good old days

Chapter 239 Scare

After coming out of the toilet, Jiang Xinyu was blocked by Zhang Ling again.

Zhang Ling folded her arms and looked at her with a sneer.

Jiang Xinyu didn't know what she was messing with, or what she was doing, and she didn't know where that sense of superiority came from.

She snorted lightly, "Say what you have to say, don't sneer in front of me, and try to scare me, do you think I'm afraid of you? I don't know where you learned this from."

Zhang Ling was here to scare her.

She has a way to deal with Song Zhikun. After the new year is over and the school starts again, she may not be used to teach at school, but during this period, if Jiang Xinyu messes with her again, she will have no regrets. cry.

"If you dare to talk nonsense to Song Guifang again, you will force me to do something to you. I will let you go no matter how Song Guifang got off."

Jiang Xinyu also sneered, "Come here whatever you want, it's just a job, at worst I'll go home and farm. If you dare to stretch out your hand to punish me, then don't blame me for chopping off your paws. Treat me as a bully. Just try it."

She couldn't think of how to chop her claws, but it didn't prevent her from gaining momentum at this moment.

A villain like Zhang Ling still needs to be on guard.

After the mid-afternoon meeting, she went to find Xie Xiaofang.

Xie Xiaofang married into a family with good conditions, but after she married in the county, she didn't go to work. When Jiang Xinyu found her home, she was washing clothes in the yard.

When they got married, Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi each gave two yuan, which was not stingy among all the guests. Xie Xiaofang still remembered, thinking that Jiang Xinyu had come to inform her of the time for the wine.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Jiang Xinyu went straight to the point. After she told what Zhang Ling had done, she mentioned that she had threatened her.

Xie Xiaofang admired Zhang Ling for what she did, which hurt Guifang, and wanted to marry Song Zhikun. She really dared to think and do it.

"In the past, I only knew that she was poor at school, because she looked so arrogant, but I never thought she could do such a thing."

Xie Xiaofang waved to her, but Jiang Xinyu thought she was going to tell her a secret, so she squatted down and leaned closer to listen.

"She can harm Sister Guifang, and she can also harm you in the same way. You should keep her away from her in the future. If she really becomes her brother Guifang, she won't be able to harm anyone when she goes to the city. Don't worry about it. "

Jiang Xinyu: "If she really becomes Sister Guifang's sister-in-law, then what's the matter?"

Xie Xiaofang stared: "Are you stupid? One more thing is worse than one less thing. You have already experienced the consequences of meddling today, why are you so stubborn? If Sister Guifang and her brother really married her, then what do you say? ? You can still take care of other people's housework?"

"If she really gets married, it's because Gui Fang's brother is blind!"

"Xiaofang, haven't you finished washing? Everyone should be back soon, and it's time to cook."

A middle-aged woman's voice came from inside the room, and Xie Xiaofang hurriedly responded: "I'll wash it right away, and I'll cook in a while."

Jiang Xinyu watched her hands turn red from the freezing water, and couldn't help but said, "Why don't you boil some hot water and mix it in?"

Xie Xiaofang smiled unnaturally: "It's no different than in the village. You have to save some firewood, and you can soak it in hot water after washing, it's not a problem."

Jiang Xinyu knew that Xie Xiaofang's mother-in-law was ordering her to leave, so she couldn't continue talking to her, and left after saying hello.

Jiang Xinyu came to Xie Xiaofang to learn more about Zhang Ling, but unfortunately she didn't find any useful information.

With money in my pocket, I couldn't help spending. I took three cheap clam oils, two creams, and orange-flavored fruit candies for [-] cents.

Seeing that there was a seller selling dried hairtail, she asked for four catties with her mouth open.

The salesperson gave her a blank look, "Do you have a book? These are all supplied based on the book. If you don't have the book, you won't sell it."

Jiang Xinyu is not from the county, so how can she have a copy?

