good old days

Chapter 231 Plastic Colleagues

Chen Zhengyu also brought chocolate with him when he first went to the countryside, and Jiang Xinyu felt a lot of emotion when he ate chocolate again after a year.

Chocolate is a special product these days. It requires both money and a ticket.Anyway, there is no chocolate sold in their county.

The taste of the liqueur chocolate melted in her mouth, Jiang Xinyu was really happy.This sister Jiang Yuzhu really has nothing to say to her, and she is always thinking of her when she has any good things.

While Jiang Xinyu was enjoying the chocolate, the door was pushed open by Zhang Ling.

The sweet smell of chocolate is still quite strong in the air, and there are wine chocolates on the table in front of Jiang Xinyu.

"What kind of food is this? I haven't seen it before, it smells pretty good."

Jiang Xinyu put the chocolates one by one into the drawer in front of Zhang Ling.

"This is liqueur chocolate. My sister sent it to me earlier, and it was sent to her by a friend in the capital from the capital."

Jiang Xinyu did it on purpose.

If the auras of this person and person are not compatible from the first meeting, then they will not be friends in the future.Zhang Zhang Ling is the kind of person who wants to be stronger in everything. She always wants others to accommodate her, and there are many problems.

She went to the toilet in the middle of the night, and the next morning she would definitely say that it was not warm all night because she went to the toilet and opened the door to let in the air-conditioning.It's as if she doesn't go to the bathroom in the middle of the night!She obviously went a lot by herself!

Every time when eating in the boys' dormitory, she was the one who talked the most. She kept pulling Xiao Lin and Li Luo and the single male teachers to talk, deliberately ostracizing her, and she still felt it.

There was a male teacher who asked her to help with a substitute lesson at home. In order to thank her, he said a few more words to her in private. Zhang Ling saw it, and when he came back, he was angry with her in the dormitory, saying that he had a relationship, so he should pay attention to the influence. .

Every time she returned to the office, the atmosphere was very subtle, making it hard for her not to suspect that this person was speaking ill of her behind her back.

She didn't want to think so, but Zhang Ling's eyes and behavior gave her this illusion.

This kind of trivial matter is not painful or itchy, but it is disgusting and annoying!

Jiang Xinyu doesn't want to be the kind of person who cares about everything, but women are inherently more sensitive than men, otherwise why would there be such a thing as "three women in one drama", everyone has eyes, the emotions you put on me How can I not feel it?

When Song Guifang was around, she didn't feel this annoying.

For someone like Zhang Ling, if she makes her unhappy, then she will also give her soft nails.

If you don't make me unhappy, I won't make you happy either. If she is unhappy, she will be happy.

As long as you don't tear your face apart, everyone is still a "good colleague"!
Zhang Ling is very rare about that kind of "chocolate", she has never even heard of it.But seeing Jiang Xinyu's "cheap" appearance, Zhang Ling snorted in her heart, what's so great, the family is not from the countryside!
Humming in her heart, Zhang Ling sat down by the bed and took out a red scarf from the cabinet, "Look, doesn't this color look good?"

Jiang Xinyu glanced up, thinking that here it is, Zhang Ling came to find a place.

"It's very pretty. It was given by Mr. Xiao Lin. Have you dated him?"

Zhang Ling's complexion changed. I don't know how she guessed it all at once.

"It wasn't from him. Don't talk nonsense. I didn't have a date with him."

Although Xiao Lin is a teacher, his family is on the team, and nearly ten members of his family point to his salary. On weekdays, he is only willing to smoke that kind of rolled tobacco leaves. If she marries him, she is not allowed to be with him. Support his family?

Jiang Xinyu looked surprised, "Didn't it be given by Xiao Lin? I saw him holding that red scarf yesterday. It's so bright that I can't mistake it."

Jiang Xinyu said that on purpose.

A week ago Li Luo gave Zhang Ling a pen, and this week Xiao Lin gave her a scarf.

Jiang Xinyu couldn't figure out how these two gay men could be so willing to give something to Zhang Ling even though their conditions were not good.

As a bystander, she could see clearly that Zhang Ling was hanging on to them, but she didn't like either of them.

Xiao Lin is not bad, and he is a good person, but his family has a large population, and they all point to his salary; as for Li Luo, he is bald. His nickname was "Bald Gong".

Although this Zhang Ling doesn't like her very much, she often commented on the school's teachers to her in the dormitory:
Mr. Xiao Lin's family is poor, if anyone marries him, he will have to raise a big family in the future, such a person cannot marry.

Li Luo is too ugly, bald, and doesn't pay attention to hygiene. He doesn't like to brush his teeth or wash his feet. If he faces him every day, he won't even be able to eat.

Tian Yonglin is old-fashioned, his thinking is too old-fashioned, and he does things rigidly, which is too annoying.

Wu Jian pretends to be noble, but in fact he doesn't have much ink in his belly.

Luo Yuan likes to meddle in other people's business, he is still a talker, he babbles all day long, and when he is with the old ladies, he will definitely be able to say that he will not go home for a day.


Jiang Xinyu assured that the above are Zhang Ling's original words.

She didn't understand either, Zhang Ling obviously didn't like her, how could she still gossip about other teachers to her?Don't be afraid of her spreading the word!

She didn't need to think about it to know that this person could gossip about other teachers in front of her, and he could also gossip about her in front of other teachers.

Zhang Ling obviously doesn't like Li Luo and Xiao Lin, and still hangs on to them. She really doesn't like this kind of behavior.

Such a person can't have a deep friendship with her. At most, he just cares about face and doesn't tear his face.

Due to "harmony", Jiang Xinyu just thought about it in her heart, and didn't bother to talk about her behavior in front of her, otherwise she would really quarrel, didn't she see that Zhang Ling's face was not good-looking now.

When the atmosphere in the dormitory was delicate, there was a knock on the door.

The one who came in was Song Guifang with the child. The child's face was red and red from the cold. Jiang Xinyu pulled the person to her and stuffed the rabbit fur handbag with hot water in her hand, "Get warm quickly."

Zhang Ling was upset, she rolled her eyes and asked, "Why are you here?"

The dormitory beds are all hers, what does she mean by coming back?
Turning around and seeing the tall man following Song Guifang, Zhang Ling's tone turned into a concerned tone again, "Is there anything I can help you with? Just say anything, and we will help if we can."

Looking at her like that, Jiang Xinyu expressed admiration for the speed at which she changed her face.

Ever since Song Guifang left, she came back to get her things, and Zhang Ling's attitude was not very polite that time.

She took out an orange candy and gave it to Niu Niu, saying, "Come in and sit down."

Song Guifang smiled and said: "It's okay to come here today. I brought two chickens and asked the master to cook them in the afternoon. You also called Chen Yi. I haven't thanked you for that before. Today, my brother and I Please have a good meal, everyone."

Jiang Xinyu smiled, "That's good, we're all lucky today."

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