good old days

Chapter 246

Chapter 246
After Chen Xiuyun yelled at Jiang Laosan, she snorted and walked away without going in.

After the person left, Jiang Guisheng, who was in a state of alcoholism, wanted to chase after Chen Xiuyun.He was used to beating Zhang Fengmei on weekdays, but after being scolded by Chen Xiuyun, he couldn't help himself.

The old man Jiang grabbed his collar and slapped him across the face, "Can you give me another try?"

Jiang Guisheng was stunned, unbelievable, and said aggrievedly: "Father, why are you still beating me? It's obvious that the sister-in-law is cold-blooded and ruthless, and she wants to change the child's surname. Why don't you scold her or beat her?"

The old man Jiang scolded: "I beat you, you worthless!"

Although Chen Xiuyun didn't give birth to Jianmin's son, the two daughters she gave birth to have both entered the county seat. Aside from Chen Xiuyun's family, the old Jiang's family, aren't the other two families digging food in the fields?The reputation of the old three is bad, they are the most worthless, and they are useless if something happens, he beats up the worthless!
Ma Meili ran up to Jiang Laosan and poohed: "You don't know how much you weigh if you drink some dog urine. If you don't pee, see what kind of virtue you are. It's not you who beat women at home and think you're awesome. "

Zhang Fengmei said unwillingly: "Ma Meili, who are you scolding?"

Ma Meili turned to look at her, "I scolded him, but you still help him, you deserve to be beaten!"

Zhang Fengmei was very angry: "He is my man, who will I help if I don't help him? If you dare to say anything nonsense, I will tear your mouth apart."

"You tear it up and see whose mouth is torn apart first."

The old lady Li, who was pretending to be crazy and foolish, yelled at Zhang Fengmei's face, "I'm not going back yet."


Jiang Xinyu, who heard the conversation later, felt that the Jiang family was really lively. Fortunately, her family moved, otherwise she would have to let other people see jokes every day?It's really unlucky to quarrel during the Chinese New Year.

But Jiang Baoqin's mother deserved it, even though they were husband and wife, but she was beaten by her own man, why did she speak up for her man without any grievances?

Men who beat women are used to by women. This kind of men are usually at home, and they are not farts when they go out.As long as he has been beaten severely and revenged, he will definitely be able to correct his problem of beating his own wife.

The second aunt's words also made Jiang Xinyu get to know her again, and she was really "not bad" when evaluating her in the local dialect!
Ma Meili chased after her, "Sister-in-law, don't worry about what happened just now. Jiang Guisheng couldn't recognize who he is after drinking some dog urine. The matter of mother-in-law is still as we discussed before. Tomorrow I will take Zhenwu Let's drop by your house."

Chen Xiuyun nodded, "OK."

When she got home, Jiang Xinyu took a look at Chen Xiuyun's face and saw that her face was tense. She coaxed: "Mom, don't be angry when it's Chinese New Year. Think about it, I will be kicked out of the house soon. Be happy."

Chen Xiuyun was really amused by her.

Jiang Yuzhu said speechlessly: "Are you really happy that you are going to be kicked out?"

Jiang Xinyu snorted, "We're so close to each other, I'll go back to my mother's house every day to enjoy the autumn breeze."

Xiao Chuan peeled off a candy and handed it to Chen Xiuyun, "Mom eat it, don't get angry."

Chen Xiuyun let him eat by himself, "I'm not angry."

She was really angry in her heart. She regretted that she had resumed contact with Lao Jiang's family in the past few months. She should be more hard-hearted. She shouldn't have taken the money when the old woman was hospitalized.

But now it's just thinking about it, and again, for Jiang Jianmin's sake, she will still pay that money.

Jiang Xinyu's family didn't have any relatives, and when other people's houses were bustling away with relatives, Jiang Xinyu's family also came to Jiang Xinyu's family, and they sat there talking for half an hour, and then they dispersed.

In the third year of junior high school, Jiang Zhenzhen came back with her child and Zhang Hua. Her stomach was obviously protruding, she was wearing a jacket, and her stomach looked like a ball.

