good old days

Chapter 373 The Wedding Banquet

Chapter 373 The Wedding Banquet
It was already noon, and it was not appropriate to climb the Great Wall. After Jiang Xinyu and Zhao Xiangling discussed it, they took their second uncle and second aunt Xiaochuan to take a walk around the Forbidden City.

When she went out to take the bus and asked for money, Jiang Xinyu paid all the tickets for several people.

Zhao Xiangling was a little embarrassed. Jiang Xinyu saw that she was a little afraid of society, so she held down her hand that was picking up her pocket and said, "When you get to Shanghai from now on, you can take me around again."

Zhao Xiangling nodded seriously, "I'll take you on a ferry to see the river, and go shopping at New World Department Store..."

When Jiang Youfu and Ma Meili returned to the capital for the first time, their eyes were not idle when they got on the bus. They even felt that one pair of eyes was not enough.After hearing the conversation between the two, I felt that young people still have unlimited possibilities.

I only stayed in the capital for a few days this time. After I returned to the brigade and continued to live with my face facing the loess and my back facing the sky, how could I have the chance to go to Shanghai again?

It’s better to be a young person. If you are promising, you can go anywhere!
Arriving at Tiananmen Square and looking at the spectacular scene in front of her, Ma Meili blurted out: "I'm such a good boy."

The Forbidden City now is different from the past. Tourists can enter, but the ticket price has increased from [-] cents to [-] cents after it opened.

When Ma Meili heard that she wanted more money, she was reluctant to give it up.

Jiang Youfu took out a dollar from his pocket and wanted to pay all the tickets for several people.The capital is here, so just spend some money to go in and have a look.

Jiang Xinyu stopped him and said, "Second uncle, I'll give it to you. You keep the money and buy something to take back."

Chen Xiuyun is still in the commune, and he will have to trouble them if he needs help in the future.It's not easy to come here. It's good for people to eat, drink and have fun. It's good for people to remember this and be more dedicated in the future.

As an elder, Jiang Youfu had the nerve to keep asking his niece to pay, but in the end he couldn't resist Jiang Xinyu.

After entering the Forbidden City, Ma Meili couldn't stop saying "I'm such a good boy", making both Jiang Xinyu and Zhao Xiangling laugh.

Entering the Jinluan Palace, Ma Meili's eyes widened: "Is this the place where the emperor used to go to court? I'm such a good boy, so majestic..."

She talks a lot with her mouth and even more in her heart. She has already thought about how to brag to the members when she returns to the village.

Entering a certain side hall, there was a musty smell inside. Jiang Xinyu looked at it as a cold palace.

"My legs hurt every day when I live in a place like this all year round. It's cold and humid. Who lives in the palace? Why is there such a place?" Ma Meili felt that there was no small shabby courtyard like hers left in this house. Woolen cloth.

Jiang Youfu looked left and right and said seriously: "Donkey dung eggs are shiny. I heard that the emperor used to have three thousand concubines. Maybe there were too many people to support them."

Jiang Xinyu couldn't help laughing and bent over, while Zhao Xiangling's shoulders also shook.

Why didn't she find that her second uncle's words were interesting before? This is what he said.

Ma Meili glared at Jiang Youfu, "If you don't know how to speak, just shut up and just say things that make people laugh." If you don't know anything, speak less, otherwise you will be embarrassed.

Jiang Xinyu said happily: "Auntie, don't talk about the second uncle, the second uncle talks very interestingly."

A ticket cost two cents, so Ma Meili felt that she had to go shopping to get her money back, which meant entering every palace.

There were foreigners holding cameras in the Forbidden City. Looking at the blond-haired foreigner, Ma Meili's direct eyes made Jiang Xinyu think that the foreigner was not a foreigner but an alien.

On the way back, Ma Meili sighed: "It's better to be in the city. It looks clean and elegant. I don't know when I will be able to live like a city person."

Jiang Xinyu: "Let Zhenwu study hard and go to a big city in the future."

Xiaochuan on the side also saw the world today, and secretly made up his mind to study harder and come to the capital in the future.Her natal family is far away in another province, and Jiang Yuzhu got married from a guest house.

Not many people come to her parents' house, and Chen Yi also took half a day off today. Widow Wang is now worried about going out, saying she won't go today on the grounds that she has to take care of her children at home.

Jiang Xinyu still remembered the monkey butt makeup that her two sisters gave her when she got married. She wanted to show off her makeup today, but she didn't expect that there would be someone specializing in Jiang Yuzhu's bridal makeup today.

Although Zhou Qi's family is unusual, they didn't use a jeep to pick them up today.It's not that I don't look down on Jiang Yuzhu, but the cars belong to the state. How can I blatantly use a public car for personal use?
Although there were no cars, there was a group of bicycles.

The people who followed Zhou Qi on his bicycle to pick him up were all unmarried young men from the courtyard. One or two of them looked energetic. The battle made Ma Meili say, "I'm such a good boy."

Jiang Xinyu received a red envelope today.

Jiang Yuzhu, who was wearing a red dress and skirt, looked like a blooming begonia flower, smiling gracefully and charmingly while sitting on the back seat of a bicycle.

The guests of Zhou Qi's family have almost arrived, and the cooks and helpers invited from the hotel are busy in an orderly manner.

The yard of Grandma Zhou Qi’s house is already spacious, and the tables are packed in it.

Ma Meili and Jiang Youfu both specially cleaned up and put on their best clothes, but there were still patches.

The two of them were somewhat incompatible in the courtyard, and Ma Meili didn't even dare to speak.

The bride is the main character here, and the relatives of the bride's family are also the ones everyone is looking at.

Chen Beiliang and Chen Yi are tall and have long legs, and they are also eye-catching among the young men in the yard.

It was a coincidence that two old professors from Chen Yi's research institute were also here today, sitting at the same table as Yu Xiling.

On the table on the far left side of the courtyard, a group of big guys in military uniforms were sitting, and their aura was intimidating.Even if they were chatting and laughing in a relaxed manner, just one look at them had the effect of calming one's mouth.

Ma Meili couldn't move her legs anymore. She knew that Jiang Yuzhu was married to an unusual person, but she didn't expect that it would be so unusual.

But she was so excited, she could brag a lot when she got back.

This was the first time Jiang Xinyu met Zhang Tongzhi, her mother-in-law who Jiang Yuzhu said was difficult to get along with.

This person seems to be a meticulous person, but today there is a faint smile on his face.

She also saw Chen Jinhua, one of the big men in military uniforms at the table, and he stared at Chen Yi from time to time.The old lady from the Chen family at another table was talking to a group of old ladies of about the same age, and she was in good spirits.

Jiang Xinyu felt that her mother-in-law was the only one who still remembered the money.

After the news of Zhou Qi's marriage spread, relatives and friends of the Zhou family made inquiries, and Zhang Tongzhi, who wanted to be shameless, promoted that Jiang Yuzhu was from a "scholarly family".

Chen Xiuyun is an educated youth who went to the countryside. She has been a teacher for many years. Her three daughters and two sons-in-law have all been admitted to college. From this point of view, the word "scholarly family" is firmly established.

It doesn't matter if my family is from the countryside, I can leave the countryside if I can.

Although many ladies in the compound feel that this marriage is not the best and is inappropriate, it is not particularly bad either.

(End of this chapter)

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