good old days

Chapter 296 It's All My Fault

Widow Wang heard the news about Jiang Xinyu's pregnancy, and Chen Xiuyun naturally heard the news too.

Chen Xiuyun only met her daughter last night, and she didn't even mention it to her. She instinctively felt that something was fishy.

Both of them were waiting for Jiang Xinyu to come back so they could ask what was going on, but they didn't wait until midnight on Saturday.

Widow Wang had cooked the food at noon and was simmering it in the pot, waiting for the two of them to come back and eat ready-made food. As a result, she waited for Chen Yi to come back.

"Isn't Xinyu pregnant? Why did you come back by yourself? Has she returned to her parents' home?"

Widow Wang looked around.

Her words surprised Chen Yi, "Who told you she was pregnant?"

Widow Wang was stunned and said, "It's your uncle Dong's mother. Her grandson has been suffering from dysentery these days. He was in the health team for a long time two days ago. She saw you two and asked the doctor."

"Where's Xinyu? I fried the meat for her, adding enough oil, water and chili pepper. I'm sure she'll like it."

Chen Yi already felt that something was wrong.

He promised Jiang Xinyu not to tell his mother about this first, just so that he could make his own decision whether to have the child or not.

"She was vomiting badly and felt uncomfortable, so I didn't let her come back."

Widow Wang was a little nervous on the side, "Can't you eat anything? Have a good rest at school and save yourself the hassle of going back and forth. I just happened to make hot sauce and brought two bottles of persimmon sauce. You can go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy sour sauce for her. Plum powder, that appetizer, she should also like it..."

Because Widow Wang was anxious, she talked very quickly, and she wished she could fly to Jiang Xinyu to see how she was doing.

Chen Yi looked back at the chattering Widow Wang and said, "Mom, come in, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?"

After the door was closed, Chen Yi spoke seriously.

"Mom, I said before that Xinyu and I have no plans to have children in the past two years. Now that the college entrance examination has resumed, she and I will sign up. This child comes at the wrong time. I don't want a child now. You have to be mentally prepared. .”

Although Jiang Xinyu has not yet made a decision about whether to have this child, Chen Yi believes that since Widow Wang already knows, she must be vaccinated in advance.

The decision of whether to have children or not was in Jiang Xinyu's hands, but he didn't want her mother to have a problem with Jiang Xinyu because of this.

Widow Wang was so happy before, but now she is so worried, "What, what do you mean? This child won't be born?"

Chen Yi said: "It's not that we don't want it. In addition to the reason for going to college, it's also because Xinyu has been taking medicine. The child conceived while taking medicine is likely to be deformed, and may also miscarry midway."

"What is a deformity? How can taking medicine cause miscarriage?"

Widow Wang knew that Jiang Xinyu was drinking medicine at her parents' house, but she never got through it, so she just pretended that she didn't know, and she didn't expect that it would affect the fetus.

"A deformity is when a child is born abnormally..."

Chen Yi explained it, and when his mother's expression became serious, he stopped scaring her.

He told a lie.

Before coming back, he accompanied Jiang Xinyu to the health team and asked the doctor to look at the list prescribed by the old Chinese medicine doctor. The main effect of the list was to warm and tonify, not to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, so it would have little impact on the fetus.

If Jiang Xinyu didn't want this child, then with this excuse, his mother wouldn't feel so uncomfortable when she aborted it.

Widow Wang is his responsibility, but Jiang Xinyu is his heart and soul, just like he promised her, she will always be his first choice.

If he wants family harmony, he can only lie to his mother.

Seeing Widow Wang stunned, Chen Yi might have frightened her too much, so he called out warmly, but she didn't react at all.

After shouting several times, Widow Wang came back to her senses, with a look of regret in her trance. "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"It's all my fault..." she murmured quietly.

Widow Wang regretted it to death. At that time, she was obsessed with pricking the thing. In addition to her strong desire to have a grandson, she was also mixed with doubts about whether her daughter-in-law could give birth to a child.

If it weren't for her careful thinking, her daughter-in-law would not have become pregnant while taking the medicine, and the fetus would not be at risk of malformation.

Chen Yi left the main room with doubts.

He was thinking, why the hell did he say it was all her fault?What does this have to do with her?
After returning to their hut, they opened the drawer and took out the cream and put it into a cloth bag.

Jiang Xinyu couldn't get used to the smell of the bottle of cream in school now, so she asked him to come back and take this bottle with her.

He packed up the things that needed to be packed and turned his gaze to another drawer with doubts.

Now those things are washed and used. Not only do they have one at home, there are two at school.

He inadvertently opened another drawer, took out the things that had been washed, dried and put away, and looked at them.

The light in the room was dim, so he opened the window and looked at the light.

When he saw the two small holes facing each other, he thought he was dazzled.

No wonder, really no wonder.

He couldn't imagine that his mother had done this.

In his heart, Widow Wang was a reasonable person even though she was aggressive outside. Not only was she reasonable, but she could also listen to what he said, but what she did really overturned his understanding of her.

Chen Yi put the things back silently, picked up the cloth bag with a sullen face, went into the kitchen and put the food in the pot into the lunch box, as well as the chili sauce and tomato sauce.

Widow Wang was still in her room, lost in thought, and didn't notice anything strange about Chen Yi.

He raised his voice: "Mom, I took my things and went back to see Xinyu."

Hearing the sound, Widow Wang hurried out and told him to take good care of Jiang Xinyu recently.

I don’t know if the child can be kept, but my daughter-in-law is not feeling well, so she has to take good care of her.

Chen Yi rode his bicycle to Chen Xiuyun's house. Chen Xiuyun was cooking in the kitchen. When she saw him, she quickly asked about Jiang Xinyu's pregnancy.

Chen Yi couldn't tell anyone what Widow Wang did, so he mentioned that it was not recommended to keep the child conceived while taking the medicine.

After saying this, Chen Xiuyun also began to worry, thinking about going to school tomorrow to see her daughter and ask about the situation.

Chen Yi took his things to school, and Jiang Xinyu was doing questions in the dormitory.

There were almost no review materials other than the textbook. Chen Yi drew inferences from one example and focused on the key points based on his feelings and asked a lot of questions. He also copied a few copies for other teachers.

Before Jiang Xinyu came to this era, her grades were not bad. She learned languages ​​very quickly and had a good foundation in various subjects. However, some difficult math and physics questions were a bit difficult.

If there were additional questions in the college entrance examination mathematics, she would have to scratch her head, but she thinks that the basic and medium-difficulty questions are still not difficult for her.

Chili sauce and tomato sauce were put out, and Jiang Xinyu was immediately attracted by the smell of chili sauce.

She has had a bad appetite recently and has to force herself to eat. Sometimes she vomits and vomits her entire stomach until she vomits sour water.

The taste of this hot sauce made her very appetizing.

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