good old days

Chapter 282 Song Zhikun came to find him

Jiang Zhenzhen's idea was relatively simple. She made the decision to take the college entrance examination just by comparing the life in the village, commune and county.

She used to be in a commune, but now she's in a county. If she gets admitted to college, she might go to the city. The smaller the place, the more backward it will be. But if she wants to get better and better, she has to go to a big place.

Zhang Hua is not a person with many ideas. He used to listen to his mother, and after the relationship with his mother had cracks, now he likes to discuss everything with Jiang Zhenzhen. Under normal circumstances, Jiang Zhenzhen is the one who makes the decision.

He said hesitantly: "Although the college entrance examination is not allowed, we can prepare it first, but if you want to sell the bookstore job, can you give Fengxia priority?"

Zhang Hua really didn't take the college entrance examination seriously. His wife-in-law mentioned it last year, but it's been more than a year and there's still no news about the college entrance examination?However, he is not opposed to reviewing and reviewing knowledge when he has time. After all, there is always no harm in learning.

As for her daughter-in-law’s job, since it’s for sale, why can’t it be sold to her family?
Jiang Zhenzhen didn't want to sell her job to Zhang Hua's family.

She said with a serious face: "Let me ask you, if I agree to sell my job to your family, and your mother wants to buy it for Fengxia, how much should we ask for it? And your sister has no intention of giving any money at all."

Zhang Hua knew it well. His mother had said before that if he was given ten yuan a month for ten consecutive months, that would be one hundred.As for his eldest sister's character, he knew it well.

The job is a hen that can lay eggs. A job in the county starts at 100 yuan. This job turns out to be Jiang Yuzhu's. He can't say that he will sell it to his family for [-] yuan, but he also feels sorry for his sister Fengxia.

Jiang Yuzhu grabbed his hand and said, "I know you are in trouble, but I can't sell this job to your family. I want more than a hundred. Your mother must have some objections in her heart. We won't be left behind. We want less. Aren’t we both at a loss? From now on, you will be the only one earning a salary at home, and we have two children to raise. Aren’t those days tight? "

In fact, Zhang Hua's monthly salary is enough for their family, and there is still some left over every month, but she is the one in charge of the money, so that's what she has to say.

Zhang Hua didn't speak for a long time.

Jiang Zhenzhen was focused on planning for their small family. Seeing him like this, she remembered that his job was also bought by her family, and her mother-in-law was also helping her take care of the children. The family could not be separated too clearly, so she finally compromised.

"Okay, 150 yuan. Let your mother decide on this job. I'll tell the manager and ask Fengxia to cover for me."

This class became regular members just by working on their behalf. Of course, the benefits to their superiors should not be less.

What Zhang Hua wanted to say, Jiang Zhenzhen emphasized: "One hundred and fifty, not a cent less! Give fifty first, and pay ten yuan a month for the remaining one hundred."

Zhang Hua nodded, feeling that his wife still knew how to be considerate of him.

Compared with one hundred and fifty and three hundred, his wife has already given in. His mother should be able to accept it.

"I have to tell my mother about this. Although I don't have any relatives to help, my parents' family has contributed a lot to this job."

Zhang Hua nodded, "This is what it should be. After you are discharged from the hospital and get well, we will go back and take a look."

Jiang Zhenzhen approached him and said, "Let's read together. My second sister is in the capital. Since she said so, the news is most likely true. Now that we know it, we must seize the opportunity."

Zhang Hua also took it more seriously, "I'll listen to you."

Jiang Xinyu had returned from cleaning the lunch boxes long ago, but when she saw the two of them standing close to each other and whispering at the door, she did not go in.

Early the next morning, Song Guifang left her child with a neighbor and took a car to the city. She did not go to her brother's house, but went directly to his work.

After meeting her brother, she asked directly: "Zhang Ling is pregnant and went to the county hospital to have an abortion. Did it have your consent?"

Although she did not agree with Zhang Ling being her sister-in-law, if she was pregnant, the child would be her nephew. How could she not want it just because she said she didn't want it?
Song Zhikun didn't know anything about this matter. When he was asked about the situation, his face darkened.

He married Zhang Ling even though he was unwilling to do so at the beginning. She is now his wife in name. She is quite good at it. She usually keeps a low profile and acts as a coward, but in the end she cuckolds him behind his back.

His fists clenched loudly.Song Guifang was surprised, "Brother, you didn't know she was pregnant?"

Song Zhikun's face turned dark and he said a few words from between his teeth: "That's not mine."

"Don't worry about this and go home."

There was still more than an hour before he got off work. He couldn't leave his post without authorization. He would solve Zhang Ling's matter, but not within this time.

Song Guifang really didn't expect that Zhang Ling would steal someone!Her stepmother and biological father really harmed his brother.

If there was a divorce, his brother would be married for the second time, and he would have to be laughed at and cuckolded by others.How could her brother, such a good person, fall in love with a bitch like Zhang Ling?

Now that Song Guifang knew that Zhang Ling had cuckolded her brother, how could she just go back? She wanted to go to the family home to see Zhang Ling, but she was afraid of making a joke about her brother.

She held back her anger and called Zhang Ling to the back of the family courtyard.


A slap fell on Zhang Ling's face.

"What are you doing? It's embarrassing for you, Song Guifang!"

She wanted to please this cheap sister for the sake of family harmony, not just to bully her!

Song Guifang looked disgusted: "I have wanted to beat you for a long time. You shameless bastard, you still dare to steal someone behind my brother's back..."

Zhang Ling was frightened, her face turned pale, she paused on the spot, and her hands could not stop shaking.

Song Guifang slapped Zhang Ling several more times, turned around and left after getting angry.

After the beating, she felt happy and realized that it would be a good thing if her brother could take the opportunity to divorce Zhang Ling.

Song Guifang left. Zhang Ling thought of Song Zhikun and did not dare to stay in the house.

When Song Zhikun came home from work, he didn't see Zhang Ling.

A few days ago, she told him that her mother was not in good health and she had to go home to take care of her for a few days. He didn't take her seriously. When he came back yesterday afternoon, he still treated her like nothing.

He had no idea that she would be able to do something big in the next few days.

He himself has to ask this question clearly. If it is true, if he can let Zhang Ling go, he will be a soldier in vain!
I asked for leave in the afternoon, and when I arrived in the county, I went straight to the county hospital and asked the nurse and doctor if a young woman named Zhang Ling had come to the hospital to have an abortion.

Jiang Xinyu walked from the cafeteria carrying a tea bottle and saw Song Zhikun with a gloomy face on the way.

This man was tall and burly, and when he had a sullen face, he looked like a domestic violence man who was about to get violent and hit anyone at any time. His righteousness was replaced by this sinister aura.

The two met their eyes, and he raised his legs and came this way.

After talking for a while, he grasped the key point and asked, "You said it was her stepfather who brought her to the hospital?"

Jiang Xinyu nodded, "Yes, Jia Hui is an education officer and often goes to the school. I can't possibly mistake him. But he told the people in the ward that he was her father-in-law, and he also said that the family did not want this child and that the young couple should divorce. "

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