good old days

Chapter 364

In the small courtyard of Jiang Xinyu's natal family, Jiang Youfu was chatting with Zhou Ping. He often stuttered because of nervousness.

He's so obedient, Yuzhu's future father-in-law looks like he has a leadership temperament when he is sitting there, and he can't even talk to him.

As for Old Man Jiang, with Chen Xiuyun's instructions, he just smoked silently.

He finally saw clearly that the sons of the third family were unreliable, and Jiang Baoqin thought she would be hospitalized when she went to the capital. It was the girls of Chen Xiuyun's family who were the most promising.

There were cut watermelons, cantaloupes, and juicy cucumbers on the table. Zhou Ping ate some and saw that one of the two men sitting around was absent-minded, and the other was sitting on pins and needles while talking. He stood up and said: "Listen Zhou Qi’s uncle said this, I’ll go out for a walk by myself.”

Chen Xiuyun poked her head out of the kitchen and responded: "My home is at the entrance of the village. Don't let Xiaochuan go around with you if you can't find it."

Xiaochuan took Zhou Qi's father around the village. Wherever he passed, the members automatically fell silent, but one or two eyes looked at him curiously.

Zhou Ping felt very uncomfortable. He looked quite normal, but there wouldn't be so many people looking at him when walking on the streets of the capital.When he got here, he seemed to be a rare species.

After walking far away, Zhou Ping asked casually: "Why are all the members of your brigade staring at me?"

Ogawa scratched his head and said: "Uncle, this is normal, just get used to it. Last time the third brother-in-law came back from the capital for vacation, he was surrounded."

Chen Xiuyun and Ma Meili were busy in the kitchen, frying frogs, eggs, and bacon with chili peppers. There was also chicken in the pot.

"Dad, I'll get you some money and you go buy some wine. Let's agree in advance that you can only drink two drinks at most today."

Old Man Jiang refused, "How do you do things like this? If I don't accompany you to drink, people might think I don't give him face."

Chen Xiuyun was too lazy to reveal that he was just a glutton for wine, and was afraid that something bad would happen to him if he drank too much. "Drink two less drinks today, and I'll buy you two kilograms tomorrow."

Only then was Old Man Jiang satisfied. He smacked his lips and said, "That's pretty much it."

Chen Xiuyun was very worried about this old man and increased the temptation, "As long as you don't talk nonsense today, I will buy you a few packs of good cigarettes to smoke instead."

Old Man Jiang was even more satisfied and strolled to buy wine with his hands behind his back.

When all the young and old were seated, Old Man Jiang couldn't help but drink a glass of wine by himself.

With Zhou Ping, a fastidious person, Ma Meili and Jiang Youfu slowed down in eating, "When is the date set for Zhou Qi's father, Yu Zhu and Zhou Qi? Will my sister-in-law be there by then?"

"Of course I want to go. How can I not go if my daughter gets married and becomes a mother?"

Old Man Jiang also wanted to go for a walk around the capital. After drinking two glasses of wine, he became more courageous. "Then can I, the father, also go?"

Chen Xiuyun wanted to glare at him, but Zhou Ping said in a pleasant manner: "You are Yuzhu's relatives, of course you have to go."

Jiang Yuzhu wanted to speak but held back.

When Old Man Jiang was happy, he couldn't help but drink two more drinks. He was so drunk that he couldn't even look at Chen Xiuyun's face.

He looked at Jiang Yuzhu longingly and said, "Yuzhu, I know you are a promising person. The three daughters born by your mother are all promising. If you are not promising, you will not be able to go to college. But who makes you daughters? From now on, I will have to rely on my brothers from my mother's side to support me so that I won't be angered by my husband's family. If I become successful in the future, I will have to support the Hua Zhenwu brothers who are determined to leapfrog."

Jiang Yuzhu sneered in her heart. She couldn't get angry and say unpleasant things in front of Zhou Qi's father. She gritted her teeth in her heart and said calmly: "What I said is wrong. I rely on everyone to run away. If something happens to me, We can't rely on Zhifei and Yuehua. They should also understand this truth. Others are unreliable. The right way is to make progress on your own." She has this kind of temperament and doesn't want to compromise with Old Man Jiang in front of Zhou Qi's father, lest he It made Zhou Qi's father think that their family had a good relationship with the old man.

Zhou Ping's understanding of Jiang Yuzhu was either through Zhou Qi's mouth or several meetings with her at home. He thought it was not comprehensive enough, and now he also intended to get a glimpse of it through the attitude of her mother's family.

Zhou Qi is his only son. If he doesn't marry a well-matched man, then forget it. At least he must marry someone who looks like he will be successful in the future.

When a daughter-in-law goes out, she represents the face of her Zhou family. She must be skillful in dealing with people and dealing with interpersonal relationships. She cannot be just a vase with a face.

After talking about Old Man Jiang, Jiang Yuzhu said to the second uncle and the second aunt: "Second uncle, let Zhenwu study hard. When he is admitted to university and assigned a job in the city, you two can also enjoy the blessings."

Jiang Youfu nodded seriously and glanced at his son, who was just busy eating. Since outsiders were present, he refrained from making a move.

After drinking some wine, Old Man Jiang forgot all Chen Xiuyun's previous warnings and instructions. He kept talking nonsense and either asked Chen Xiuyun to honor him or to let the three Jiang Yuzhu sisters know how to win over their natal brothers and dream of going to the capital to drink. The beauty of wedding wine.

Jiang Yuzhu dealt with it calmly, and she could fight back whatever the drunken old man said.

Chen Xiuyun paid attention to Zhou Ping's expression and saw that his expression did not change from beginning to end, and he looked very gentle and easy-going.

She then thought that either Zhou Ping was a person with a very good temper and a very good temper, or he was a person with deep emotions and anger that was hidden in Secheng Mansion.

The meal went smoothly, at least no jokes were made, and Zhou Qi and Zhou Ping returned to the guest house in the town in the middle of the afternoon.

When Old Man Jiang woke up, he went to find Chen Xiuyun happily.

"I didn't cause any trouble for you today. Just wait two days and buy me cigarettes and wine today."

Chen Xiuyun took an uncounted look and said, "Go and buy it yourself. Don't you know how much you drank? Do you want me to recall the memories for you?"

Old Man Jiang couldn't remember what he said before, and now he was a little angry, "Boss, wife, why don't you keep your word? Are you still worthy of Boss?"

Chen Xiuyun told herself that she couldn't be angry with this old man. After so many years, she already knew what kind of person this old man was.

She blocked his mouth with one sentence, "If you still want to go to the capital to attend Yuzhu's wedding banquet, don't bother here."

She wouldn't let this old man go. What if he went and talked nonsense?She was just trying to fool him. Who told him to fool her today?

Old Man Jiang's expression changed several times, and he cursed in his heart: "You are cruel!"
He snorted and turned away. When he arrived at the courtyard door, he didn't forget to kick it. As a result, his foot was hit so hard that he said "ouch" in pain.

Chen Xiuyun: You deserve it!

Today the Wuliqiao brigade's headlines are once again occupied by the Jiang family.

The first headline was that Jiang Yuzhu was marrying someone from the capital and settling in the capital. The second headline was that Jiang Baoqin was suffering from mental illness and was sent to a mental hospital.

When the villagers were envious, a brand new sewing machine and radio arrived at the door of Chen Xiuyun's house at noon the next day.

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