good old days

Chapter 318

Chapter 318
Everyone was buzzing with envy. Chen Xiuyun got on the bicycle with a smile on her face and tried it on the road at the entrance of the courtyard.

A few decades later, the streets were filled with private cars and bicycles were rare. But now, bicycles are even rarer in the village than private cars were a few decades ago.

Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi had outstanding scores in the college entrance examination. The commune rewarded them with 20 yuan, and the county rewarded them with 30 yuan, adding up to a total of [-] yuan. Everyone in the village knew about them and they were deeply envious of them.

Chen Xiuyun happily rode her bicycle home, thinking that if she could really go to the commune to teach in the future, this bicycle would be of great use.

The young couple spent so much money at once, and Widow Wang felt a little distressed.

While Jiang Xinyu was drinking bone soup, she heard her say: "You two will go to college then, and no one will use the bicycle at home. Why not just give the bicycle at home to your mother, so that you can save money and go to school in the future?" The university is also more generous.”

Jiang Xinyu paused with the hand holding the chopsticks and said: "Don't worry, Mom, it doesn't cost much to go to college. The school will provide subsidies every month. Besides, you can use this bicycle at home. My mother may go there in the future." Teaching in the commune is much more convenient if you have a bicycle."

Chen Yi, who was carrying hot soup, heard what the two said before he crossed the threshold, and said with a normal expression: "Mom, you said it yourself, a son-in-law can buy everything, and you didn't have any objection before. Don’t worry about the money now.”

Widow Wang wanted to cover her heart, what do you mean by that little money?These words made her almost lose her ability to count!
The son and daughter-in-law are really like each other, and they don't take such a huge amount of money seriously.

When Xian saw her daughter-in-law, who was silently drinking soup, Widow Wang said, "Mom just wanted to say, you two should be careful about your money in the future. No other family can live like you."

After eating and returning to the house, Chen Yi looked at her and said, "Are you unhappy?"

Jiang Xinyu shook her head, "We are still poor, otherwise your mother would not care about this bicycle. If it were my mother-in-law, giving a car away would be nothing at all."

Nowadays, everyone is frugal and doesn't have much money in their pockets. She can still understand her mother-in-law's behavior, but of course she shouldn't be angry.

Chen Yi nodded, "People of their generation are like this, they are used to being frugal."

Thinking of his former relatives, he also fell silent.

When the two of them were silent, Widow Wang knocked on the door and said, "Xinyu, come to the main room and I will measure your shoulders."

She will be pregnant by then and will go to school in a few months. Widow Wang wants to prepare all the clothes for Jiang Xinyu, otherwise she will not have anything suitable to wear.

Clothes and shoes for children and clothes and shoes for adults have to be made.

Widow Wang said while measuring: "I will make the waistband of your trousers elastic for you. Pull out the belt at the front of the waist so that you can adjust the tightness yourself and the waistband will not fall off easily."

Jiang Xinyu was a little unhappy before, but now her anger has subsided.

She wrote the letter to Jiang Yuzhu at night, and the next morning she took the letter and returned to her parents' home.

Xiaochuan was making a nest for the piglet in the pigpen, while Chen Xiuyun was changing the child's clothes.

"Mom, this is a letter. When you send her something, send the letter as well."

Chen Xiuyun nodded, "Just leave it there, I'll go to the commune tomorrow. What else did your second sister say to you?"

Jiang Xinyu hesitated and then said: "Second sister has a date. You've seen her too. It's Zhou Qi who came to our place to film a movie last year. He smiles with big white teeth."

Chen Xiuyun put down the needle, thread and cloth in her hands, "Is Xiao Zhou's family in good condition?"

Either she doesn't think her daughter is worthy of Zhou Qi, or her family background is too different.

Everyone in the village is poor, who picks which family?But since he is from the capital, and Zhou Qi can agree to go with Chen Jiajia, then the family will be no different!

Jiang Xinyu added: "The second sister was admitted to medical school, and Zhou Qi took the second sister home to meet her parents..."

She gave an overview of the situation of Zhou Qi and Jiang Yuzhu. Regardless of whether they could succeed or not, since the parents had already met on the other side, her mother should know. "You said her family doesn't want Yuzhu to continue making movies? Yuzhu has been admitted to medical school and still doesn't want to go to it?"

Jiang Xinyu nodded, "Mom, what do you have in mind?"

Chen Xiuyun glared at her, "What advice can I have? She just told you something, and didn't even want to ask for my opinion!"

"She's not afraid that you'll get anxious, and she's too embarrassed to tell you." Jiang Xinyu defended Jiang Yuzhu.

"She passed the exam but didn't want to take it. Why did she mess around in the first place? Why else would she take the exam?"

Chen Xiuyun didn't know what to do, and she didn't discriminate against those who made movies. She said that studying medicine is a good place, and making movies is also a good place. Anyway, as long as there are serious institutions, it is a good place.

"She took the college entrance examination just to prove herself, and it turned out to be very effective."

Chen Xiuyun can clearly see the key point in this. Originally, her Yuzhu family was inferior to others. If she continued to make movies, the conflict would not be resolved.But her daughter is happy to make movies, so there is no reason to depend on the Zhou Qi family's expressions.

Suddenly, Chen Xiuyun was also in trouble.

After a while, she said: "Let her continue taking the exam. The most important thing is that she likes to do things. If she compromises on this matter, she will probably have to compromise on many things in the future."

"Then you are not afraid that Zhou Qi, your golden turtle son-in-law, will be gone?"

Chen Xiuyun shook his head and said, "It's not necessarily a good thing if your family status is too high."

The mother and daughter talked about this and that. When they were leaving, Jiang Xinyu did not forget to explain: "Mom, have you been reading recently? There will be an assessment in a few days after the new year. If you don't understand something, just come and ask me. "

Chen Xiuyun nodded in agreement, "Chen Yima, did you say the table will be set tomorrow?"

Jiang Xinyu said "hmm".

It had been several days since the notice arrived, and I was stunned to wait until the pigs were killed before setting the table.

In the afternoon of that day, Chen Xiuyun went to the consignment point and bought several kilograms of wine and took it over.All the eggs at home were used to make cakes. She took the money and went to other people's houses to exchange a lot for them.

Although the wine was served at the in-laws' house, Jiang Xinyu was her daughter and Chen Yi was her son-in-law. There was no reason for Widow Wang to be busy with this matter alone. Her family was also glorious.

Chen Xiuyun came to help after dinner the next morning.

After eating, Jiang Xinyu stretched her arms and legs and wanted to go into the kitchen to help, but was kicked out by her mother-in-law, mother, and Ma Meili.

"College students don't go into the kitchen today. Go borrow some tables, chairs and benches and wait for lunch."

Widow Wang doesn't like Ma Meili very much, but today is a good day and people come to help, so there is no reason to kick people out.

The surrounding neighbors, except Liu Caifeng's family, all enthusiastically lent them pots, pans, tables and stools.

The captain's family brought another two kilograms of wine, and the secretary's family thanked Chen Yi for giving his son the job of projectionist and brought a bag of fruit.

There are not many dishes in winter, but the remaining meat is meat. In addition to pork, there are also pheasants that Chen Yi went to the Shijinggou Brigade in exchange for. In addition, there are cured fish, and the meal is quite generous.

We invited people with whom we had good connections and two colleagues and friends from the commune, and three tables were set up in total.

 I caught a cold when I was writing these chapters. After taking the cold medicine, I felt like sleeping. I was so dizzy that I couldn’t think straight.

(End of this chapter)

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