good old days

Chapter 225 Advanced Brigade

Chapter 226 Advanced Brigade
What happened to Liu Laosan was a sensation, and it was published in the provincial newspaper. The village tyrant was sentenced to death.

Chen Yi went to the city, but Liu Jifa is no longer in a certain committee, and no one knows the exact whereabouts.

The well-known Liu Laosan is no longer a threat to Jiang Xinyu's family, and it is gratifying to celebrate.

A few days after the winter solstice, Ding Changhai said that delivery could continue.

He Yong also asked Ding Changhai to come back with a message, found someone who was interested in renting out, and asked them to go to the county to have a look.

Since the beginning of winter, there have been two snowfalls, and when the weather cleared, the team organized people to dig ditches in other villages.

Chen Zhengyu only went out for ten days, and when he came back he turned into a skinny monkey, his hands were covered with chilblains, his face was chapped, and the itchy places were scratched to death by him.

After the canal was dug, there was not much work to do. Chen Zhengyu had suffered a serious crime and clamored to return to the Shanghai stock market, hoping to wait until the Chinese New Year was over before returning.

Chen Xiuyun felt sorry for him at first, but seeing how vigorously he was yelling, she snorted and said, "Whoever sent you to the countryside deserves it."

Even though she said so, would it be a meal? She stewed cured fish for him, and specially steamed two bowls of eggs with sesame oil, one bowl for Dabao and Xiaochuan, and one bowl for Chen Zhengyu himself.

When Jiang Xinyu came back on Chen Yi's bicycle, she smelled the smell of steamed eggs in sesame oil.

Jiang Xinyu lifted the lid of the pot, making sure there wasn't much left, she pouted dissatisfiedly and said, "Mom, you're really partial."

Chen Xiuyun called Chen Yi into the room for dinner, turned to Jiang Xinyu and said, "Who told you to come back at the wrong time."

Chen Zhengyu snorted, "It would be nice to let Brother Chen Yi take you to a restaurant."

He still remembered that when he went back to the restaurant to buy meat buns to satisfy his cravings, he saw these two people cooking a small stove there, serving small fried chicken, braised pork, and meat dumplings. There was not even a vegetable leaf on the table, he When I arrived, I mixed some leftovers, and I ate so much that I didn't like it, and I felt uncomfortable for several days when I came back.

Jiang Xinyu glared at him, and handed Chen Yi a pair of chopsticks, "Hurry up, I'll be robbed by this rice bucket in a while."

Chen Zhengyu accelerated the speed of grilling the rice, and muttered: "I have done so many days of physical work, and this is the only thing I can do. You are really not human!"

Not to mention, the meal is even more delicious when you grab it.

While eating, the captain's whistle sounded.

Xiao Chuan ran out in a hurry, came back in a hurry, and said loudly, "The captain is going to hold a meeting."

"What kind of conference is this?"

Chen Xiuyun said casually: "Our brigade was rated as an advanced brigade this year. The captain and secretary went to the commune in the morning, and they were beaming when they came back. I guess they wanted to talk about this."

Jiang Xinyu helped the team leader and the secretary to read the report written by them two weeks ago, edited it slightly, and flattered her more loudly.

When they went to the grain drying field for a meeting, the team leader and the secretary happily talked to her when they saw her. They must have been praised for going to the commune today.

After the captain finished his speech, all the members knew that their brigade was rated as an advanced brigade, one or two were quite honored, and they all had a sense of collective honor.

"Why is our brigade rated as an advanced brigade? Because you work well and our output is high, which is one of the best in the commune. The leaders of the commune gave our brigade a thumbs up..."

The captain and the secretary showed their faces among so many brigades in the commune today. When they were praised in the office, their waists were straight, and they were even more beaming when they came back.

After talking about the advanced brigade, he encouraged the members to work hard in the coming year, and life will definitely be better. The captain changed his voice and pulled his face down, "Most of us big guys are good..."

As he spoke, the captain gave everyone a thumbs up, and then his tone became more serious, "However, some mouse shit almost made our team lose this honor."

The captain paused for a moment, and whispers began to flow underneath.

"Which seventh grandson almost killed us?" Someone asked loudly, filled with righteous indignation.

Jiang Xinyu thinks that the captain of their brigade can go to pass/sell, and the words are quite emotional.

The captain coughed, "Zhang Fengmei, come out, and Zhang Tiezhu who was arrested because of the card!"

Zhang Fengmei shrank her head in the crowd, why would she be brought to the front again?Can that matter pass?

"Zhang Fengmei, I want your family to guarantee that you will not make mistakes again in the future. If someone commits a crime and embarrasses our brigade along with him, then he should not think about it! Everyone should remember, don't do what you shouldn't do, and whoever affects Don’t blame me for being rude then.”

Zhang Fengmei shrank her head in front of the members and said nothing. Jiang Xinyu caught a glimpse of Song Minghan, who was standing obliquely in front with Jiang Baoqin, turned his head and walked out of the crowd. Jiang Baoqin bit his lower lip and followed.

After they were gone, Ma Meili came to ask Chen Xiuyun to come over.

The family of Liu and Lao San paid for medical expenses, not only medical expenses, but also another 30 yuan.

Chen Xiuyun didn't take what she shouldn't have, and only took back the part she paid for.

"I put the bracelet away, now go back and get it back."

The old man Jiang smoked a pipe and said, "What else can I get? Jianmin is the eldest son, so the bracelet should have been given to you in the first place, so you can keep it for yourself."

Chen Xiuyun was a little surprised. Old man Jiang has changed his sex?

How can old man Jiang change his sex?But I think Chen Xiuyun's family is better than the second and third family, and I can take out 50 yuan if I take it, and I can use it to her family in the future. He gritted his teeth and gave up a bracelet. If he can repair the relationship with Chen Xiuyun's family, then How nice!
Seeing Ma Meili's vigilant eyes, Chen Xiuyun said, "Second brother and sister have worked hard to serve mother. This bracelet should be given to second brother and sister. It's not easy for a filial daughter-in-law like her. You should give her this bracelet."

Ma Meili looked at Chen Xiuyun very pleasing to the eye today, and felt that she was right!She is so filial!She deserves that bracelet!

Mrs. Li was afraid of Ma Meili, so she hid at Jiang Laosan's house to avoid the limelight and torment Zhang Fengmei. Later, she found that Zhang Fengmei was not easy to mess with. She peed on the bed and didn't clean her body. When I came back, I sat in the room and didn't make a sound.

Mrs. Li shouted in her heart that she had committed a crime, and the three daughters-in-law really didn't have a good thing.

Chen Xiuyun is her enemy, so she doesn't serve her; the third daughter-in-law is a traitor, but she can't be counted on; although the second daughter-in-law is aggressive, although she can beat her, and although she scolds her badly, she cleans up her well, so what should she do? Not at all ambiguous.

Mrs. Li, who had been sitting silently in the back room, came out and said, "The bracelet is up to me, so give it to the second daughter-in-law."

The happy Ma Meili suddenly felt that she had treated the old woman poorly before. Seeing that she was so witty, if she pulled the bed again in the future, it would save her two slaps.

Chen Xiuyun has no pity at all, as long as Ma Meili is willing to serve Mrs. Li, and she doesn't go to her house to find trouble in the future, she can give up a silver bracelet!

(End of this chapter)

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