good old days

Chapter 229 Stay away from her

Jiang Yuzhu's outburst had also been suppressed for a long time.

People who didn't know the inside story saw her like this and thought she was crazy. Chen Xiuyun felt that the child was rude now, but Shi Jin's next behavior made her change her opinion.

When a normal young man is scolded by a girl, who doesn't feel ashamed?Running away is normal.

But Shi Jin didn't agree, he said with a stern face: "Yuzhu, don't be angry with me again, I'm just afraid that other gay men will bring you unnecessary troubles, so I will tell your colleagues that you are my partner." , you know how much I like you..."

Jiang Yuzhu didn't listen to this bastard chanting, "If you go to the bookstore to find me in the future, I will sue you for being a hooligan/hooligan. If you don't believe me, just wait and see."

After she finished speaking, she raised her leg and left. Chen Zhengyu waved his fist at Shi Jin, "Next time you come to pester my sister, see if I can beat you!"

Xiao Chuan also gestured, "And me, if you dare to come, I will beat you to death!"

Shi Jin's face turned blue and red, but he still looked at Jiang Yuzhu's back reluctantly.

Ever since he went to the bookstore for the first time and saw Jiang Yuzhu in a white shirt, and heard her gently ask him what books to buy, his heart fell on her.

Jiang Yuzhu's eyes turned red from the anger of not being able to understand people's words.

Chen Xiuyun patted her on the back, "Why were you so rude just now?"

Jiang Yuzhu said angrily: "He told others that I was his date, and everyone thought I was his date. When I said no, others said, "Don't be ashamed, it's just a date"! On the day of the winter solstice, he even sent my roommates They all went out in a hurry, waited secretly in the dormitory, brought dumplings and wanted to eat with me, and even made a fuss, he was out of his mind, told me a hundred times not to appear in front of me, he just didn’t listen, I not only wanted to scold She still wants to hit her!"

What annoys Jiang Yuzhu the most is that he can't understand human speech, no matter what she says, he will do his own way.

Her colleagues, her leader, and her friends, he will try to please her, let people related to her say good things about him, make others think that he is really her object, no one will believe her explanation before, she still scolded him that day The situation improved with people.

She was as angry as a madman, everyone still thought that she didn't know what was good and what was wrong, and Shi Jin didn't even look down on such a good condition!

She doesn't understand, why don't you want to talk to me?Why should Shi Jin have to agree to it because her family is from a rural area?

Jiang Yuzhu thought that he would restrain himself, but he didn't expect to meet him here today, and he repeated his old tricks, directly going to attack her mother.

Chen Xiuyun wanted to roll up her sleeves and hit someone when she heard it.

Chen Zhengyu had already turned around, quickly reached the electric pole, and grabbed Shi Jin who had just climbed up more than one meter.

With punches and kicks, they didn't hit the head, but greeted the body.

"Go and harass my sister in the future, you will find your teeth everywhere if I don't beat you."

After doing farm work for two months and digging ditches for another ten days, Chen Zhengyu's strength has long been incomparable, and he is very powerful when he beats people up.

Chen Xiuyun pulled Xiao Chuan and shouted several times before calling Chen Zhengyu back.

Chen Xiuyun let a few people go first, and she stayed behind and said to Shi Jin who got up: "Is it necessary to have a sense of proportion in pursuing people? When the girl has a clear attitude, do you think your behavior is appropriate?"

Shi Jin was pitiful, "Auntie, can't you give me a chance? I really like Yuzhu."

Chen Xiuyun was originally afraid of what this guy would do to Jiang Yuzhu if he was beaten up and held a grudge. After all, she was in the village and Jiang Yuzhu was in the county.

Seeing that Shi Jin didn't say harsh words after being beaten, and didn't show any ferocious expression, but looked pitiful instead, Chen Xiuyun felt that he couldn't do anything immoral.

"Listen to my aunt's advice, don't go to the bookstore to look for Yuzhu in the future, and next time, if she says she will sue you, she will definitely sue you."

Shi Jin: "But I just like her."

Chen Xiuyun had nothing to do, and simply said: "Liking people is not what you like so much. If you like people, you have to do what you like. It's not annoying. You have caused a lot of trouble to me, so don't do annoying things in the future. "

Shi Jin: "Why do you fall in love with her?"

Chen Xiuyun: "Stay away from her! There will be another time, just wait to be beaten."

Shi Jin: "..."

He was disappointed.

Isn't marriage the fate of parents? As long as Jiang Yuzhu's mother agrees, she will be able to enter his house sooner or later. Doesn't her mother want her to find someone from the city?Why is it different from what he expected!

When Chen Xiuyun caught up with the crowd, Jiang Yuzhu's anger was still there.

"Mom, what do you have to say to him? It won't be that you want me to marry him after hearing that his family's conditions are good?"

Chen Xiuyun said leisurely: "His qualifications are good, but he has some brain problems, and I don't know whether to say he is smart or stupid."

Jiang Yuzhu: "That must be smart, so smart that many people around me have become his lobbyists, which made me feel aggrieved and panicked. When I rejected him, others said I didn't know what to do."

Chen Zhengyu was still rubbing his fists, and the beatings on his hands just now were not without pain: "Be careful in the future, maybe he is holding back something bad."

Jiang Zhenzhen: "You have been in the city for so long, and you haven't seen the right person? If you have a date or get married, that person can't harass you anymore."

Jiang Yuzhu looked unnatural.

Zhou Qi sent her letters twice a month, even if she didn't reply, he would still send them, not only letters, but also things.Even if she is not in one place, she seems to know his daily life well because of the letters he sent.

Although she couldn't see him face to face, she still missed him in her heart. She was always inexplicably sad at night, and her dreams were all clips of filming movies with him.After waking up, she even suspected that the experience of making a movie was a fiction.

He sent her something called chocolate, and she felt that the taste of liking someone was like that thing, bitter and sweet.

Facing Jiang Zhenzhen's question, Jiang Yuzhu picked her fingers and said, "I haven't seen the right one yet. Anyway, I don't like Shi Jin at all."

When he got home, Chen Yi was feeding his child rice porridge made of malted milk in the main room, while Jiang Xinyu had cooked sweet potato porridge and was frying mung bean sprouts in the kitchen.

"You can be regarded as coming back. If you don't come back, I will put the child with Sister Lanxiang. It's a good thing I don't have work today, otherwise it will be delayed."

A group of people were talking, looking at the mung bean sprouts brought out by Jiang Xinyu, they fell silent for a moment.

Mung bean sprouts must be fried to be crispy to be delicious, but Jiang Xinyu's fried ones are shriveled from the appearance, and the moisture is gone. You don't need to eat it to know the taste.

Chen Zhengyu was stunned, "Seeing that you are so good at making cakes, it turned out that your cooking skills are only at this level? You still say that your aunt's fried cabbage is unpalatable, can you eat it?"

Jiang Xinyu blushed, the stove was too hot, and she turned over the mung bean sprouts a few more times.

There are not many manuscripts saved for Wanchang (=^^=) today, but there are two updates every day, and I am even embarrassed, please vote

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