good old days

Chapter 259 Letter from the Capital

When school was over at noon on Wednesday, Song Guifang came to the school to look for Jiang Xinyu.

Jiang Xinyu was quite surprised to see her.

"I heard from your father that you married into the county? How is the man? How are you doing now?"

Song Guifang took a sip of hot water and said: "Look for a man to live with, is it okay? His son is only two years old. Without his mother, I can't have children anymore. It's just right to have a family with him. He is my brother's former comrade-in-arms." , injured his body and retired from the army. He is a cook. He has a very honest personality. He can't get a fart with three sticks. Now it seems that he is better than Zhu Lin. At least he doesn't beat people. I can hear."

"I didn't go to your wedding day. Niuniu had a fever, so I took her to get some water. You don't mind."

Jiang Xinyu said with a smile: "What's the matter? The children are important. The money has arrived before the money has arrived, but Chen Yi and I took advantage and saved your share of food."

After a pause, she still asked, "Is Zhang Ling being polite to you now?"

Song Guifang curled her lips, and then said bitterly: "She will do anything to make things happen with my brother. My father and stepmother are on her side and force my brother together, and she threatens my brother in private." , saying that if he doesn't marry her, she will go to his work to make trouble and accuse him of being a hooligan. I can't understand her. My brother hates her. Why does she want to marry my brother? "

At her father's place, both brothers and sisters were quite disappointed. As for the stepmother, both of them didn't like it in the first place. There was no hope, so it was not disappointing. Anyway, since her father married the stepmother, the two brothers and sisters were marginal people at home. It's not that her brother still has an allowance, and he, the eldest son, doesn't have a voice in the family.

Not to mention the family, just this woman Zhang Ling, who could tell before that she was a snake-hearted woman?
Song Guifang was also flustered by her brother's grievances. When they got married, there was a table at home, and her brother didn't even have a smiling face. Not only that day, but since they got married, her brother didn't even have a smiling face.

Thinking about her brother and Zhang Ling, Song Guifang felt bad, and after a while she sighed, "Things are like this, I don't want to argue with her about the past, with such a sister-in-law, my brother will still be in trouble in the future." How have you been?"

Jiang Xinyu: "What the hell, let's get divorced!"

She knew what she was talking about was nonsense, how could Zhang Ling get married to Song Zhikun so easily?She didn't know the inside story before, thinking that Song Zhikun liked Zhang Ling so much that she didn't care what Zhang Ling did to Song Guifang, but now that she knew the inside story, she sympathized with Song Zhikun.At this time, hooligans and hooligans are strictly dealt with. Zhang Ling has to go all out to sue, and every sue will be accurate. Who can fight Zhang Ling without caring about the future?
Song Guifang shook her head, "Now she is a little girl in front of my brother, and she is also a good sister-in-law with me, trying to ease the relationship. If my brother doesn't give her good face, I will never recognize her as a sister-in-law.

That's fine, let's not mention her. I came here to ask you to do me a favor. My stepson was severely malnourished. Weak looks sick, the doctor said that it is best to eat milk powder to supplement it, if anyone has a milk powder ticket, please help me find out.There are also cotton tickets. The cotton in the quilt at home is all stuck together, and it is time to change it. Unfortunately, there are no cotton tickets to buy cotton. "

Jiang Xinyu nodded, "I've made a note of this. If I have it, I won't have to go to the countryside for home visits on weekends. I'll go to the county. Please leave me an address."

Chen Yi gave her some commonly used food stamps and meat stamps, but no milk powder stamps, and even less cotton stamps. Chen Xiuyun tucked her into a quilt, and all the cotton stamps at home were used up.

Ding Changhai has a wide range of contacts, so you can go to him and ask.

Spring plowing has started, and after the Spring Festival break, the members have already started the new year's work.

Chen Yi was going to the Wuliqiao brigade to show a movie today, and he decided to go back in the afternoon, but his mother asked someone to bring him a message. Last night, a thief broke into Jiang Xinyu's yard. The thief was none other than Zhang Tiezhu, that bastard. Egg.

Zhang Tiezhu's family didn't have much food, and he was inspired by the fact that Yuan's family asked Xiao Chuan for food. They all knew that Chen Xiuyun's family was doing well, so wouldn't he be a fool if he didn't take advantage of her family's nobody to steal food?Zhang Tiezhu learned to be smart, and picked the lock of the courtyard door of Jiang Xinyu's house, opened the courtyard door, let the dog run out, and then went in to steal food.

It wasn't that Xiao Hei went back in time and bit him. The Zhou family next door heard the barking of the dog and got up at night to look at the half bag of rice-wrapped noodles and half bag of sweet potatoes in the kitchen, as well as the cured fish and bacon hanging on the kitchen beam. They had to be taken away by him.

The family was doing business, and Chen Xiuyun kept the mung beans and white noodles in secret, not in the kitchen at all, so Zhang Tiezhu couldn't find them, and Zhang Tiezhu didn't like the cabbage and radishes in the cellar, so he didn't bother to steal them.

At that time, he was bitten to the ground by Xiao Hei. No matter how big he was, he could only lie down on the ground and howl in fear when the local dog showed its power.

Zhang Lanxiang went to call Widow Wang, and Widow Wang came over with a stick and beat him up.

Fearing that he would steal something, Xiao Chuan even searched Zhang Tiezhu's clothes from inside to outside.

After Chen Yi came back, he sent him directly to the police station.

I was caught stealing something on the spot, and the stolen thing was not particularly valuable, that is, I was detained for a few days. The grandson was so poor that he couldn't even pay the fine. unlucky.

When Chen Yi rode his bicycle back to the brigade, he met the postman delivering letters at the entrance of the village.

"Chen Yi, the gate of Jiang Yuzhu's house is locked, what about her family? I have a letter from her, which is sent from the capital."

The postman and Chen Yi both knew each other and would say hello when they met.

Chen Yi explained Jiang Yuzhu's situation and simply said: "Tomorrow I will go to the county to study, so I can send her a letter. Her sister is my daughter-in-law. Please give me the letter and I will send it to you."

After receiving the letter, Chen Yi looked at the cover. The sender of this letter surprised him, it was Chen Jiajia.

What is the relationship between Chen Jiajia and Jiang Yuzhu?Why did she write to Jiang Yuzhu?
In fact, Jiang Yuzhu should have received more than this letter today. The letter Zhou Qi wrote to her was sent to the county, and she has already received it.But Chen Jiajia didn't know that Jiang Yuzhu was working in Xinhua Bookstore, so the letter was sent to the brigade.

Because Li Yuezhen told him that Chen Jiajia was going to write a letter to humiliate Jiang Yuzhu.Zhou Qi was afraid that Jiang Yuzhu would really refuse to come to the studio because of that anger, so he simply wrote a letter of persuasion sincerely and sincerely.

He couldn't stop Chen Jiajia, but Jiang Yuzhu, he hoped he could persuade him.

In a few days, the job transfer letter sent by the studio to Jiang Yuzhu will be sent to her. Zhou Qi is really worried that she will reject such a good opportunity.

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