good old days

Chapter 290 The Widow of the Heartless King

Chapter 290 The Widow of the Heartless King

When Jiang Xinyu was about to speak, she saw a dark shadow flashing across the window. She thought to herself, "Come on, come on." She quietly stretched out her finger to signal Chen Yi that his mother was here to eavesdrop.

Chen Yi frowned and was about to go out to catch Widow Wang, but Jiang Xinyu grabbed her arm.

She whispered in his ear: "Wait until we finish talking before you go out."

Chen Yi was not stupid to begin with. When he heard what she meant, he understood instantly.

His mother was in a bad mood these days, and she was afraid that she heard what the two of them said in the room.

He had never thought that his mother would do such a thing as eavesdropping.

At that moment, he was angry.

"How was your visit today?" He returned to his usual speaking style, but the volume was slightly louder than usual.

At the door, Widow Wang's heart was raised with her ear pressed against the crack of the door.

Jiang Xinyu's voice became louder, and there was deliberate excitement in her tone, "My mother and I first went to see the old Chinese medicine doctor, and then went to the hospital for a checkup. They both said that I had a slight cold, but it wouldn't prevent me from having a baby. , the old Chinese doctor wrote a prescription to take care of the body, you have to go to the city to buy all the medicine for me, and my mother will give it to me at home."

Chen Yi responded, "As long as there is no problem, let's continue to avoid her from now on and try to have children in a few years."

The two of them spoke so loudly, it was specifically for Widow Wang to hear.

Widow Wang felt happy after hearing Jiang Xinyu's words, but when she heard her son's words, she began to feel uncomfortable again.

Why does it have to be a few years later, not next year?Not the year after tomorrow?What were these two people thinking?
Eavesdropping on this kind of thing is addictive.

Widow Wang knew that she should not continue to stand at the door, but she couldn't move her legs and wanted to hear more about what the young couple was planning.

When the door was suddenly opened, Widow Wang was caught eavesdropping like a thief.

Chen Yi deliberately opened the door with a gentle step, just to catch him.

If you don't catch the current situation, how can you talk to her directly?

"Mom? What are you doing here?"

Jiang Xinyu also looked surprised and took an exaggerated breath, "Mom, you won't eavesdrop on us at the door, right?"

Widow Wang wanted to disappear here in an instant. She usually made a lot of noise when quarreling with people, but now she was hesitating and couldn't say a word.

"I, I, I, come and call Chen Yi for dinner, I didn't eavesdrop."

Widow Wang had a hard time finding an excuse, and she was almost scared out of her mind.

How could she admit to eavesdropping? How would her son and daughter-in-law look at her if they found out?

Seeing Jiang Xinyu's doubtful eyes and her son sighing when he walked past her, Widow Wang felt extremely frustrated.

Ever since she heard the two of them saying that they might not be able to have a baby, she had never stopped eavesdropping. Only when she was caught this time did she realize what she had done.

She is determined to be a good mother-in-law, how can she do such a thing?

Seeing her mother-in-law turn around in frustration, Jiang Xinyu didn't say a word.

She must not ease the atmosphere with her mother-in-law right now. She must make her realize her mistake. Only if she takes it seriously will she not continue to do this in the future!

While the two were sleeping soundly, Widow Wang tossed and turned in bed unable to fall asleep.

She was embarrassed about being caught today, and also felt uncomfortable because her son and daughter-in-law said they would have a child in a few years.

Why do you want to have a child in a few years?Did they know she was at the door and deliberately told her that their daughter-in-law was actually sick?

Early the next morning, Jiang Xinyu felt that Widow Wang was really passionate towards the two of them, which was completely different from her cold attitude a few days ago.

It was so early in the morning that he even went to the trouble to cook two dishes, and asked the two of them to eat more at the dinner table.

This is a very obvious sign of doing something wrong. "Don't you want to buy medicine? How about we get a letter of introduction and go to the city together today."

The furthest place Jiang Xinyu has gone since arriving here is the county. She has never been to the city. She is really excited.

"You're not going to the countryside today? I'm going out again today. What should I tell my mother?"

Chen Yi put on his watch slowly and rolled up his sleeves, "I told her directly to take you out to play. She was guilty and wouldn't say anything. There is a movie in the commune today, and Xu Nan is here. I will have a day off." "

Widow Wang really didn't say anything, because she felt guilty and wanted to give Jiang Xinyu money and tickets.

Jiang Xinyu had money and tickets, so he didn't want her.

She eats at school on weekdays. She has saved the food and a small amount of meat stamps provided by the school and has not used them at all.

They had to take a bus to the county to go to the city. The two specially brought a lot of vegetables, cantaloupes and watermelons to Jiang Zhenzhen, and also brought some to the landlord's house.

Chen Yi has a tall and slender figure, wearing a white shirt and black trousers. Jiang Xinyu wears a pinch-waist little red skirt made last year, which reaches to the middle of her calf.

The two of them rode bicycles out of the alley and greeted the members they met.

When the people walked over, everyone was talking a lot.

"Look at this young couple, they don't look like people from our village at all."

"The two of them punched the gate of the courtyard, and the fence gate became bright."

Everyone in the village is dull, but this young couple is more energetic than the other and is well-dressed.

Chen Yi is tall and handsome. Even if he wears a white shirt, he looks better than other young men in the village. He also has a graceful look about him. As for Jiang Xinyu, she is already slim and slim. When she wears a red skirt, her skin looks whiter and she looks fashionable. , which makes people unable to take their eyes away.

This young couple doesn't look like children who grew up in the countryside.

"Both of them have jobs, so they are not considered villagers now."

"Widow Wang is so blessed. Her family can save hundreds of dollars a year, unlike us..."

"What kind of blessings are you enjoying? That girl Jiang Xinyu is so thin that she is not blessed at first glance. There has been no news for more than half a year. Maybe she is infertile..."


Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi didn't hear what these people said, nor did Widow Wang who was still in the room.

Widow Wang entered their room and was wiping the tables and shelves. If the sheets and quilts were dirty, she would take them out and wash them.

She doesn't go into the couple's house every day, that is, she comes in every now and then to clean.

After wiping it, she moved the books on the side of the table and saw the test form from the hospital.

During those years when she was a child bride, her father-in-law taught her how to read when he was still alive, so she knew some of the words on the test sheet.

Even after guessing, she roughly understood the conclusion on the test sheet, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that she was overthinking yesterday, it would be great if her daughter-in-law could give birth.

Widow Wang carefully put the list back in its place.

Opening the drawer casually, she saw something. She hesitated and thought, and finally went into the house to get the needle.

Her heart was pounding.

My daughter-in-law is almost [-] years old, and she is not a teenage girl. She has given birth to children in the past two years, and her body and bones must be fine.

She knew it was unethical, but her desire to hold a grandson was too strong, and she didn't want to hear anyone say that her daughter-in-law was sick.

 There was nothing like that in those days, but I would wash it after use and use it again.

(End of this chapter)

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