good old days

Chapter 340

Chapter 340

"Grandpa said that the grievances of the elders should not affect the communication between us juniors. We are in the capital, and we should help each other in the future. I know that you are a month old now and must be lacking in nutrition. I didn't specially bring you something today. .”

Jiang Baoqin held up the snacks in her hand with a smile and looked at the back of Jiang Xinyu who didn't want to talk to her.

"Don't come looking for me in the future." Jiang Xinyu said without looking back.

Coming to see her, this evil person must have bad intentions.

When Jiang Baoqin framed Chen Zhengyu in the first place, it was not because of evil intentions, but because he was vicious and black at heart.

Jiang Baoqin stopped pretending and snorted and said, "I've been here anyway, so forget it if Sister Xinyu doesn't appreciate it. Grandpa can't say I'm ungrateful."

When Professor Yu acted as a raft, Jiang Xinyu didn't hesitate at all.She didn't care how Jiang Baoqin complained. Professor Yu was her teacher, but he was just a teacher.

Jiang Baoqin walked around in front of Jiang Xinyu and told her that he had achieved his goal of doing well, and then went back leisurely carrying his things.

School days are busy and fulfilling, and I go to the library on Sundays. My life is very regular, but I am short of oil and water and am particularly hungry for meat.

Jiang Xinyu was reading a book and taking notes. Across the table, Chen Yi and Qu Yin were discussing their research directions.

Guo Hong suddenly appeared in front of her and said that her sister was here and was at the door of the library.

Jiang Xinyu said hello to Chen Yi, packed her schoolbag and went out with Guo Hong.

Guo Hong said: "I have to go back and wash my hair quickly, otherwise the water will get cold." She came from the girls' dormitory with Jiang Yuzhu before washing her hair.

It’s not easy to take a shower at school. The girls in their class can only take a turn once a month. The conditions of the school’s bathhouse are not that good. The curtains in each small room are not tightly covered. I washed it with my arms curled up.

They can only wash their hair once a month. Usually they have to wash their hair once a week. On weekends, they turn on the water and go to the bathroom to wash their hair.

"I have been on vacation for several days recently. Zhou Qi asked about a courtyard. Do you and Chen Yi want to go and have a look? He happens to be there today. I can take you to have a look first."

Jiang Xinyu said: "Isn't it a bit too early? Isn't it a waste to rent a yard so early? And there is no need to rent a yard."

Jiang Yuzhu rolled her eyes at her, "It can't be a yard, it's just a room in the yard. Zhou Qi said that although it's just one room, it's quite spacious inside and can be separated into two rooms. It's a bit early now, but Now that I have found it, don’t you have to worry when you are about to give birth?”

"That house is not public. I heard from Zhou Qi that it belongs to an old couple who were rehabilitated and returned to their ancestral property by the state. They were very unhappy with the original residents, and the troubles even reached the street office. In the end, all the residents in the courtyard were cleared away."

When Jiang Xinyu heard this, she felt that this old couple was not someone to be trifled with.But if someone who is not easy to mess with is a principled person, then there is nothing to worry about.

"Let's go and have a look. It's not far from you, just south of your school. Zhou Qi will be there right now."

Jiang Xinyu was surprised, "Does he know that old couple?"

Jiang Yuzhu whispered: "There are some relatives in the family, but they are not close."

"Are you childless?" Jiang Yuzhu's voice became softer again, "Of course not, but we broke off the relationship a few years ago. Okay, okay, don't ask, go and call Chen Yi, I will take you there first today Let’s take a look and we’ll talk about it later on the way.”

After Chen Yi heard the situation, he got up and left with Jiang Xinyu. Qu Yin looked at the backs of the two of them and took out the notes he had tucked in the book. He felt that there was nothing missing and was going to take the things to find Teacher Ye Feng.

The courtyard Jiang Yuzhu mentioned is very close to Huaqing. It is really very close. It only takes less than 10 minutes to walk there.

There is a stretch of houses to the south of the school, consisting of large and small courtyards. In addition to bungalows, there are also several small Western-style buildings here. This area also has a name, "Xinnan Yard".

In broad daylight, the doors of many courtyards were open. As we walked along, some courtyards looked a little dilapidated.

In addition to those that looked dilapidated and those that looked neat and elegant, Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi also saw professors from the school sitting together and chatting together.

The roses in the garden have already bloomed, there are tall Sophora japonica trees on the roadside, and an old-fashioned small Western-style building is looming among the trees.In Jiang Xinyu's eyes, this area has the beauty of old scenes from the Republic of China.

In the courtyard, Zhou Qi was helping the old couple clean up the yard, even though the old couple didn't look very good.

The yard that was originally in good shape now looks like it is leaking everywhere, which is intentional by the residents who have moved out. After the people have left, the yard looks shabby, like a garbage dump.

"Auntie, let me clear this area so you can plant flowers."

According to seniority, Zhou Qi had to call her aunt, but this title was not accurate. The two families were somewhat related, but they were already far apart.

Zhou Qi's grandmother and this "aunt" used to be very good friends. After the old couple came back, Zhou Qi's grandmother came to visit them once with her things, and told Zhou Qi to come and help out often in the future.

The few times he came here, he happened to catch up with conflicts in the courtyard. All the talented people were cleared out before yesterday, so he happened to come over today to help clean up.

Nowadays, personal rent cannot be openly stated. After all, most people's houses are state property. If you rent such a house privately, you may be reported.When Jiang Xinyu and others want to rent a house, their first consideration is to rent a house with private property rights. To the outside world, it can be said that it is rented by relatives.

After entering the courtyard, the first sight was the messy yard, which Zhou Qi and the couple had been cleaning up.

Zhou Qi had already told his friend about renting a house. When the old couple heard the noise, they both turned to look at them.

Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi both looked decent, and they were students of Huaqing University. The old couple were quite satisfied at first sight, but they didn't show it on their faces.

"Zhou Qi, go get some water."

Zhou Qi said "Hey" happily and hurried into the house.No one is willing to put a hot face on someone's cold butt. Zhou Qi, who was assigned to greet guests for a few days, was a little flattered after being treated coldly for a few days.

After saying hello, Jiang Xinyu sat on the stone bench and drank the water poured by Zhou Qi.

The old man looked a bit old and sat there without saying a word. The old woman pointed to the yard and said: "For the sake of you being friends with Zhou Qi, we have made a private agreement that a room will cost five yuan a month and you can clean it up yourself..." "

Before they even finished speaking, a group of people came in and knelt down and started crying. Jiang Xinyu was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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