good old days

Chapter 275 Let’s talk about a partner

After arriving in the capital, Jiang Yuzhu didn't know how to face Zhou Qi.

If you want to avoid him, you will inevitably be suspected of turning against him; if you continue to associate with him, his family will not be happy. As Chen Jiajia said, she has been relying on him.

How insignificant her thoughts towards him seemed in this.

She looked forward and backward, but Chen Jiajia still hated her and caused trouble for her, and Zhou Qi still came to her often. She couldn't really avoid him, and deep down, she didn't want to avoid him.

After crying, she also figured out that she was different from Lu Sifeng. The person Lu Sifeng liked was her half-brother, and she was different from Zhou Qi.

Just like her if you like her, and talk to whomever you want to talk to. She avoids Zhou Qi, and Chen Jiajia won't stop causing trouble for her. It's better to follow her own heart and make herself happy first.

When Zhou Qi hesitated, he clearly noticed the change in Jiang Yuzhu's attitude towards him.I used to be evasive, but now I am much calmer.

He was surprised, "You..."

Jiang Yuzhu interrupted him, "Zhou Qi, let's talk about a partner. Marriage is the premise, okay?"

If his family doesn't like him, she will work hard to make them like him. Even if they don't like him, she still wants to marry Zhou Qi.

Just like her eldest sister and brother-in-law Zhang Hua, parents cannot control their sons throughout their lives. When they start a family, they will naturally become two small families. As long as she can control Zhou Qi's heart, she is confident that she can live a good life.

Once she came here, she had no intention of going back. She wanted to put down roots here.

When she was in the county town, there were several gay men like Shi Jin who had formal jobs, good family conditions, and expressed their interest in dating her, but none of them could compare to Zhou Qi.Zhou Qi is a man she likes and has good conditions. He is the best candidate for marriage.

The younger sister told her that she was better because others didn't pick her. She might be able to pick many people in the future, but she didn't want to pick more people. Now she just wanted to hold Zhou Qi in the palm of her hand.

When Zhou Qi heard her question, he was ecstatic after the accident. He nodded hastily, "As long as you are willing, of course I have no problem."

Jiang Yuzhu said bluntly: "But the letter Chen Jiajia sent me said that your family only wants you to marry a girl of the right family. How are you going to solve this problem?"

She also has her own thoughts. If he can't give her a firm guarantee, doesn't have a complete plan, and has a personality like his brother-in-law Zhang Hua listened to his mother last year, then she can only make other plans.Zhou Qi's attitude determines how she will marry him.

Zhou Qi was first angry at Chen Jiajia's actions, and then thought about how to solve the problem between the two of them.

On the day he left the Wuliqiao Brigade, he promised her with a badge that he would marry her the next time they met.

But his family's tough attitude really put him in trouble.

"I went to see my grandma. She has always loved me. I went to beg her and let her convince my parents."

"What if your grandma doesn't agree either?"

Jiang Yuzhu didn't know that she could ask this question so calmly.

"No, my grandma is different from my mother."

"But you have to suffer for a while. If they don't agree, I won't get married, so sooner or later they will agree."

He now follows his family's wishes and works for the Ministry of Radio and Television. He lives in the dormitory of his employer and does not go home several times a month. His relationship with his family is very tense. In the future, if he wants to convince his family, he will have to go back several times. Home.While he was thinking in his mind, he heard Jiang Yuzhu say seriously: "I will only give us two years. If we can't get married, I will choose to end this relationship and marry someone else in the future."

Zhou Qi had not been happy for a few minutes when he heard her calm words, and his sense of urgency immediately rose.

He knew that with Jiang Yuzhu's qualifications, "Sunny Sky" had given her a good start, and with his uncle's cultivation, there was a high chance that she would become one of the pillars of the factory in the future.

The mainstay of a movie studio really doesn't have to worry about getting married.

He took her hand and expressed his determination.

Jiang Yuzhu said sincerely: "Zhou Qi, if I can't marry you, it doesn't matter who I marry. I didn't reply to you at first because I thought it was impossible for the two of us, but you asked me to come here. I know that I My family conditions are not worthy of you, and I know that I have caused you trouble, but I can't let go of my love for you. As Chen Jiajia said, I have low self-esteem and despicableness."

"Where are you despicable?"

Zhou Qi's heart was completely led by her words, and his emotions were really complicated and difficult to hide.

When she didn't reply to his letter, he thought she was heartless. She just said calmly that she would marry someone else in two years. He thought she actually didn't like him that much, but she said what she said just now.

When he was about to say something else, the door was pushed open.

Li Yuezhen looked around, as if she didn't see Zhou Qi here, and shouted: "Yuzhu, it's time to rehearse, come quickly."

Jiang Yuzhu stood up and said to Zhou Qi warmly: "Don't be in a hurry to talk to your elders when you go home. I don't want to ruin your family relationship because of me, so they will dislike me even more."

She wants to become a pillar in the factory and push Chen Jiajia aside. She wants to become a well-known movie actor and make herself no longer ordinary.

When she stood up again, there was no more haze in her heart.

Zhou Qi couldn't control his heartbeat. He pressed the position of his heart and wondered how there could be a girl like Jiang Yuzhu in the countryside.He is soft-hearted yet incredibly calm, extremely considerate and frank, and looks weak but is indomitable.

At this time, all he thought about was that he wanted to marry her home.This is love, and he will not give in to his family.

He got up and prepared to go back to his grandma's house, starting with the grandma who loved him the most.

When Jiang Yuzhu was sharpening her skills in the capital and wanted to stand out in all aspects, Jiang Xinyu successively received three watches sent back by Chen Zhengyu from Shanghai.

The family business has been out of business recently.

Widow Wang is busy every day without touching the ground. After working in the pig pen, she has to work in the private plot. Moreover, during this season, Ding Changhai has no mung beans and white flour. His business has been shut down recently.When it develops again, we have to wait for this year's new grain to arrive.

This year, the food stations don’t offer much meat, and the county’s black market pork sellers are all gone.

When Chen Xiuyun went to the county, she made a special trip to the black market, hoping to buy some fat meat for refining. However, she heard from businessmen that the pork sellers did not come to the black market last winter.

The breeding farms have been taken away, where is the meat left to be sold?

Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi both want to make money. In addition to saving some pig soap, they now make some money by selling watches. As for those old items, he took back one more, which is a bit of a loss now. , he didn’t take action.

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