good old days

Chapter 342 Feng Man is suspicious

Chapter 342 Feng Man is suspicious

Feng Man is a very proud person. She is a career woman in the new era and a well-educated person. She believes that compared with ordinary people, her family's life is much better than that of most people.

She is a daughter like Chen Jiajia. She has always been pampered and pampered, but under the pampering, she also hopes that she will grow up to be an excellent person, instead of talking about the airs of city people and country people.

"Jiajia, what happened with Zhou Qi is over. You don't have to keep holding on to him. There are many gay men who are better than Zhou Qi. You can definitely choose someone better than him."

Feng Man thought Zhou Qi was good at first because the two families were familiar with each other, and Zhou Qi was someone she had grown up watching, so her character was guaranteed.Childhood sweethearts become husband and wife, that day is inevitable.But now that Zhou Qi doesn't like her daughter, her family should find a better one for Chen Jiajia to get rid of that.

Isn't it a joke to keep holding on to you?
Chen Jiajia said: "I didn't hold on to them, I just hated them. Mom, do you think Jiang Yuzhu's sister and the film projectionist named Chen were admitted to universities in the capital?"

Feng Man was stunned, "The movie projectionist named Chen? That young man just now?"

Chen Jiajia nodded, "It's him. He used to show movies in their commune."

"Why do you think they can get into college?" Why can't she?
Feng Man felt strange in her heart. She didn't know why, but she suddenly remembered what happened before she married Chen Jinhua.

She met Chen Jinhua in a field hospital.

This man had many wounds on his body, and a bullet was lodged in his neck. He almost died that time.

This man looked different from other soldiers. She liked him, but he rejected her and said that he already had a wife in his hometown.

Unwilling to be reconciled, she asked for leave after the situation stabilized and went to Chen Jinhua's hometown. After asking his mother, she found out that he had lied to her.

The one at home was not his daughter-in-law at all, but a child bride who was sold to other families after they could no longer afford to support her.

What kind of wife is a child bride?That is the dregs of the old society!He doesn’t even admit it!How could she give up?
Later she heard that the child bride was missing, and two years later, she married Chen Jinhua as she wished.

"Jiajia, what's your last name?"

Chen Jiajia was upset and asked impatiently: "Whose mother?"

"That's the projectionist."

"My surname is Wang. People in the village call her Widow Wang."

Women's minds are always sharper than men's. The year before last, Chen Jinhua had seen Chen Yi's photo in the newspaper and knew about Widow Wang. Although he had doubts in his heart, he felt that the possibility was very small.

But Feng Man became suspicious and alert.

Is there really such a coincidence in the world?She had to check to find out if it was not, so that she could feel at ease.

"Go home by yourself, I remembered something else." Feng Man stuffed the donkey meat wrapped in oil paper to Chen Jiajia and walked away quickly.

Watching her mother leave in a hurry, Chen Jiajia didn't know why.

Feng Man went to see Zhou Qi's second uncle Zhou Guofeng.

She used to have a good relationship with Zhou Qi's mother, Zhang Tongzhi, but since Zhou Qi and Chen Jiajia broke up, the two of them didn't have much contact.Besides, she didn't want Zhang Tongzhi to know about this.

When they arrived at Zhou Guofeng's house, Zhou Guofeng was not there, but Sun Zhaohui had just returned from her mother-in-law's place.

Seeing Feng Man, Sun Zhaohui raised a smile and said, "Xiao Ke, why do you have time to come to us today?" In the past, Feng Man didn't like to talk to her, but today he is rarely close to her.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Feng Man introduced the topic in a roundabout way.

"Today Jiajia and I went to Xinfeng Restaurant to buy spiced donkey meat for my mother-in-law, and we happened to meet Zhou Qi. Zhou Qi was eating there with her partner and a man and a woman. Tell me about Zhou Qi, he spends money really lavishly..."

Hearing this, Sun Zhaohui thought that Feng Man came to her today to chew the base of Zhou Qi's partner's tongue.

Sun Zhaohui knew that the relationship between Feng Man and Zhang Tongzhi was not very good, and she felt quite delicate.Neither of them liked her before, and she was happy to watch the fun.

"The two people you are talking about should be Zhou Qi's partner's sister and brother-in-law. Both of them were admitted to Huaqing, and the young man was the provincial champion in Henan Province."

Feng Man originally wanted to use the excuse of introducing a partner to her niece to ask Zhou Guofeng to help check Chen Yi's family. But now that she heard that he was married, this excuse was no longer easy to use.

Sun Zhaohui was confused by this nonsense and couldn't figure out what Feng Man's intentions were today.

In the end, Feng Man had no choice but to use a far-fetched reason, "My Jiajia has quite a problem with Zhou Qi's partner. I want you to help check the situation at his partner's and the partner's sister's home."

Sun Zhaohui asked confusedly: "What do you want to know?"

Feng Man: "It's the situation of my parents at home."

"You have to keep this matter a secret for me, so don't tell your sister-in-law."

Feng Man left, but Sun Zhaohui was still confused. When Zhou Guofeng came back, she told what happened just now.

"What do you mean by her? Why don't I understand? Is Jiajia still not giving up on Zhou Qi? Want to use my mouth to tell my sister-in-law that Zhou Qi's partner is taking her family to eat Zhou Qi's flowers? But this That’s not right, what does this have to do with her asking about Zhou Qi’s partner’s family situation?”

Zhou Guofeng looked at the newspaper and said without raising his head: "Don't go to Mom and talk nonsense. Don't get involved in other people's affairs."

Although there is a gap between the couple, they still have feelings for each other after all these years.

Sun Zhaohui sat in front of him and said, "I don't have to go to my mother to tell her. I just promised Feng Man to help him check the situation at Zhou Qi's partner's house."

Zhou Guofeng was dissatisfied: "You want me to abuse my power?"

Sun Zhaohui was dissatisfied, "Why is it an abuse of power? Why is it an abuse of power to check family information? You don't want to help me with my family's affairs, but I can't even ask you to check the situation? Zhou Guofeng, after so many years, you can't even do this You won't help me at all, right? Just watch me embarrass myself with Feng Man! Also, after so many years, I'm used to being embarrassed..."

Zhou Guofeng was so dizzy from what she was talking about that he waved his hand to stop, "Okay, I'll check it for you."

It’s just a matter of checking family information, what else can you do with that information?
After achieving her goal, Sun Zhaohui stopped talking, thinking that when she saw her sister-in-law one day, she would have to talk about Zhou Qi's money for her partner.

My sister-in-law has been feeling uncomfortable recently because Zhou Qi's partner is not going to medical school and has to go to film school. She just wants to add fuel to the fire to make her feel even more upset.

Feng Man became suspicious after seeing Chen Yi and began to run around to check his family. However, Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi at school did not pay attention to anyone named Chen at all.

Even if his mother said that Chen Yi's biological father was capable, Chen Yi didn't even think about recognizing him.

At this time, Chen Yi and Jiang Xinyu were in a bad mood because of another incident.

(End of this chapter)

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