good old days

Chapter 223 Poor Mrs. Li

Chen Xiuyun and Jiang Xinyu were talking in the back room, and Jiang Zhenzhen had put the child to sleep. When she saw the big gold bracelet when she entered the room, she inevitably asked a few words.

Chen Xiuyun took the things back and put them away, "You can't say a word about this matter. All the belongings of Liu Laosan's family have been confiscated. Maybe tomorrow the police station will go to Liu Laosan's house to search. These things belong to the former rich man's house." Yes, it should have been confiscated long ago."

Both of them knew the seriousness, so they wouldn't say it out loud.

Jiang Xinyu is happy that Liu Laosan's evil will be rewarded with evil. He imprisoned women and insulted women. He has confiscated property. Yao Xianmin is much more serious, and the charges and punishments are not small. Even his son who works in a certain committee can't save him, because those properties may implicate his son.

Jiang Zhenzhen sat by the bed and said, "When the snow melts and the weather is better, I will go to the county to find a house. If I can't come back at night, I will stay with my second sister, and my mother will help me look after the children."

Chen Xiuyun nodded, "It's not urgent to find a house, you stay at home first, no one will drive you away." She has to go to the county to buy some things in the next day, just in time to visit He Yong and Miaoyue's family in the machinery factory affiliated hospital. Ask their locals to help them find a house.

The mother and daughter talked for a while before Jiang Zhenzhen went back to sleep.

Jiang Xinyu and Chen Xiuyun huddled under the quilt, which was really much warmer.This body suffered from the cold last winter, and her hands and feet were cold in winter, and her stomach was uncomfortable during menstruation, and she was never warmed by a single bed.

In the county hospital, the police from the commune rode to the hospital early in the morning to find the doctor and asked Liu Laosan how he was doing. If there was no major problem, they would take him back for interrogation.

This grandson committed such a big crime, and he also bought a lot of good things. There are still some things in the box that do not comply with the regulations, of course they have to be carefully examined.

Tian Ni said that Liu Jifa, the eldest son of Liu Laosan, went down to get the things a few days ago, and he also knew that she was inside. Liu Jifa was also considered an accomplice, and they had to go to the city tomorrow.

Knowing their reason for coming, the doctor said: "There was nothing wrong with his head, but he said he had a headache and pain everywhere on his body. We couldn't find out the problem, so we followed his wish and let him stay for two more days." God observes and observes."

The doctor said there was nothing wrong with him, so the policeman was rude and went directly to Liu Laosan's ward to take him away.

After knowing Tian Ni's exposure, the famous Liu Laosan's legs went limp, and he was lying on the hospital bed unable to get up.

Ma Meili, who had just returned from cooking in the canteen of the hospital, passed the door and stopped to look for a while. Knowing that Liu Laosan was going to be taken back to the commune by the police, she rushed in and said, "It cost a lot of money for him to beat my mother-in-law like that." Now, the medicine will not stop in the future, comrades, you have to be the masters of our family!"

Liu Laosan has conclusive evidence of the crime, Liu Laosan and his family are not good people except for the unknowing children, and the mentality of the policeman is also different from before. At this time, he assured Ma Meili: "Don't worry, the doctor's money is paid by his family. Definitely have to pay!"

Ma Meili breathed a sigh of relief when she got the quasi-letter letter. The family savings were not much, so how could it all be spent by the old woman on medical treatment?
Liu Laosan's legs were weak and his legs were weak, but he was forcibly taken back by the police.

Mrs. Li's symptoms are now considered stable. Every day there are times when she is sober, but there are also times when she is crazy.

When she is crazy, she will urinate on the bed, or smirk with drool at the corner of her mouth, or curse at the air. If she sees Jiang Cuicui, she will definitely start cursing and waving her arms to beat people.

The doctor said that the nerves in her brain may be damaged, and their hospital can't treat it, so she has to go to a better hospital.

How much money the family has is counted, Jiang old man does not plan to take her to the city or other big hospitals.The doctor said that the nerves in the brain are the most complicated part, and it may not be cured. He doesn't want to waste that money. How many children are there in the family?
Anyway, the old woman is not dead, and she is awake every day, but when she is nervous, she will urinate on the bed and may beat someone. This is not a big problem, and there is no need to look at it.

Ma Meili has long wanted to bring Mrs. Li back to the brigade. Living here costs money, and the family can't live well?
After receiving the promise that she would lose money, Ma Meili returned to the ward with a smile on her lips while carrying the lunch box.

"Big sister, pack up quickly, your mother-in-law is dragged to the hospital bed again."

Ma Meili smelled that smell when she entered, her face changed, she put the lunch box aside, and saw her mother-in-law sitting on the bed and scolding people in the air, she stepped forward and patted Mrs. Li on the back After two slaps, he scolded angrily: "I said a hundred times to go to the toilet, you can't remember, don't you take it seriously!"

If Mrs. Li was sober, Ma Meili would not dare to do this.

But this is not the first time that Mrs. Li has been peeing on the bed. Every time she urinates on the bed, other patients and family members in this ward will complain. After tidying up the sheets and tidying up Mrs. Li, she couldn't even eat the disgusting food, but in a few days, the flesh on her face and body was gone.

Thinking of the days to come, Ma Meili's head hurts suddenly.

What evil did she do to get on this mother-in-law? When she was good, she favored the third child's family, and treated her nose and eyes. Now that something is wrong with her, she, Ma Meili, has to take care of her!
Whose life has her Ma Meili to suffer!

Ma Meili was so aggrieved that she wanted to cry. When she was unconscious, Mrs. Li didn't know how to fight back when she was beaten.

"Don't beat me, big sister, it looks pitiful to be beaten by you."

Ma Meili's face was flushed with anger, "She is pitiful, who is more pitiful than me?"

Those who fight for Mrs. Li's injustice stopped talking. Why isn't Ma Meili pitiful?Dealing with feces and urine every day, and being scolded when her mother-in-law is sober, who can bear it?

As long as Mrs. Li is sober and speaks personally, there will be more people fighting for her now.

"I'll say it again, my stomach hurts in the future, if I want to shit and pee, I go to the toilet, do you hear that?" Ma Meili gritted her teeth in Mrs. Li's ear, her face flushed red with anger.

The silly old lady Li nodded in fear, and shrank into a ball, "I heard it, I heard it, don't hit it, don't hit it."

Everyone else in the ward was a little blind.

The old lady is completely different when she is normal and when she is stupid.

When she is awake, the posture of calling Ma Meili makes people think that she is Lafayette, and her arrogant appearance is not easy to provoke.

When she lost her mind, she saw that her own daughter was beating and scolding, and her daughter was forced to leave, and she began to scold the air again. People who don't know why saw her scolding the air seriously, and thought she was on the other side There is a ghost that normal people can't see, it's creepy.

But this old lady is really good, she is very powerful when she is sober, and she is very cowardly when she is not sober, her daughter-in-law doesn't even dare to look up when she beats her, she keeps her head shrunk like a little chicken.

This mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are really reciprocating. After you scold me, I will beat you, making the ward more lively than the market.

Of course, if you ignore the smell in the ward, they won't get tired of watching this excitement.

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