good old days

Chapter 254 Recommendations

When Jiang Xinyu returned to her parents' home with her things, Zhang Hua and Jiang Zhenzhen were preparing to leave.

Chen Zhengyu looked at her and shook his head, "It's time for lunch at other people's homes, and you just finished breakfast. I've never seen such a lazy person like you."

This kid has no idea about falling in love during adolescence, so he certainly doesn't know how exciting a couple's nightlife can be.

Chen Xiuyun was speechless: "You are really good at bringing things back from your husband's house just after getting married!"

She cares more about her natal family than Jiang Pandi, I really don't know whether to praise her or not.

Jiang Xinyu straightened her back, and said with a little pride: "My mother-in-law is nice, and she asked me to bring it back. She just likes me and treats me well."

"Eldest sister likes the bacon buns from yesterday, my mother-in-law asked me to bring her the rest."

Jiang Zhenzhen was really flattered.

She really felt that the younger sister married well, Chen Yi was willing to buy her anything, and her mother-in-law was not stingy.

After the Chinese New Year, the excitement slowly ended. After Jiang Xinyu got married, she went back to her natal home almost every day. After fewer people visited, the business resumed.

Since getting married, she has never been cold at night.

Widow Wang would pack hot water bottles and hot water bottles and put them in their beds in advance every day. Chen Yi was like a stove. As long as they stayed close to him, they would sleep warm until dawn.

But to her shame, she never got up early, and she blamed Chen Yi, who was so energetic, for always pulling her to do exercises.

When she wakes up in the morning, neighbors always come to the house to talk, and she is always woken up.

Widow Wang and Chen Yi had eaten early, and the rice left for her was sitting in the pot. While others were talking, she ate her meal silently.

Now the neighbors all know that she is lazy, she doesn't get up every morning, and Widow Wang prepares meals for her.

When Jiang Xinyu goes out, she occasionally hears her aunt gossiping about her behind her back.

In their words, there is no daughter-in-law like her in all the villages and towns. She doesn't cook, doesn't get out of bed, is lazy and greedy, and besides being good-looking and having a job, she is really worthless.

Stirring mung bean paste, Chen Xiuyun reminded: "From now on, you should get up early. It's okay to be lazy for a few days after getting married, but it's not okay after a long time. Chen Yi's mother can't guarantee that she doesn't mind."

Chen Xiuyun never expected that her little girl would reveal her true colors as soon as she stepped out of the house, and she didn't even know how to pretend.Whose daughter-in-law is so lazy that everyone knows she is?

Jiang Xinyu snorted: "You are really a real mother. My mother-in-law never said a word. These days, I have a bowl of egg custard every day. I always ask me to eat more."

Just as he was talking, Chen Zhengyu ran back from outside with a red face, "Third Aunt, a telegram has been sent from home, grandma is not well."

Chen Xiuyun was on the spot, unable to stand still.

Last year, the family sent a telegram saying that her mother was not in good health and might not be able to survive last winter, but she survived for another year.

No matter how bad this time is, I am afraid it will not be so easy to pass.

I originally planned to go to the county, take a group photo with the family, and then visit He Yong's house, but now I can't do these things.

Chen Xiuyun and Chen Zhengyu went to the captain and wrote a letter of introduction to visit relatives.

Hearing that the old man in the family was sick, the team leader quickly opened the letter of introduction.

The captain felt that these educated youths were also pitiful. After going to the countryside, they went back every few years, and they didn't even see their relatives a few times.

Chen Xiuyun felt uncomfortable. Her parents had never seen the three girls she gave birth to. If something happened to her mother this time, she would feel so uncomfortable.

She wanted to take her daughter back, but unfortunately, the eldest daughter is pregnant, the second daughter is working in the county, and the younger daughter is going to teach at school soon. The remaining Xiao Chuan is not her own. If you take him back, What would the three girls think?

I left in such a hurry that I didn't even have time to say a word to my two daughters in the county.Chen Xiuyun gave Xiaochuan to Widow Wang and asked him to eat at her house every day. She also asked her to help look after the yard.

Chen Xiuyun and Chen Zhengyu left, Jiang Xinyu also started school.

After returning to the dormitory, all of Zhang Ling's belongings had disappeared, and a new substitute teacher came to the school. He was a man named Yang Hai.

His Mandarin is not standard at all, he speaks with a strong accent, and the clothes he wears are all patched up. He doesn't dare to look people in the eye when he speaks. When he introduces himself, his eyes dodge, and he looks very unconfident.

Master Li cooked the meal. This was the first time the big guys gathered around the table to eat after Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi got married.

Yang Hai smelled the food, soaked in hot water and ate the cornmeal pancakes he brought from home.Everyone asked him to eat together, but he waved his hand and said he would not eat.

It can be seen that his family must be quite difficult.

In the dormitory, Jiang Xinyu was cleaning, and Zhong Ying came in and said, "It seems that Yang Hai's family conditions are not good. Do you know how he entered the school?"

Jiang Xinyu shook her head.

There are not many female teachers in the school now, and she is the only one who lives in the school. Zhong Ying can only talk to her if she wants to talk to someone.Even if the two had conflicts before, they are still getting along carelessly now.

"I heard that the secretary of the commune wrote him a letter of introduction, recommending him to come."

The two of them talked about this and that, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious. Zhong Ying looked around the dormitory and suggested: "Anyway, a male teacher is here. Your dormitory is also vacant. There is still an empty dormitory over there. You go to Director Liu and tell Chen Yi to live here too, so you two can live together in the future."

Jiang Xinyu was a little moved, but also a little hesitant, "Isn't this not good? He also has a dormitory in the commune and shares it with others."

"What's so good about this? The number of teachers in the school will not increase. Even if there is another one, it will be enough to live in. Director Liu will definitely agree."

It's not that Jiang Xinyu is sticky, but that winter hasn't passed yet, and Chen Yi's stove is really super easy to use.

After sending her to school in the morning, Chen Yi went to the county. He told the two sisters Jiang Zhenzhen about Chen Xiuyun's return to Shanghai, and then went to see He Yong with his things.

When the two got married, He Zhi came and gave five yuan directly, which was the most generous among all the guests.

When he came back to school to see Jiang Xinyu in the middle of the afternoon, she mentioned this matter to him.

He half-smiled.

She called him a beast at night, but she still couldn't bear to let him go.

Jiang Xinyu was terrified by his eyes, and said angrily, "Forget it, I've changed my mind again. I won't talk to Director Liu."

Naive and awkward, her petty temper really caught him off guard.

"I know you can't live without me, and I can't live without you, baby."

She was picked up by him and sat on his lap, his cool lips imprinted on the side of her cheek, and his forehead was pressed against hers.

Jiang Xinyu's whole body was on fire, joy was flowing in her heart, but goosebumps were also rising. Was she allergic to romance?
Reason told her that no one could do without anyone, but she believed the nonsense that came out of his mouth at this time.

Do you feel that I am tired of writing ( ̄▽ ̄)

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