good old days

Chapter 331 Roommates

Jiang Yuzhu was very busy at work, so she agreed to take Jiang Xinyu for a walk, which meant walking around the film studio.

"When I have my next vacation, let's go climb the Great Wall, take a photo at Tiananmen and send it home, and then go to the largest shopping mall in the capital. It's a pity that you are pregnant now and can't skate. Otherwise, I can teach you to skate. …”

Jiang Xinyu slapped her sore waist, "Work is important, these are not urgent. Sister, I heard from the people in the security department that you and Chen Jiajia are not getting along well."

Jiang Yuzhu waved her hands, with disgust in her eyes, "Why mention her? She has already left the factory."

"Then you're not going to get into film school?"

Jiang Yuzhu said: "Then I can't delay my work just because I hate her. I don't think I can take her seriously. In fact, she is nothing special. I can get into college, but she can't."

"I'm nothing special. You can get into college, but I can still get into film school even if I don't."

Chen Jiajia's arrogant voice came from behind.

Jiang Xinyu really felt that there was a risk in gossiping about people, but the person involved was just walking behind, letting people listen to her.

"It's you who can reincarnate. It's your family who has the ability. It's not you, Chen Jiajia, who has the ability. Don't regard your origin as your ability." Jiang Xinyu raised her wrist, "Look at this watch, is it yours too? Do you think others are wearing it? All the watches were stolen from you? Are you, Chen Jiajia, the richest in the country?"

Jiang Xinyu knew that it was boring to do this, but she couldn't bear it if she didn't tease Chen Jiajia a few words. This kind of person only caused trouble for others when his life went too smoothly.

Chen Jiajia snorted coldly and walked away with a face.

Did she do it on purpose?Jiang Yuzhu stole her role and the person she liked. If she didn't give her some clues, the village girl wouldn't even know her last name.

After walking a few steps, she realized something was wrong. Why did Jiang Xinyu, who was supposed to be in the village, appear in the film studio?
In addition to the people in the security department, other people in the film studio were also very busy. Jiang Yuzhu took Jiang Xinyu and Li Yuezhen to meet a few people and then got into work. Jiang Xinyu felt bored and had a fight with her sister after lunch the next day. After saying hello, I took the bus back to school with my things.

In addition to her bed in the dormitory, two more beds were occupied.

Just as he was about to go to Senior Sister Wang Ying to get a meal ticket, the door was pushed open and two people carrying cotton-padded clothes came in, followed by Wang Ying.

When roommates meet, they naturally have to say hello.

A girl with a taller head than Jiang Xinyu spoke with a Northeastern accent. She had two obvious red spots on her face and her skin was a little chapped.

Her voice was loud, "You are the one who cleans our dormitory, right? This bed is really clean. Thank you very much. If you need any help in the future, just ask."

This tall girl looks as cheerful as her accent.

The other one also said thank you in a soft voice.

The three of them introduced each other. The elegant girl was called Zhao Xiaohan, who was from Anhui Province, and the tall Guo Hong was from Heilongjiang Province.

Among the three, Jiang Xinyu is not the youngest, and Zhao Xiaohan is still a few months younger than her.

Wang Ying clapped her hands and said, "Okay, now that we all know each other, let's take you to get your meal tickets together. Alas, I forgot to ask Junior Jiang. You and Xiao Chen have bedding and winter clothes subsidized by the school. Do you want them?" Don’t you want to get a winter coat?”

Jiang Xinyu nodded, "I want it, I want it. This is the only piece of clothing I can wear in winter. Once I wear it, it lasts all winter. I have been wearing a coat for three years."

The cotton-padded jackets at home were all patched, and she didn't like to wear them because she was so rustic, so she didn't bring them at all.

The most important thing is that everyone wears the winter coats issued in the school, and a winter coat can blend into the group.

Guo Hong tugged on her large flower cotton-padded jacket, "I've worn yours for three years and it doesn't look old at all. I still picked up this one from my sister-in-law. It's been five years!" Wang Ying said with a smile: "Whose family is it now?" Doesn’t it take three years to mend a piece of clothing?”

Zhao Xiaohan pursed his lips and said nothing. Her clothes had not been mended for three years, but she had new clothes every year. Jiang Xinyu had two short and one long of the military green coat.

The girls were chattering as they walked together, and the strangers exchanged information.

Guo Hong, like Jiang Xinyu, used to teach in school, but she taught high school.

"Didn't you almost scare me to death when the college entrance examination resumed?"

Several people asked at the same time, "What's wrong?"

"The document issued by the superiors stipulates that teachers can only apply to normal schools. I have a bad temper. I am angry every day as a teacher. I think about continuing to be a teacher in the future, and I have no intention of doing anything else."

Jiang Xinyu was surprised, "Why do public teachers in our province have to enroll in a normal school?"

Guo Hong said: "The administrator of our school was not careful in his work, so he made a mistake. I went to the city to ask my relatives and found out that I had made a mistake."


As they were approaching the food department, Wang Ying said: "There are still about ten days in February. You should go and get the food stamps for these days now. Wait until next month when the monitors of each class will come here to collect them and then distribute them uniformly. . The food stamps for boys are 32 kilograms a month and for girls, 28 kilograms. The extra food will be almost gone ten days before the end of the month, so you all have to save money and eat in a planned way."

On the first day of registration for freshmen, the orientation point will give out meal tickets and food stamps for that day. As for the rest, the food department will collect them themselves.

Guo Hong raised her hands and said dissatisfiedly: "Why do girls have less food than boys? I don't eat less than boys."

To be hungry is to suffer.

Zhao Xiaohan hurriedly said in a low voice: "I can supply you with some of mine in the future, I don't have much to eat."

Guo Hong gave her a blank look: "You are not tall to begin with. If I steal your food, how will you grow taller?"

These words were really direct and hurtful. Zhao Xiaohan knew that she meant well, but he was still irritated and pursed his lips and stopped talking.

Wang Ying said with a smile: "You can give the person in the food department a good try in a while, maybe he can make an exception for you."

Guo Hong was sharpening her knife and was ready to talk a lot and ask for four more kilograms of grain.

How can I study if I don’t have enough to eat?She didn't care about anything when she was hungry.

Guo Hong's voice had a built-in loudspeaker effect, and Jiang Xinyu and others also sang for her. The staff in the food department were speechless. Those who knew knew that they were asking for these four more kilograms of food, and those who didn't knew thought they were going to do it. The Food Department was demolished.

"Take these tickets and go back first. I have to ask my superiors. After all, the school's food is allocated. This has set a precedent for you. Then other gays and lesbians come to ask for food if they don't have enough to eat. How can the school solve these difficulties? ?”

This made sense, and several people were sent back to wait for news.

After receiving the food stamps and vegetable stamps, Wang Ying talked about the school scholarship issue.

After they are freshmen, they will be given a fixed amount of 17 yuan per month. In addition to the fixed 17 yuan, they can also apply for bursaries. There are three levels of bursaries, and they can get a few more yuan each month.

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