good old days

Chapter 264 Jiang Baoqin is immoral and smoking

The day Jiang Yuzhu left was a sunny day, and the grass on the roadside was green. At first glance, it looked like a lively scene.

This green-skinned train is really broken. It makes a clanging sound when it moves, and the sound can be heard far away.

Jiang Xinyu only had three classes on Saturday, so she asked a teacher to cover the class, and she would be replaced next week.

Walking back from the dilapidated, small and old train station, it took about twenty minutes to return to the main street. Chen Xiuyun went to the small courtyard rented by Jiang Zhenzhen's family, and Chen Yi and Jiang Xinyu went to Dongfeng Photo Studio together.

When the two received their marriage certificate, they wanted to take another group photo, but it was a pity that the photo studio was closed during the Chinese New Year.

The photo studio is still the same, but apart from the fixed bamboo on the background wall, there are a few more different curtains.

When the photographer saw the two people, he remembered that they had been here last year.He had seen a lot of people come to take pictures, but it was rare to see a young couple like the two of them, where the man was polite and the woman was pretty.

"Didn't you two take wedding photos last year? Why are you here again?"

These days, not many people are willing to take pictures every year.

“Can’t we take a photo as a souvenir?”

"Cheng Chengcheng, why not." He took pictures when he could pay, and he was only responsible for taking pictures and developing them.

"We have a new kid in the photo studio who will color the photos. Do you want colored ones?"

Jiang Xinyu glanced at Chen Yi and nodded quickly, "I want a colorful one."

The master smiled: "But the price is much more expensive than the gray ones."

Chen Yi knew that the color photos were colored by hand at this time, and the colors might not be so natural, so he said, "The price is not an issue. Don't make her face red. Just keep it normal."

Jiang Xinyu was confused when she heard this. What do you mean by not painting your face red?

The young man working on the side brought over two photos for the two of them to see. Jiang Xinyu fell silent when she saw the blush on the face of the smiling girl squatting in the photo.

Xiaonian said cheerfully: "It looks so good when it is painted red. This photo is of my sister, and she is much prettier than usual in the photo."

Jiang Xinyu couldn't agree, so she felt stiff and weird, and said firmly: "Don't paint your face."

The young man really felt that she wouldn't appreciate it. The photos were already colored, so why not process the most important part of the face?
One background picture shows a beautiful scene of weeping willows over an arched bridge and a river, which looks like a small town in Suzhou. There is also a picture of Tiananmen Square, and a picture in which the subject is an orange sun emitting orange light and the whole image looks very much like a fan.

Jiang Xinyu couldn't imagine the photo of her and Chen Yi standing in front of the orange sun. People were worried that it looked like a fake "holy light" with a circle around it.It’s ridiculous to think about it.

As for the background picture of Tiananmen Square, the two of them didn't plan to use it. Wouldn't it be better to go directly to the scene to take pictures in the future than to use this fake one?
Under the weeping willows under the arch bridge and river, Jiang Xinyu sat on the bench, and Chen Yi stood beside her.

Jiang Xinyu really didn't have many clothes that she could wear out in winter. The only thing without a patch was her military green coat.Chen Yi also wore a gray-green coat.

At first glance, it is barely pleasing to the eye.

Jiang Xinyu originally proposed to take a group photo with the whole family during the Chinese New Year, but it has not been done yet. Jiang Yuzhu left again, making it even more impossible.

Jiang Zhenzhen took over Jiang Yuzhu's shift at Xinhua Bookstore. Before Jiang Yuzhu left, he had taught her how to do the work in the bookstore.

Register for storage, register for sale, register according to the registration records in the bookstore, and tidy up the bookshelves on weekdays. It is not a heavy task at all, and you can learn it all in less than half an hour.

Even if Jiang Zhenzhen is pregnant now, she can still do it easily.Her eldest son has been sent back to Zhang Hua's mother for her to take care of. Her mother originally thought very little about her grandson, but now is the time to be happy to take care of her grandson.

The mother and daughter were in the county, leaving Xiao Chuan and Chen Zhengyu at home to look after the house.

Chen Zhengyu went to work and took Xiaochuan with him.

It was not a hot day, but everyone was sweating while swinging their hoes.

Chen Zhengyu was in urgent need of urination. He wiped his sweat and walked into the forest. He was about to find a private place to solve the problem when he saw a torn shoe lying in the grass under the roots of a tree.

He didn't take it seriously at first, so he took a few steps forward and saw a disheveled and half-clothed man walking by.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, he knew it was Li Dani!She is the only big girl in the village who has disheveled hair every day.

Li Dani's belly was still exposed and she hadn't put on her pants yet. Chen Zhengyu didn't dare to look at her or get close.

Li Dani didn't wake up, so he didn't dare to step forward, so he turned around and went back to call the villagers.

Before she had even taken two steps, Li Dannier woke up behind her. Because the waistband of her pants was not fastened, when she stood up, her pants fell down.


A scream almost scared Chen Zhengyu out of his soul.

Looking at it in a blink of an eye, who was the screaming person if it wasn't Jiang Baoqin from Jiang Laosan's family who was married to Song Zhiqing?
"What's your name, hurry up and call someone, something happened to Li Danier!"

Li Dani's parents, brother and sister-in-law came very quickly, indiscriminately accusing Chen Zhengyu of doing something wrong to Li Dani.

The stern look made Chen Zhengyu, a young man who had no experience in the world, blush with anger, and even began to doubt life!
"I'll come to Linzi to relieve my hand. It hasn't been long before you are less bloody and spitting."

Jiang Baoqin on the side did not expect that she would bump into him by such a coincidence.

She remembered that in her previous life, Li Dani was bullied in the forest area near her home. It happened that Chen Zhengyu was collecting firewood there, and when he bumped into him, everyone ran away. As a result, he was picked on by Li Dani's family because Li Dani was pregnant. Got it!

Why is this thing different today from the previous life? Why did she bump into it?The time and place are different, but the direction of things is strangely the same.

Because Li Dani was a fool, no one wanted her and she couldn't get married. Privately, she didn't know she was ruined by some bastard and got pregnant. If word spread, no one would want her.

Li Danier's father, mother, brother and sister-in-law looked at each other at this moment, and her sister-in-law suddenly had an idea.

"Jiang Baoqin, he said he didn't do it? You came earlier than us. What did you see?"

A burdensome person has to eat the food at home, so it is better to take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of it.Chen Xiuyun's family is doing well, and Chen Zhengyu's family is still from Shanghai. If this thing really happens, will her family not be able to take advantage of it in the future?Even if it fails, you can still get something back.

She knew that this was immoral, and she also knew that Chen Zhengyu did not do it, but with the opportunity in front of her, she couldn't help it!
Jiang Laosan's family does not get along with Chen Xiuyun's family, and Jiang Baoqin is not a good person either. As long as she is willing to say a few words, this matter will be a certainty.

At this time, Jiang Baoqin's heart was beating loudly, and his mind took several turns in an instant.

Of course Li Dani's family's conspiracy didn't succeed in her previous life, but now, she can let them succeed!
Jiang Baoqin felt a secret pleasure in her heart and said, "When I came, there was no one else here. This educated youth was lying on Da Nier's body."

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