good old days

Chapter 256 Nobody Wants To Be Happy

Chen Jiajia dragged Zhou Qi into the empty practice room and said bluntly and disdainfully: "Is it because of Jiang Yuzhu that you don't want to be good to me?"

Zhou Qi was unhappy when he heard her tone, thinking of what his parents whispered in his ears every day, an evil fire rushed into his heart.

"Do you think you are very good? Are you a fairy? You are so good in every way that I must be with you? When you speak in a contemptuous tone, without Uncle Chen and Auntie Feng, what kind of onion are you?"

After Zhou Qi finished speaking, he regretted it. He shouldn't have said such excessive things to a girl, and he shouldn't have angered others because of his bad mood. After all, Chen Jiajia didn't do anything bad.

Chen Jiajia's self-esteem was severely hit, and her eyes were sore that she wanted to cry, but she did not allow herself to be so embarrassed, and still held her chin high to prevent tears from falling from her eyes.She wouldn't show her vulnerability in front of someone who looked down on her.

"I'm just lucky. My mother can prevent Jiang Yuzhu from entering the film school with just one word. Don't think you are so great. From now on, you won't even be considered a green onion with me."

When "Sunny Sky" was screened, Chen Jiajia also went to see it. Originally, she was the heroine, but it was a pity that someone else was in the movie.

A while ago, she heard that Zhou Qi liked Jiang Yuzhu, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable. If it was him who made a movie with Zhou Qi, would he naturally fall in love with her like Zhiqiang fell in love with Yingzi?
Chen Jiajia couldn't accept that she lost to a little village girl.

After watching the movie, she felt even more uncomfortable. When she went home and complained a few words, her aunt mentioned that Teacher Fang had recommended the movie heroine to go to film school.Her mother didn't want to see her being wronged, so she talked to her aunt immediately.

Hearing Chen Jiajia's words, Zhou Qi's previous remorse quickly ebbed and was replaced by even greater anger. He raised a finger and trembled angrily for a long time, and finally said: "Chen Jiajia, I only thought you were annoying before, but now, You are so fucking hateful, I really regret knowing you."

Zhou Qi turned around and left angrily, Chen Jiajia was demoted, and seeing that there was no one else, tears fell over each other.

Li Yuezhen met Zhou Qi, who was looking angry. Seeing his angry look, she didn't dare to say hello to him.

She hurried in, and saw Chen Jiajia's crying snot bubbles coming out, she comforted: "What's the big deal, there are more boys who are better than Zhou Qi, and there are many people who like you, why do you have to be friendly with Zhou Qi? He has no vision, why are you embarrassing yourself?"

It was raining in Chen Jiajia's heart.

When she was a child, she was short, almost a head shorter than her peers, and her appearance was a bit ordinary. She had two nicknames: "Little Man" and "Ugly".

Whenever someone talks to her, she bursts into tears.She has no brothers or sisters, but Zhou Qi defended her time and time again, driving away those who laughed and booed her.

As she grows older, although she is not tall, she is not outrageously short among girls, and her appearance, except for the bridge of the nose, is still a bit slumped, but the overall appearance is becoming more and more elegant. No one mentioned her past nicknames, but the sadness of being nicknamed was not forgotten as she grew up.

"Why do you say he likes Jiang Yuzhu? Because I'm not as pretty as her?"

Li Yuezhen wanted to comfort her, but she heard her continue: "But Jiang Yuzhu is a village girl, and Zhou Qi's family will definitely not agree with him and Jiang Yuzhu. Zhou Qi also asked Mr. Fang to transfer Jiang Yuzhu to the studio. I won't let her come. Even if Zhou Qi doesn't like me, I won't take advantage of her. "

Li Yuezhen opened and closed her mouth, and finally asked, "What are you going to do?"

Chen Jiajia wiped away tears, "I want to write a letter to humiliate her, if she has self-respect, she won't come to the capital relying on Zhou Qi's help!"

Li Yuezhen blinked her eyelashes, "Is it necessary for you? Zhou Qi won't be happy if he finds out."

"I don't care if he's happy or not. He said he regretted getting to know me, and he won't be my Brother Zhou Qi in the future. I'm not happy, and none of them can be happy."

Why is she so sad, Jiang Yuzhu can not only show her face in movies, but also make Zhou Qi worry?

Li Yuezhen pursed her lips, the eldest lady is the eldest lady, and everything she did was taken for granted.

In the commune school, Jiang Xinyu went to Director Liu and asked Chen Yi to live with her, and Director Liu immediately agreed.

As Zhong Ying said, the school has no plans to increase the number of teachers in a short period of time, and there will be an extra dormitory. It is entirely possible for Jiang Xinyu to let her husband live in the school.

It has been snowing recently, and it rains from time to time. The weather is not very good, and the roads are covered with mud. Chen Yi doesn't have to go to the countryside to show movies. He goes to the office every day to read newspapers and drink tea. He has no professionalism at all, so he can go whenever he wants. Come back if you want.

The news of the watch was released through Ding Changhai, and two pieces were sold in just a few days, and each piece was 30 yuan higher than the cost price.

Jiang Xinyu can see him every day at noon and afternoon after school after returning to the dormitory, and he will hand her a cup of hot, fragrant and sweet malted milk when he enters the room.

In the dormitory, the two single beds are joined together, and the layout of other things has also changed, making it look much neater and cleaner.

When I went home on the weekend, I went to my mother's house to take a look first. There was no one in the yard.

When Xiao Hei saw the two of them, his ass was about to spin, but there was still some pig food left in the dog bowl, and the two little pigs in the pigsty looked at them with clear and stupid eyes.

It looked like there hadn't been a fire in the kitchen for a long time, and the house was deserted.

No one is home and the house looks lonely.

"Xiao Chuan has been living in my house recently, and he still lives in my old house. My mother said that it is not safe for him to live alone at the entrance of the village." Chen Yi poured water into the slot in the pigsty, and started sweeping the yard after pouring the water.

Although he lived in school with her recently, he went home twice during the day this week to check on the situation at home.

Jiang Xinyu sprinkled the chicken with a thick cornstarch, and then patted Xiaohei's dog's head.

"Don't follow me anymore, there are dogs in my yard, I don't care if they bite you!"

At the entrance of the village outside the courtyard, Xiao Chuan was vigorously shaking his elder sister-in-law who was holding his hand.

"I wonder if your child has no conscience? Your grandma fell down at night, and now the family only has enough food for your grandma to keep her healthy. Did your mother give birth to you in vain?"

The eldest concubine's youngest son also goes to Central Primary School, and they all know about Chen Xiuyun's return to her natal family to visit relatives.

There is no adult in Chen Xiuyun's family now, and Xiao Chuan's grandma did fall at night, and now she can't even stand up. She lies in bed every day, and she is fine in bed. When she heard that Chen Xiuyun was going back to Shanghai to visit relatives, his grandma thought about it Let Xiao Chuan bring some food back.

When Ogawa's grandmother mentioned this, the whole family responded, thinking that this matter was reasonable.

The Yuan family's blood was flowing on Xiao Chuan's body, and his elbow had to be turned towards Yuan's family!

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