarreling in the room. , The door was slammed by her with a loud bang.

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