good old days

Chapter 376

Chapter 376 One can fight two

Most homes in the capital use collective dry toilets, but Jiang Yuzhu's house has a flush toilet. The furniture is made of mahogany, the windows are bright and clean, and the furnishings are simple and elegant without losing style.

The picture frame on the table is still carved, a photo of the two of them hangs on the wall above the table, and a record player is placed on the shelf next to the window.

Jiang Yuzhu picked up a plate with chocolate and toffee to entertain the two of them.

"Xiang Ling, sit down, don't be stiff, you can come and play with me when you are free."

Zhao Xiangling was introverted and sat down on the wooden sofa cushioned with dark cushions.Although she is not good at communicating with others, she understands everything in her heart.Her mother once told her grandma that her aunt is rooted in the countryside and her future days can be seen at a glance.But what she saw at today's banquet broke through her understanding of her third aunt's family.The situation of her third aunt's family was much better than she imagined.

"Sister, will you and Zhou Qi live here from now on?"

Jiang Yuzhu hesitated and said, "I'm not sure yet. This room was where Zhou Qi lived when he was a child. He cleaned it up again for his wedding. Sometimes his parents would come back to live there, and sometimes they would live over there at the work unit. There was also a room over there. Later I He's going to film school, and his parents' house is closer, so he might live there."

Jiang Xinyu really feels that housing is a big trouble these days.

Although housing prices in good cities and good locations will be ridiculously high in a few decades, if you have a choice, it’s just a matter of not being able to afford it.

Unlike now, many couples still have to wait for their work units to allocate rooms.Families like Zhou Qi have to wait in line even when their unit doesn't have quotas. What's better is that his parents and elders have all been assigned rooms.

While they were talking, Zhou Jin came in with a plate of fruit, and her husband's children came with them, and the room instantly became lively.

After all the guests were sent away, the stove that had been set up early this morning was dismantled, and everyone in the hotel took their thank-you gifts and left, it was already half afternoon.

Zhang Tongzhi originally wanted to stay with Jiang Yuzhu's family for a meal in the evening, but unfortunately Chen Beiliang's train ticket was only two hours away, and he left after greeting Zhou Qi's family.

Grandma Zhou Qi looked at Chen Beiliang's back with regret, "If he hadn't gotten married, I would have told him about my grandniece. This child seems to be down-to-earth and stable at first glance, and can support a family."

Sun Zhaohui, Zhou Guofeng's daughter-in-law, subconsciously clenched her fingers. When she originally asked her mother-in-law to set up a match between her niece and her natal nephew, her mother-in-law didn't even respond.Isn't it just that she looks down on her mother's family?
Zhang Tongzhi echoed: "I think he's not bad, but he's not too young. It's normal to get married."

Chen Xiuyun was naturally proud of his nephew being praised, "This child has been able to take care of the house since he was a child. He follows my brother. He is responsible and stable."

Grandma Zhou Qi said with a smile: "This shows that your family has a good tradition, otherwise we wouldn't be able to produce so many college students."

Zhou Qi drank a lot today and was already lying drunk on the bed in the house. Jiang Yuzhu was too embarrassed to stay in the house for too long, so she simply came out and sat.

Zhang Tongzhi looked at his daughter-in-law again, and he was more than a little pleased with her.

"The west room is filled with the gifts you recently received for your wedding. Your sister just gave birth to a baby. If you think you can use them, bring them back."

It was not Jiang Xinyu's turn to refuse, so Chen Xiuyun declined politely.

If you get married, you get married. How can you take advantage of your in-laws like this?They are not poor relatives who come to visit me.

Zhang Tongzhi doesn't think so. Her daughter-in-law's brother-in-law is Chen Jinhua's son. Her natal brother is under Chen Jinhua's control. Can she go further without taking a fancy to her?
With the relationship of in-laws, wouldn't everything be easier to handle?
She had this consideration in mind when she focused on bringing Chen Jiajia and Zhou Qi together.Her son was stubborn and she couldn't defeat him, so she had no choice but to let Jiang Yuzhu in according to his wishes.But now it seems that it was a blessing in disguise.

After Chen Xiuyun refused, before Zhang Tongzhi could say anything, Sun Zhaohui said: "As soon as Zhou Qi got married, my sister-in-law, who is so cool, became thoughtful. But I think Yuzhu and her sister are not short of these things. Her biological father should have been there for a long time." It’s arranged.”

This person speaks softly and softly, but there is something hidden in her words. If you criticize her, others will think that you are too petty and making a fuss.

Jiang Xinyu was convinced by this person.

Zhang Tongzhixun glanced at Sun Zhaohui, raised his eyebrows and said, "What your biological father should give is what your biological father should give. What I give is what I am willing to give. From now on, we will all be in-laws. Isn't it normal for us to go back and forth?"

After all, the thing was for Jiang Xinyu, so the timing was right, so she spoke: "I appreciate Auntie's kindness, but Brother Beiliang just brought us some milk powder and malted milk yesterday, and we don't lack these for the time being. But if Auntie has more milk powder tickets from now on, I will shamelessly reach out and grab some."

As for today's wedding between Zhou Qi and her sister, the gift given was definitely not something ordinary like egg whites and vegetables.

When the second sister's mother-in-law and her sister-in-law were having an affair, she directly refused and didn't want anything. That was a slap in the face of the second sister's mother-in-law. What she wanted was expensive, and she didn't know what was good and what was good.Things like milk powder coupons are rare, but for people who don't need them at home, they are not so rare.

This thing doesn't show off her shallowness, but it also makes people feel needed, which is just right.

The smile on Zhang Tongzhi's face deepened, and he glanced at her approvingly, "It's okay if you know how to be polite to us."

Sun Zhaohui refused to be left alone, "Xiao Jiang, why did your husband go back to school? Why didn't he go back with his father?"

Jiang Xinyu avoided the important matter and said lightly: "He went to the research institute with the professors. He has been very busy recently."

It's not that she doesn't tell the truth, it's just that she can't talk about it now.She can't reveal her dirty deeds to the person she meets for the first time.

Sun Zhaohui said gently: "I heard that you used to be from Henan Province. When Chen Yima arrives in the capital, you will have to go to school in the future. Your mother-in-law has no one to talk to. If you have time, you can bring her to talk to her. , Mom and I will also have more people to talk to in the future.”

Grandma Zhou Qi didn't know what she had in mind, but she nodded with a smile: "Come here and play if you have nothing to do. Bring your children with you. This yard will be more lively."

Jiang Xinyu smiled and agreed.

Although I don't think Widow Wang can get along with Zhou Qi and his second aunt, she still knows how to deal with her in situations.

Under this roof, if the person who understands Sun Zhaohui best is Zhang Tongzhi.

Her daughter-in-law came from the countryside, and her sister and brother-in-law were from the same village. Chen Jinhua's ex-wife was a village girl. If Sun Zhaohui wanted to socialize with people, didn't she just want to find someone she looked down upon to foil her?
Zhang Tongzhi really guessed it right, Sun Zhaohui really planned this.Not only that, she also came up with a very good idea today.This method can not only please Feng Man, but also not humiliate Chen Jinhua's ex-wife, a village woman.

If Jiang Xinyu knew what she was thinking, she would have snorted and said she had a big face.Although her mother-in-law is from the countryside, one can beat two like her.

(End of this chapter)

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