good old days

Chapter 280 People under the roof

Pan Yu's parents knew that they could not persuade Pang Lijuan and Jiang Zhenzhen, so when they returned, they scolded Pan Yu who went back to her parents' home to inquire about the situation.

In their opinion, their son would attack Jiang Zhenzhen just to stand up for Pan Yu, and he would cause trouble for nothing.

Pan Yu was so scolded that she couldn't believe it and snarled a few words.

If her brother hadn't been pampered by them and was fearless, how could he have gotten into trouble?
It is always inconvenient to have no house in the county, and the whole family cannot stay in the hospital. Chen Xiuyun spent the night with Pang Lijuan in Jiang Zhenzhen's hut. The next morning, Chen Yi came with tube bones and meat, and I brought Jiang Xinyu a change of clothes, and they went back together in the afternoon.

The school organized teachers to study in the county starting the day after tomorrow, so Jiang Xinyu had no choice but to make do at the hospital.

Zhang Hua couldn't take leave every day. His mother and Jiang Xinyu were in the hospital during the day, so he came every morning, noon and afternoon, and even made some nutritious things for Jiang Zhenzhen at home.

There was a lot of bone soup, and Jiang Xinyu also drank a bowl.

She took the ticket and went to the department store to see if there was any brown sugar. While queuing, she saw Zhang Ling in the department store. She had already lined up at the counter and was here to buy brown sugar.

Jiang Xinyu turned around and went out. She knew where Song Guifang's home was. After greeting them for a while, she asked directly: "Is Zhang Ling pregnant?"

Song Guifang was making small shoes when she heard this and paused while holding a needle. "I haven't seen my brother and Zhang Ling for a while. I don't know if she is pregnant. Have you seen her?"

Jiang Xinyu nodded, "Her stepfather accompanied her to the county hospital for an abortion. My sister has been hospitalized for the past two days. I saw Zhang Ling also living in that hospital. I just saw her again in the department store, where she went to buy something. Brown sugar.”

In the past two days in the hospital, she had secretly inquired. It was her stepfather who accompanied Zhang Ling to the hospital for surgery, but people in her ward said it was her father-in-law.

Furthermore, why should I abort this pregnancy?My sister-in-law in the same ward said she was getting divorced and her husband's family didn't want the child.

This thing was weird, and she felt something was wrong, so she wanted to come to Song Guifang for confirmation.

She thought it was possible that Song Zhikun didn't even know she was pregnant. Was her behavior of secretly aborting the child inappropriate?
What's even more outrageous is that Zhang Ling cheated on her. The child was not Song Zhikun's, so she didn't dare give birth to it.But how can I let my stepfather accompany me when it comes to miscarriage, unless...

The more Jiang Xinyu thought about it, the more outrageous it became, and she couldn't even believe her guess.

Song Guifang put down the little shoes in her hand, frowned and said, "I will go to the city to see my brother tomorrow and ask what's going on."

She and Zhang Ling had nothing to talk about, and she didn't want to recognize this sister-in-law, because her brother would never be happy again after marrying her.

Things like that didn't go away so easily in the past.

What her biological father and stepmother did made her heart freeze, and she would never go back to her parents' home to see them in the future.

The two talked for a while before Jiang Xinyu left.

Brown sugar was not easy to buy, so she had to go back and queue up.Who would have thought that before walking out of the alley, he would meet Zhang Ling carrying something.

A few days after Zhang Ling's surgery, she was discharged from the hospital today after three days of observation. She bought something in a department store to see Song Guifang.

It wasn't that she wanted to be nice to Song Guifang, but she was doing it to show Song Zhikun.

Since they got married, even if they were in the same space, he treated her like air, and he wouldn't even touch her at night.

She didn't go through all the trouble to marry him just to live this kind of life.

She wanted to break the deadlock and live a good life with Song Zhikun in the future.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Ling couldn't be happy to see Jiang Xinyu here.She didn't dare to go to the city's hospital for fear of being seen and spread to Song Zhikun's ears, let alone the commune's health team, as there were many people who knew her.Medical abortion is unsafe and she cherishes her life.

She secretly came to the county hospital, brought her marriage certificate, and asked Jia Hui to issue a false certificate for her so that she could have an abortion.

What she was most afraid of these days was meeting acquaintances. When she saw Jiang Xinyu, the string in her heart tightened, and her eyes were wary.

Jiang Xinyu snorted, "Can't I come to see Sister Guifang? Why are you nervous? What have you done to yourself?"

The expression on Zhang Ling's face changed several times. On the surface, she suppressed her nervousness, but on the inside, she was still on guard.

"I didn't do anything wrong. Don't talk nonsense. I was just a little surprised to see you here. I came to give my man and his sister some food. Do you want to go back and eat some together?"

If Jiang Xinyu could help her to say good things to her and prevent Song Guifang from hating her, and she would be obedient to Song Zhikun, she would be able to survive this life.

"I know I was wrong in the past, but I am making up for her now. Jiang Xinyu, please help me. If you want to become a public teacher, if you have the opportunity in the future, I will help you say good things to my dad."

Jiang Xinyu looked her up and down, "Am I crazy or stupid to speak for you?"

Is she out of her mind?

Zhang Ling is so self-righteous. She threatened her before and now wants her to help. She can't understand her brain circuit.

The two of them are definitely not in a relationship that can help each other. They feel unlucky to see each other on the road. What is this person's brain like?The structure is so different from that of normal people!

Zhang Ling stared at her and watched her go, snorted and walked to Song Guifang's house.

When Song Guifang saw her, of course she didn't have a good face, and she threw out the things Zhang Ling had given her.

She wanted to ask Zhang Ling if she went to the hospital to have a miscarriage, but the relationship between the two was so bad that she didn't want to say a word to her!
If you have anything to do, just ask his brother tomorrow!

Zhang Ling was kicked out, and she cursed Song Guifang in her heart as being as ignorant as her brother, and they were both smelly and hard rocks.

But she had no choice now. She was under the eaves and had to bow her head.

Jiang Xinyu was lucky today. She bought brown sugar and ordered a pound of peach cake. When she saw someone selling sour plum powder, she bought a few more bags.

A bag of sour plum powder costs five cents, and when washed with water, it tastes sour and sweet.

When they returned to the ward, Zhang Hua's eldest sister and younger sister were also here. The ward was quite lively at the moment, but Jiang Zhenzhen was lying there in low spirits.

"Second brother and sister, how is your job in the bookstore going?"

Jiang Zhenzhen became alert at that time, "What's going on?"

Zhang Hua and his eldest sister said with a smile: "Now that you have another child, you will have to take care of the child. How will you go to work in the bookstore in the future? The child is small, so you can't keep close by?"

Jiang Xinyu sat aside and said nothing for the time being.

Is Zhang Hua and his eldest sister planning this job?

Seeing that Jiang Zhenzhen remained silent for a while, Sister Zhang Hua continued: "You can't continue to work anyway, so why not just give this job to my sister-in-law, and when the child is older, the job will be returned to you."

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