good old days

Chapter 249 Here Comes the Watch

Chapter 249 Here Comes the Watch
Since Liu Laosan's crime of imprisoning women was exposed, Liu Laosan's family has been in bad luck, and Jiang Cuicui is also in trouble.

Jiang Cuicui wanted to marry her natal siblings to Liu Laosan to please him. If Liu Laosan hadn't had an accident, no one would have said anything, but after Liu Laosan's accident, this kind of behavior would be cast aside.

More importantly, when her mother was beaten violently by Liu Laosan, she was so big that she didn't dare to stand up for her mother. For this reason, Jiang Cuicui's backbone had to be poked by big guys all her life in the village. I can't lift it up.

Jiang Cuicui didn't realize that her mother was beaten like that.

She thought that her mother's anger had dissipated after so long, but she didn't expect that her mother would still treat her like an enemy when she saw her, and even throw away the things she gave her.

Her family didn't recognize her now, and there were people watching the excitement around. Jiang Cuicui hurriedly left with her husband and children, carrying snacks and a look of disgrace.

At the entrance of the village, the smell of stewed chicken became more and more intense. She glanced in the direction of Chen Xiuyun's house, and her man Fan Sheng also glanced, "Why don't you go to your elder brother's and sister's house?"

Jiang Cuicui glared at him, "Go and see how she rolls her eyes and hear her scold me?"

After saying that, she left.

She hates Chen Xiuyun's family, she doesn't want them to live a good life, even though they can't even give birth to a son, they still get very angry every day.But she didn't dare to do anything anymore. Her mother had done that last time. If she knew that she was playing matchmaking for Chen Xiuyun again, she would be able to peel off her skin.

Before dawn on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, Widow Wang's family had a pig slaughter.

Chen Xiuyun got up early to pick up a large pot of pig's blood, and brought back more than six catties of meat and several big bones. Of course, she also brought home the only pig's pancreas.

When Widow Wang said she would keep half a pig, she was unequivocal at all, as other people in the village didn't have enough meat to buy.

The pork was cut into strips by her, and except for the meat reserved for the wine the day after tomorrow, she made it into bacon and left it to dry.

The delivery speed is really slow these days. Jiang Xinyu has been waiting for Chen Zhengyu to send her the watch back. Fortunately, she can send it out on the day of her wedding. She has waited until the sixth day, and there is no letter for the watch.

A red washbasin, an enamel jar, two gaudy quilts embroidered with large purple flowers, a newly punched wooden box, a mirror with a plastic frame that can be placed on the table, and all the decent clothes she can wear Clothes and some odds and ends of daily necessities were all moved into the small room in the courtyard of Chen Yi's family before the eighth day.

The small house has long been tidied up by Chen Yi.

Although it looks shabby on the outside, it is neatly kept inside. The walls are either covered with cloth or newspapers, and cabinets, shelves and other items are placed where they should be.

The sheets on the double bed are new, the new quilt, pillow and pillow towel are neatly placed on the bed, and the floor tiles on the floor make the room look tidy.

Jiang Xinyu didn't have many clothes, and the clothes of the two of them occupied one side of the cabinet, and they didn't even fill half of it. They looked really poor.

This house is really incomparable with the two people's previous wedding house, but looking at it at this moment, I still feel a bit at ease in my heart.

Chen Yi felt that such a house had really wronged her, so he held her hand and said, "In the future, I will work hard to get a bigger house and live a better life."

Jiang Xinyu doesn't feel aggrieved now. After all, the times are limited here. Everyone's housing conditions are not good these days, so it can't be said to be aggrieved at all.Some particularly difficult families still live in thatched huts when they get married.But when these words came out of his mouth, she actually found it a bit funny.

"Let's go together!"

Comrade Chen Xiuyun once said a word, between husband and wife, I have to know your hard work, and you understand my difficulty, so that it can last forever.

In the past, the life of the two people was rich, but what is less than now is the human touch, so the distance seems far away.

In this era, he was kind to her and let her know that he cared about her. She seemed to be soaked in warm water. This state made her very comfortable and gave her the confidence that the two of them could live a good life.

There are quite a few people in the courtyard of Widow Wang's house right now, and they will be busy making the noodles tomorrow morning, and they will have to prepare in advance today.

A good aunt heard that Widow Wang said that she went to build a new cabinet at home, and secretly pushed open the door, wanting to see what other good things were in the house, and saw these two young people sitting on the bed and hugging each other, the sticky It made her blush.

"Hey, you're getting married tomorrow. Why are you hugging me now? When we get married, we can hug you in the house."

Jiang Xinyu blushed and was about to go home after saying hello.This aunt is really, how can she just push open the door of someone else's house without even saying hello.

Before he walked out of the courtyard, he met Chen Zhengyu, whom he hadn't seen for a while.

She pulled him out, "You are finally back, you didn't post the watch I wanted, did you wear it on your body?"

Chen Zhengyu smiled and nodded, "That's why I came to you. I brought the things back by myself, and I came to call you."

In order to bring these watches back, he asked his mother to sew pockets on the inside of his autumn clothes, saying they were for money and tickets, so that he would not be afraid of losing them.

The seam of the pocket is secret and strong, and it will not be lost no matter what. When I got on the train, I had to open the bag for inspection, and my body was also touched, but his clothes were thick, and he covered the watch with a layer of cotton, which was pretty good. It's easy, but I didn't find it out.

If this was found out, he would have ten mouths to speak, and he would not even think about getting on the train. He had to go to the Public Security Bureau to explain why he was wearing so many watches.

The speed of mailing things was really too slow, and he was afraid that he would not be able to catch up, so he just took them all by himself if he was daring.Fortunately, it went smoothly along the way.

When they got home, Jiang Zhenzhen and the others were holding a few pieces of cloth of different colors and looking at them.

Chen Zhengyu directly pulled Jiang Xinyu into the hut, and lay the eight watches neatly on the bed.

She immediately saw the watch with a black dial that looked retro, high-end and fashionable.

Seeing her picking it up, Chen Zhengyu smiled proudly and said, "You have a good eye, this one is the most expensive among these, it costs 250 yuan, and it is an imported Ingner."

"You can see whether to give this piece to Brother Yi or choose one of the other seven yuan. I have mixed up the money you gave me. The more than 800 that Brother Yi gave is not enough for me to buy eight yuan. This watch is too expensive. Looks good, it’s the only piece of Ingner, I couldn’t hold it back, so I mixed your money together and took it down. There are still Rolexes on sale in Huaiguo Old Town, but that one is even more expensive, and I really can’t buy it. rise."

"Look carefully. There is nothing wrong with this watch. There is a silver-black spot at six o'clock. The body of the watch is originally black. You can't see it unless you look carefully."

Jiang Xinyu didn't have much research on watches, but this watch was the best-looking among the few watches she saw at first glance, but the money she paid was quite different from hers. If she wanted to get it and give it to Chen Yi, I have to ask her mother for money to fill the hole.

(End of this chapter)

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