Zhang Hua came back this time with a chicken and a bag of dried noodles, and Jiang Zhenzhen brought back the red dress she wore when she got married.

In fact, you don't have to wear red clothes to get married now, you just need to wear decent clothes.But since there is a red dress, it is better to wear red for festive and auspicious.If it is summer to get married, her red dress will come in handy.

Jiang Xinyu took the clothes and tried them on. This body is less than 1.7 meters tall, but it is not short for girls. The frame is not big, and there is not much flesh on her body. Even if she is wearing a sweater, the clothes are still a bit big on her body. But bigger is better than small.

Chen Xiuyun: "If you want to change, I'll quickly tighten your waist in the past two days."

Jiang Xinyu shook her head, "Forget it, I'll only wear it once anyway, so don't bother."

The style of this dress is not so good-looking, in her opinion, it is very old-fashioned, so the color is not bad, it is a serious red.

"Zhang Hua will have to go back to work tomorrow, and I will stay at home with the children until my younger sister serves wine and then go to the county."

Jiang Yuzhu teased her nephew, "Just go back with me."

Seeing that Zhang Hua had gone out, Jiang Xinyu asked, "How are you doing at your brother-in-law's house for the Chinese New Year these few days?"

Jiang Xinyu still likes watching the series of Jiang Zhenzhen's in-law's family.

"It smells far and near. Zhang Hua and I stayed home for a few days. His mother didn't want to trouble us, but treated us well. Zhang Chao went in. Didn't Pan Yu want to divorce before? She Her mother's family also asked her to divorce, but she had a child in her stomach, and the health team had to issue a certificate for the abortion. Zhang Hua's mother had originally suppressed her. She made too much trouble, so she just let her go. I went back to my natal family, and I heard that her natal family is trying to arrange a remarriage for her."

Jiang Zhenzhen and Pan Yu fought for a long time when they were sisters-in-law. Now that Zhang Chao has gone to reform and Pan Yu is gone, she and Zhang Hua have also moved out. When I go back, my mother-in-law’s attitude towards her is compared to before. , that is much better.

The sisters were talking, and when Zhang Hua came back from the latrine, Jiang Zhenzhen subconsciously shut up and stopped talking about his family.

The family was complete, so the rooster couldn't be left alone, after all, every family had enough chickens, so Chen Xiuyun simply boiled water and slaughtered the rooster.

The taste of pheasant chicken is very different from that of domestic chicken. The pheasant chicken is very sticky, and the taste is not as good as that of domestic chicken.

While potatoes and chicken were being stewed in the kitchen, the old lady of the Yuan family and the uncle and aunt came to the door with two white flour steamed buns.

Yes, there are two white flour steamed buns covered under the cloth in the small basket.

Smelling the smell of stewed chicken, the Yuan family sniffed hard, and their hearts immediately warmed up.

Seeing Xiao Chuan wearing new clothes, the elder sister-in-law of the Yuan family smiled like a flower and stepped forward, "Xiao Chuan is much fatter than before. Seeing that you are doing well, we are relieved."

Chen Xiuyun was scouring the summer to dry and soak the dried beans, when she heard the voice of talking, she came out.

"Why are you here?"

Back then, because of the broken house, the old lady of the Yuan family and the old lady Li came and went for many rounds, and she still remembers the sloppy face.

Even if she raised Xiao Chuan as her son, she didn't want to have another relative.

"Mr. Chen said that my sister's blood is flowing on Xiaochuan's body. Now that he is your son, we can be considered relatives. Isn't it normal for people to visit relatives during Chinese New Year?" The eldest sister-in-law of the Yuan family said with a smile.

What the eldest sister-in-law of the Yuan family said made Chen Xiuyun's smiling face droop, and it was her face that she didn't roll her eyes now.

Lifting the cloth covered in the small basket, Chen Xiuyun said bluntly: "Since you are visiting relatives, why don't you bring two buns? It seems that your life is not very good. You can take this bun back. Your life is not easy, so don't let it go." Sent it to my house."

(End of this chapter)

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