good old days

Chapter 362

Chen Jinhua's mother-in-law was eager to find out more about Wang Sumei's situation. She couldn't sleep at night with a heavy breath in her chest.

On the other side, in the small house rented by Jiang Xinyu's family, Widow Wang was also tossing and turning.

In a small room, the sleeping area was divided into two parts by a curtain. Chen Yi was lying on the floor, and Jiang Xinyu, her mother-in-law and her children were squeezed into a double bed.

Her mother-in-law tossed and turned, and the bed made a slight noise. Jiang Xinyu couldn't sleep, so she also turned over.

In the silent night, Widow Wang suddenly said: "If someone comes to school to find you..."

There was no movement midway through the words.

Chen Yi's mind was filled with recent research. After being interrupted, he came to his senses and cleared his throat softly, "Don't worry, Mom, I won't recognize him."

He thought that for so many years, Widow Wang had only had her son in her world, and she must be afraid that her son would be taken away.

He believes that everyone's life is independent. Although there is an unbreakable relationship between parents and children, and between children and parents, everyone is an independent individual and should have his own life after adulthood.Just like his parents before, they cared about him but didn't interfere too much, but his mother was different now. There were not many people in her world, and as the most important one, he should have given her a sense of security.

Jiang Xinyu turned over and said, "Mom, go to sleep quickly. Don't think about those unimportant people."

She couldn't understand her mother-in-law's behavior today. It was as if she owed someone else something. Otherwise, why would she run away?

Widow Wang was very confused. After hearing what her son and daughter-in-law said, she swallowed all the words in her stomach, "Go to sleep."

In the dead of night, she thought a lot. She felt extremely embarrassed when she recalled how she had run away during the day.

Why is she running?She, Wang Sumei, didn't feel sorry for anyone, so why did she run away?

Widow Wang buried her face in the pillow with regret.

Wuliqiao Brigade.

Zhou Qi and his father, Zhou Ping, arrived at the commune when it was dark yesterday. When it was not time to visit at night, they found a room in the commune guest house and stayed there first.

Jiang Yuzhu first went to the commune junior high school and went home after learning that her mother and Xiaochuan had been in the brigade during the holidays recently.

Xiaochuan was much taller than a year ago. He walked into the courtyard with a bag of frogs in his hand and said, "Sister Xinyu loves to eat frogs. I don't know if there is such a thing in the capital."

Chen Xiuyun was about to speak when he heard the second daughter's call.


Jiang Yuzhu didn't have much luggage, only the snacks she brought back from the capital, a pencil case and a "pen" for Xiaochuan.

Since Jiang Yuzhu left last year and hasn't come back for more than a year, Chen Xiuyun happily greeted her, "Why didn't you tell me in advance when you came back?"

Jiang Yuzhu looked around and saw that there were no pigs, no chickens, not even dogs in the yard, "Mom, where is our little Hei?"

Xiaochuan answered quickly, "Xiao Hei was knocked to death by Feng Haiyang's grandmother. There was a rabies attack a while ago, and many dogs in the village were knocked to death."

Jiang Yuzhu was also soft-hearted. Although Xiao Hei didn't kiss her like he kissed Jiang Xinyu, she liked her too.

Alas, I haven’t been back for more than a year, and this yard looks different.

After feeling uncomfortable for a while, she went into the room and said, "Didn't my little sister mention the matter between me and Zhou Qi to her mother? Her father and Zhou Qi came with me this time. They are now in the guest house in the town and will come tomorrow morning." ."

Chen Xiuyun was startled and patted her, "You kid didn't tell me in advance. You didn't prepare anything at home."

Knowing in advance that Zhou Qi's father was coming, she bought some meat to entertain him.She began to ramble: "You and he have been dating for a long time. Xinyu didn't mention it to me. When are you going to tell me? You didn't tell me until everyone was at the door. How can you do things like this?"

Jiang Yuzhu diverted her attention and said, "Mom, Xinyu has given birth to a boy. He is white, tender and beautiful now."

Chen Xiuyun's attention was indeed diverted and he inquired about the situation of his little daughter and grandson.

After finishing speaking, Chen Xiuyun began to clean the house. Jiang Yuzhu didn't say not to let her clean, so she took the rag and wiped it everywhere.

The conditions at home are like this. The house and yard are definitely not comparable to Zhou Qi's house. Just keep them clean and tidy.

Xiaochuan carried a bucket to the water tank to fetch water, and Chen Xiuyun asked: "Is his family easy to get along with? Our family is no better than his family. If you are bullied in the future, I will be beyond my reach."

Marrying high has the advantages of marrying high, but the disadvantages are also very obvious.People who have the support of their natal family will have a relatively comfortable life in their in-laws' family.

Jiang Yuzhu didn't want Chen Xiuyun to worry, so she patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, no one can bully me. I was very unhappy when I didn't go to medical school last time, but I won't say anything now."

She felt that Zhou Qi's mother didn't like her very much, but it was Zhou Qi she wanted to marry. As long as Zhou Qi stood by her side after the marriage, her life would be fine.

Chen Xiuyun shook his head, "I can't control you anymore, you all have big ideas."

Jiang Yuzhu said no more.

She now understands the truth that everything is possible only if she fights for it herself.

Although she could go to medical school according to Zhou Qi's family's wishes, that was not what she wanted.She insisted on her opinion and now she still wants to marry Zhou Qi.

She thought about the deeper reason, probably because she liked herself more than Zhou Qi.

Early the next morning, Chen Xiuyun ordered Xiaochuan to clean the yard, while he went to borrow eggs and bacon from other houses non-stop.

When someone in the team asked her what she was doing, she said, "Isn't this Yuzhu's partner? His father is coming to the house, and he must not cook a few dishes to entertain him."

It is a great joy for her daughter to get married soon. Even if she is afraid that her daughter will have a difficult life after getting married, Chen Xiuyun feels a little proud at this time.

None of the Manchu brigade, oh, no, the Manchu commune, was as promising as her daughter.

The girls have all been admitted to college, and it is certain that they will all be city dwellers in the future.

People who heard her words asked: "Where does Yuzhu's partner live? Is he from the capital? Are all his family members factory workers?"

To the commune members, being a worker in a factory in the city is already considered the best family.

Chen Xiuyun replied with a smile: "The person I am dating is Zhou Qi, who was filming a movie here last year. You have all met him. He is from the capital."

Chen Xiuyun borrowed a bunch of things and walked back. Most of the members had to go to work, so they wished they could go back with her to see what was going on.

In this way, a small group of people followed her towards the end of the village.

Ma Meili divided half of the eggs she had saved into a bowl and quickly followed Chen Xiuyun, "Sister-in-law, is Xinyu pregnant?"

Who in the village doesn't envy Widow Wang? Although she takes care of the children, living in the capital is everyone's dream.

Chen Xiuyun chatted with her, but before she entered the hospital, she saw Zhou Qi and a middle-aged man carrying things at the door of her courtyard.

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