good old days

Chapter 273 Chapter City

Chapter 273
It has been less than half a year since Chen Zhengyu went to the countryside. After suffering from farm work and canal digging, and being framed for almost squatting on a fence, he was so frightened that he just wanted to escape here.

He breathed a sigh of relief when all the procedures were completed.

Before leaving, he prepared money and tickets, and wanted to invite Chen Yi and Jiang Xinyu to have a meal in the county.

When he arrived at school, Jiang Xinyu was sitting in front of the bed reading the letter Jiang Yuzhu had sent her.

Jiang Yuzhu's letter did not report good news or bad news. She told her story about a rural girl who had just moved to the city and made a joke at the studio and was laughed at.

Chen Jiajia was very dissatisfied with her and led some people in the factory to isolate her. Although she was unhappy, Teacher Fang took good care of her, and she understood that she did not come to the capital to fight with Chen Jiajia. She studied to the fullest Everything that has never been touched before.

In her words, she didn't complain too much, and it could be seen that she was quite relaxed.

Jiang Yuzhu wrote a lot of this letter. She wrote whatever came to her mind. The content was fragmentary and miscellaneous, and it was full of her desire to talk to her.

The letter said that some people have flush toilets and heating at home, there are many bathhouses in the capital, and the non-staple foods in cooperatives and department stores are much richer than here, but the same thing, even for people in the capital, Most people live a tight life, and it is very difficult to eat meat; the flag-raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square is really exciting; standing on the Great Wall, she is so small, but she also wants to grow a pair of wings and fly to the sky. Look down…

"Xinyu, if you have the chance, I hope you can come to the capital to see it. This place is not comparable to our small place..."

Jiang Xinyu has seen the prosperity and development of the motherland in later generations, and she is also fascinated by the capital of this era.

When she was about to pick up a pen to write a reply, Chen Zhengyu came with a grin.

"I'm going back to the city. I'm here to invite you and Brother Yi to have dinner in the county. Are you two free today?"

This Sunday, it was really a coincidence that he came here. She had just returned from listening to a speech in the county and had a meeting in the afternoon, otherwise she would have gone back to the brigade today.

After eating pancakes and bitter vegetables for a week, she usually drank some malted milk to sweeten her mouth. She was in urgent need of meat to satisfy her appetite.

"I have a meeting in the afternoon and I can't go to the county. I want to eat dumplings at the state-owned hotel in our commune!"

Chen Zhengyu felt that the state-owned hotel in the commune could not reflect his gratitude, but that was all he could do.

Chen Yi came back with a broken record player the day before yesterday, and has been tinkering with it for the past two days to repair it. The gears are all broken, and a lot of wires inside are broken.

Let Jiang Xinyu see, it can't be repaired at all. This is different from the radio. After all, very few people have record players at home. Where can I find the parts inside?It just so happened that he got so excited that he got into a fight with this broken record player.

The record player was placed in his dormitory, and when the two of them went there, he was still tinkering with it.

He sat there, playing with the old record player carefully and a bunch of small things on the table.

The sparse and cool sunlight shone slantly from the window, and his black hair was glowing with a layer of golden light. The straight bridge of his nose and slightly furrowed eyebrows made the outline of his face look handsome and straight.

She knew that he didn't care about her face at all. He didn't look like her at all when working in the fields in the summer. He was wearing a hat and a scarf. He was wearing rags like other men in the village, carrying tools. After going to work, it won't take many days to get tanned by several degrees, and it will come back to white in winter, and I don't even apply oil on weekdays.

But this face of his was based on her aesthetics. His features were clear and handsome, and he looked like a gentleman.

Chen Zhengyu didn't understand this stuff, but for some reason he felt that Chen Yi's seriousness was a bit impressive.

"Brother Yi, can you fix it?"

Chen Yi shook his head, "It's missing a movement, the one inside is broken."

Jiang Xinyu was speechless, "Without that thing, wouldn't your repairs have been in vain?" Chen Yi didn't even raise his eyes, and the corners of his lips raised a disapproving arc, "If I can find the movement in the future, it can be repaired. I'll fix all other problems first."

He wanted to see the structure inside the record player by disassembling the parts and understand the principles of it better.

Chen Zhengyu wanted to help him, so he said, "Tell me what the movement is like. When I get back, I'll see if I can find an old one for you and send it over."

"If you want to return your watch in the future, I'll go to Huaiguo Old Town to have a look at it every now and then."

After going to the countryside, Chen Zhengyu often went fishing with the half-grown children in the village, wandered around the Guizi Mountain with the educated youths, and gossiped with the aunts and uncles in the village, but few of them made him look at him differently.

Although Chen Yi is just a movie projectionist, he feels that Chen Yi has a temperament that is very similar to his elder brother. He can't tell what it is, but it makes people trust him. In addition to trusting him, Chen Yi also gives him A feeling full of connotation and grace.

He didn't know what kind of development a film projectionist could have, but for someone like Chen Yi, he didn't think he would always be a film projectionist.

The two talked endlessly, and Jiang Xinyu's stomach was growling.

"Let's go, let's stop doing this to the big eaters today."

It's not lunch time now, the state-owned restaurant is not full, so there is no need to queue up.

It's a coincidence that I came here today. There is donkey meat. I have been here for more than a year and this is the only time I have encountered it.

Not to mention Jiang Xinyu, Chen Zhengyu has eaten donkey meat for so many years.

Needless to say, the source of this donkey must be a donkey that died of exhaustion or old age in any production team in the commune. With such an important means of production, which production brigade would be willing to kill it for no reason?
Today her dumplings are stuffed with wild vegetables and meat, and the donkey meat is braised, but the portion on the plate is a bit small.

When all the dishes were served, Xie Hongbin brought each of them a bowl of clear and slightly yellow donkey meat soup.

There wasn't a piece of meat in the soup, and the taste was bland, but it was super delicious.

Chen Yi loves to drink this kind of soup, and found some memories of the past in this bowl of soup.He had eaten a lot of soup, and the light and delicious taste was very similar to the soup he remembered his grandma making.

The meat of donkey meat is delicate and delicious, mellow and delicious, and the tendons are chewy and chewy.

Chen Zhengyu, the treater, was not polite at all and did not raise his head while eating.

Jiang Xinyu saw a plate of donkey meat being brought over, and hurriedly waved to Xie Hongbin.

"What's wrong, Teacher Jiang?"

"Bring two portions of soy donkey meat, wrap them in oil paper and take them away."

With this good food, she can't eat alone. Chen Xiuyun and her mother-in-law have been eating wild vegetables in the village recently.

Xie Hongbin shook his head, leaned over and whispered: "No, there wasn't much donkey meat originally delivered, and there was a purchase limit. The rest of the donkey meat in sauce has been ordered, and there isn't much left."

Jiang Xinyu felt a little regretful. When she looked up again, there was only the last piece of donkey meat left on the plate. Chen Yi and Chen Zhengyu took out all four chopsticks together. Chen Yi took a quick step, and finally the piece of donkey meat was in her bowl.

Jiang Xinyu accepted it with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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