good old days

Chapter 293

Chen Yi loved to read newspapers and the few magazines he had read many times.

From a few decades later to this dusty era, backward facilities and poor supplies are indeed a headache, but the demeanor of many literati is really worthy of admiration.

Jiang Xinyu felt that he was more serious about reading than she was when correcting her homework.

This person is also very good at it. He will give her an essay topic every three days for her to write. After she writes it, he will analyze and comment on it.

Jiang Xinyu was convinced. Even though she was a teacher, she still wanted to be taught how to write essays by him.

When she went to the county to study on the weekend, she went to find her eldest sister Jiang Zhenzhen.

The dangerous period for my second nephew who was born prematurely has passed. The redness on his skin has not faded yet. He looks like an ugly monkey. He cries more energetically than before.

Jiang Xinyu was very pleased to see the high school textbooks placed beside the bed.Jiang Zhenzhen said she wanted to review, and she probably hasn't been perfunctory recently.

"The second sister has written again, saying that the day to resume the college entrance examination is coming soon, and you and your brother-in-law should seize the time to review."

If it was just once, forget it, but not long after, the second sister sent another letter, and Jiang Zhenzhen felt a sense of urgency.

The second sister sent back two letters in a row, so the news couldn't be groundless.

Jiang Xinyu has always found class to be quite relaxing, except for the fact that her voice is a bit broken.But I don’t know what happened recently. During two consecutive classes, her head felt a little dizzy, as if she was suffering from lack of oxygen. She smelled chalk dust and always wanted to sneeze.

Jiang Xinyu drank water and lay down on the bed in the dormitory. She only wanted to listen for a few minutes, but ended up falling asleep.

Chen Yi brought three large grass carps over and asked Master Li to cook them all. When he entered the dormitory, he saw her sleeping soundly.

It was already October and the weather was getting colder. He gently covered her with a thin quilt.

Master Li prepared the meal and called the teachers to eat.

Zhong Ying wanted to listen to music and knocked on the door to find Jiang Xinyu and his wife.

Jiang Xinyu was woken up and was about to go to eat after packing. Chen Yi moved the record player to the male teacher's dormitory.

The tomato and fish soup was delicious, and the record player was playing brisk music. Everything was so beautiful, but Jiang Xinyu retched when she smelled the fish soup.

She wanted to drink soup, but she felt sick in her stomach and couldn't take a sip.

Zhong Ying touched her bulging belly and asked, "Are you pregnant?"

Jiang Xinyu felt that it was impossible for her to get pregnant. She took measures every time. How could she possibly get pregnant?
"I just haven't been feeling well lately, maybe because I ate chalk dust."

Zhong Ying muttered: "Don't take it seriously. In the first three months of my pregnancy, you were just like this. I smelled fishy and couldn't take a bite."

Jiang Xinyu just didn't take it seriously. Her period was still five or six days away from coming. As long as her period came, she was definitely not pregnant, and she didn't even need to go to the hospital.

Chen Yi didn't think she was pregnant, but her inability to eat was indeed a problem.

He simply went to a state-owned restaurant to buy meat buns, but Jiang Xinyu couldn't smell the meat today. The aroma was obviously fragrant, but she felt fishy.

"You go to the supply and marketing cooperative and buy me a few bags of sour plum powder. I want to drink that. It's sour and sweet to appetize."

It was the only thing she could think of that she could eat without feeling nauseated.

"That's not rice, it's not enough to satisfy you."

Jiang Xinyu didn't care, "It's okay if you don't eat for one meal. I'll have a cornmeal pancake at night. It won't be a problem."

After buying the sour plum powder, Jiang Xinyu drank two glasses happily and finally felt comfortable in her stomach.

On October 1977, 10, the State Council officially announced the resumption of the college entrance examination.

Jiang Yuzhu, who was in the capital, got the news that day, and she immediately sent the news to Jiang Xinyu in the form of a telegram.Jiang Xinyu had been feeling uncomfortable these days, and the fish soup seemed to have opened the magic box of her bad appetite. Although it didn't make her unable to eat a mouthful of food, it almost reduced her appetite.

Six days had passed and her period hadn't come yet, but she was already thinking about what Zhong Ying said that day.

It was dark outside, the dim lights in the dormitory were on, and Jiang Xinyu sat on the bed in a daze.

Chen Yi saw her like this when he entered the room. He took off his coat and asked casually: "What are you thinking about? Why don't you fall asleep? Didn't you doze off every day before?"

Chen Yi's words made Jiang Xinyu even more vigilant.

She has had a bad appetite in the past few days, can't eat, is very sensitive to smells, and sleeps easily. The most important thing is that her period hasn't come yet!
She touched her belly and looked at him seriously, "I might be pregnant."

She didn't know what the symptoms of pregnancy were, but she heard from her eldest sister Jiang Zhenzhen that her symptoms were really worthy of her suspicion.

Chen Yi sat by the bed and listened to what she said, and said seriously: "It shouldn't be."

It really shouldn't.

How could they get pregnant if they both took measures every time?
Jiang Xinyu didn't know where her temper came from, and asked angrily: "So what do you mean by this? If I get pregnant, can the thing in my belly belong to someone else?"

Chen Yi rubbed his forehead and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? It's not clear yet whether you're pregnant or not. You have to go to the hospital for a checkup first."

Jiang Xinyu was worried and held his hand, "What if she's pregnant? I won't want this child."

Is she going to college, going to school with a bloated belly?At such a young age, she had never thought about having children now.

He put his arms on her shoulders to calm her down, looked at her and said seriously: "If you don't want it, we don't want it now."

Their short-term goal is to take the college entrance examination and go to college. What's going on with having a baby?Regardless of whether he wants to have children at this stage, if she becomes pregnant, he should respect her choice.

Jiang Xinyu slapped him, "You said it so lightly, it's not you who's pregnant, and if you go for surgery, it's not your body that's going to be hurt. You said it very easily, why isn't it you men who are pregnant?"

He hugged her tightly and comforted: "Don't get pregnant one after another. Maybe you have a bad appetite recently. Don't scare yourself. Go to bed quickly."

Jiang Xinyu didn't know how she fell asleep, because she was so nervous that there seemed to be dolls laughing in her dreams.

For her, this is undoubtedly a nightmare.

Chen Yi was so affected by her words that he stayed awake for half the night.

He touched her flat belly, his mind was in a mess.

He never thought that when he was now a father and had no money, wouldn't she suffer the consequences of giving birth to a child?

When she woke up the next day, Jiang Xinyu's face was as pale as if she had lost too much blood.

She drank porridge and ate pancakes absentmindedly, and every time she felt like vomiting, her speculation about the possibility of pregnancy deepened.

Zhong Ying saw that her face was as white as a ghost, and reminded her: "You are not in a good state. Please take leave and go to the health team to check on her."

"Does the health team have an ultrasound machine?"

Zhong Ying wondered: "What is a B-ultrasound machine?"

Jiang Xinyu held her forehead and almost forgot about this. These days, even their county hospital does not have an ultrasound machine.

"Is there an old Chinese medicine doctor in our commune? I'll take your pulse."

Zhong Ying actually knew an old Chinese medicine doctor. Jiang Xinyu and Xiao Lin changed classes to check their pulse, but the old Chinese medicine doctor was not sure and asked her to go again in half a month.

Don't worry, it won't delay the college entrance examination.

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