After being rolled her eyes and still not able to buy anything, she walked out of the department store with her mouth pursed. Why is it so difficult to eat something rare?
She studied in the county for a total of eight days. Jiang Xinyu went to He Yong's house with her eldest sister Jiang Zhenzhen at noon on the day she was going home.

The son-in-law and daughter-in-law also came back with their children, and Chen Zhengyu returned to Shanghai the day after tomorrow, so he chopped up a pound of meat and made dumplings from the family.

The round and chubby dumplings were rising and falling in the pot, and Xiao Chuan looked at the pot eagerly, almost drooling.In his memory, eating dumplings was still a Chinese New Year event last year, and he hadn't eaten delicious meat dumplings for a whole year.

Cabbage and meat dumplings are of course less meat and more vegetables, but they are also very fragrant.

The temperature in the room was not very high, but after a bowl of dumpling soup, several people were warmed up.

The night before Chen Zhengyu left, he asked them if there was anything they wanted to bring, and he would bring it for them when he came back after the Chinese New Year.

"There is an open supply of resale and second-hand goods that don't need tickets. I can't bring them here except the big ones. Just tell me what else you want. As long as you give me the money, I can bring you over."

Chen Zhengyu said to Jiang Xinyu whether he was seated or not: "Don't worry, I will definitely be able to come back before you get married. I am sure about your seat."

Jiang Xinyu's mind is now full of "no tickets, open supply".

"Disposal? Are they all second-hand?"

Chen Zhengyu shook his head, "No, it's called disposal products, but they are not all second-hand products, some are just a little flawed, and many of them are exported for domestic sale. Not only are the prices not as expensive as those on the market, the best thing is that they don't need a ticket. "

When Chen Zhengyu said that, everyone's hearts were moved.

"I want a men's watch. You can help me choose it. If you want a simple and elegant style, you can mail it to me if you can't come back before the eighth day."

Chen Zhengyu: "Oh, no, are you rich? No matter how cheap a watch is, it won't be much cheaper!"

Jiang Xinyu looked at Chen Xiuyun eagerly, shook her arm, and showed her watch again, "Mom, you have to support me to buy a watch for Chen Yi, and he even gave me one as a gift."

Chen Xiuyun looked at Jiang Zhenzhen, who was holding the child, and was afraid that she would be unbalanced, so she said clearly, "Xinyu has a share of the family business, and I have paid 40 yuan in the past few months. This watch will be regarded as your dowry." gone."

Not to mention the business and the monthly payment, the two pieces of gold were also brought back by the little girl.The little girl wanted to buy a watch for her son-in-law, and she still supported it. It was a little expensive, but Chen Yi gave the little girl a lot of things without blinking an eye.

You can’t buy big and eye-catching items like bicycles, but you can still buy a watch.

Jiang Xinyu was very happy, "I still have money in my pocket, so I will buy some more cloth. If there are new leather shoes, then I want them too, but if someone else wears them, don't buy them for me."

Clothes are hard to come by, and Jiang Zhenzhen also wants cloths. She still has savings in hand, and she also wants to make new clothes for their family of three this year.

Chen Zhengyu simply took a small notebook and wrote down what they wanted.

After finishing the memorization at home, he went to find Chen Yi again.

Chen Yi was even more desperate, and directly wanted to give him 800 yuan, and asked him to exchange it into a watch and send it back.

Chen Zhengyu was stunned at the time, 800 yuan?He didn't even touch the 80 yuan.

He asked in a low voice: "Brother Yi, are you going to dump it secretly?"

Chen Yi nodded, "If you are afraid of accidents, mail them back one by one, and don't write all the recipients. You can write whatever you like about me and your third aunt's family. The address is Wuliqiao Brigade."

800 yuan sounds like a lot, and you can’t buy much if you replace it with a watch.However, the profit from selling a watch on the black market is not small. If it goes well, Daoteng can earn at least 200 yuan this time.

Chen Zhengyu went back in a daze. He really felt that Chen Yi was hiding his secrets, and he also felt that he was brave. Are you afraid that he will lose the 800 yuan with him?

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