good old days

Chapter 369 Chen Jinhua came to find him

Feng Man went back to the house to pack his luggage with a sullen face, and Chen Jiajia followed him in.

"Mom, what are you doing? Are you going on a business trip to another place?"

Feng Man said with a cold face: "If I make room for others, there will be no room for me in this family from now on."

Is the son she has never met closer to her than her daughter?
Chen Jiajia was shocked, "My dad, who is he with...?"

She couldn't say the rest, and she didn't believe it in her heart.She couldn't imagine what her normally serious father could do.

Feng Man stayed up all night and couldn't care less about taking care of her daughter's emotions. "The one before your father gave birth to a son. He is still a college student in Huaqing. Your mother is now going to let people recognize their ancestors."

Chen Jiajia was stunned on the spot. When she wanted to understand what her mother had said, she was so angry that she slapped the malted milk on the table away with her hand.

"Mom, I'll go with you."

Feng Man didn't want to take her daughter with her. When she got to the courtyard, she stopped her and said, "Just stay at home and stay well. When I leave, your grandma will become even more unscrupulous. If anything happens, tell me." "

Chen Jiajia was confused, but nodded obediently.

The jeep parked outside the courtyard. Feng Man glanced at the mature man with a resolute profile and an air of elegance in the folds between his brows. When he turned his head, tears fell unsatisfactorily.

Chen Jinhua quickly caught up with her and asked, "What do you want me to do? I was the one who felt sorry for her first."

Feng Man wiped away her tears, turned her head away, and raised her chin, "It's not very good. You can do whatever you want."

She knew she was the unreasonable one, but she couldn't accept another person in the family.

Chen Jinhua was not happy either. What was wrong with him?After knowing the existence of Wang Sumei and her son, but ignoring them, is he still considered a man?He didn't understand what Feng Man was making trouble.

Entering the living room, he saw the security guard squatting on the ground collecting the things that Chen Jiajia had troubled.

Chen Jiajia sat on the wooden chair with her arms folded, her face tilted to one side and her chin raised, waiting for her father's reaction.

Chen Jinhua's reaction was no reaction.

It is understandable that this daughter, who has been hurt for so many years, cannot accept that she did something wrong for a while.

The facts are there, and she can figure it out by herself in a few days.

Malted milk was spilled all over the floor, and the jars were stepped on and deformed. The guard looked at Chen Jinhua in embarrassment while holding the jar.

Chen Jinhua said: "Pick up the good ones and throw away the ones you can't use."

When the car's exhaust fumes dissipated in the air, Chen Jiajia began to regret not following the car just now.

She was originally the only daughter in the family. Although her father also loved her cousins ​​and cousins, she was his little cotton-padded jacket, and she was the one he loved most.The sudden appearance of a half-brother made Chen Jiajia feel heartbroken and uncomfortable.

In the stone alley, Jiang Xinyu was drying out washed diapers. When she heard the movement at the door, she turned around and saw a military jeep parked steadily at the entrance of the courtyard.

Grandpa Luo went to the park to play chess with others. Today, only Grandma Wang next door and her mother-in-law were doing needlework in the yard.

When Widow Wang looked over, she happened to see Chen Jinhua get out of the car.

The two looked at each other. Widow Wang accidentally pricked her finger with a blood bead. After regaining consciousness, she stood up straight away.

She knew from meeting the old lady yesterday that Chen Jinhua was not far away.

But I didn't expect him to come so quickly.

I still remember that when she was desperate, she wished she could fly directly to him and tell him that his mother was going to sell her and she would not be able to survive.

I felt so anxious and anxious at that time, and now I think about it as if it had happened to someone else.

Those emotions had long since dissipated during the days when she had worked so hard to raise her son.Her parents sold her for grain, she ate from the Chen family and became Chen Jinhua's wife, and she had no objections.

It's just like this with Chen Jinhua. How can there be any love and affection?
It was her duty to work as a cow and a horse in the Chen family, just for the food, but she would not accept being sold to others.

With the experience of meeting the Chen family twice before, Widow Wang was much calmer this time.

The child started crying in the room. Widow Wang turned to Jiang Xinyu and said, "You go into the room and comfort the child, and I'll go talk to someone."

Jiang Xinyu took a special look at Chen Jinhua and felt that his outline was indeed somewhat similar to Chen Yi. No wonder the old lady was so sure yesterday.

Compared with Chen Yi, who has a sparse appearance and a sparse face, Chen Jinhua's steady demeanor hides a sense of solemnity. He is a man who has experienced the baptism of blood and fire.

Chen Jinhua's appearance really looks more like Chen Yi's biological father than before.

Arriving at the entrance of the courtyard, Widow Wang did not look at Chen Jinhua and said, "Go outside and say this. This is not the place to talk."

Jiang Xinyu went back to the house to comfort her brat, but was stopped by Grandma Zhang when she left the door.

"Is that a relative of yours just now?"

Grandma Zhang has been hanging out in the alleys here since she was a teenager. She has met many dignitaries before the founding of the People's Republic of China, and her eyes are very good at seeing people.

In her opinion, Chen Yi and Jiang Xinyu were aristocratic, but Widow Wang looked like an ordinary rural woman. Her face could tell that she was good-looking when she was young, but because she had been doing farm work all year round, she looked older than His actual age is much older.

The person who got off the jeep just now had a calm and steady temperament. He was no ordinary person at first glance, and the jeep was proof of that.

Jiang Xinyu didn't want to talk about this nonsense. Jiang Baoqin's family had brought a lot of trouble to her family. In her and Chen Yi's opinion, the Chen family was also in trouble.

The two of them are not natives, so their blood relationship is a problem.

She didn't say anything, so Grandma Zhang continued talking on her own: "Xiao Chen is a bit similar to the man just now. He is not father and son, but he is also related."

On the other side, Widow Wang took Chen Jinhua to an empty space outside the alley.

Chen Jinhua looked at her still thin back and felt uncomfortable.

Widow Wang didn't want to look so cowardly, so she spoke first: "Although Chen Yi is your son, he was raised by me. You can't take him away if you want."

"I just want to tell you this. Don't disturb our lives in the future. Even if you are capable, I don't want to get involved. Do you understand?"

It's not like she wasn't nervous when she said so many words at once.

Chen Jinhua didn't expect that she wanted to cut off the relationship with him.

"I was sorry to you before, but I will try my best to make it up to you in the future. And Chen Yi, since he is my son, I should also take care of him."

Widow Wang raised her voice, "No need!"

"You weren't there when it was time to show up. I don't need you now, so don't come to us again."

Upon closer inspection, her body was trembling slightly.

Chen Jinhua couldn't bear to provoke her any more, "I just want to do something for you. I don't want to compete with you for my son."

Widow Wang sneered: "That's because you had a child with someone else, so how can you care about my son?"

Chen Jinhua signaled the guard to take the repurchased gift from the car and handed it to her, "Even if you don't care about it, you have to consider it for your children. There is malted milk and milk powder in it. Both adults and children can eat it. Take it."

When she didn't answer, he said sincerely: "I keep my word. I won't compete with you for my son. I just want to do something for you."

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