good old days

Chapter 388

After the child's diaper was changed, he lay on the bed and looked at the adults with his big dark eyes.

Widow Wang picked up the small gold lock and turned it around, then handed it to Jiang Xinyu: "He has some conscience. You can keep it in the future and let the child wear it. You may lose it one day."

Jiang Xinyu nodded.

It would be okay to wear this little thing for children in a few years, but now, this hug and that hug are both eye-catching and may be stolen.

"There is also this passbook. The password is on the back. You write it down and erase it. I just forget things now. Xinyu, you can keep it. You don't have to save it when you have money in the future."

Widow Wang's words were arrogant, but Jiang Xinyu couldn't accept them.

"Mom, keep it for yourself and build a big house in the village later."

It was agreed at the beginning that if Chen Jinhua gave the money, this would be the money used.

This money was given by Chen Jinhua to compensate her mother-in-law. What does it have to do with them?
"You two have to watch over building a house. Just keep it when I ask you to keep it. It's not a small amount. One day I will hide it and forget about it. What should I do if I can't find it?"

She had never taken so much money before, and she felt uneasy about it.

Jiang Xinyu's refusal was invalid, and the bankbook was forced into her hand. She took a closer look and saw that it was [-].

Ten thousand at this time is quite remarkable.

Although the amount of money cannot represent everything, it can still explain Chen Jinhua's attitude.

On the way back, while sitting on the bicycle, she tugged on the hem of his clothes, "Can't we keep the money?"

Chen Yi: "Just leave it to her to build a house."

Both of them are high-spirited people, and they really don't have any greed for money from this source.

But having said that, even if the two of them accepted the money, they still had a reputation. In this era, the two of them should not just inherit Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi's troubles, but also accept the benefits if they come.

"Running back and forth every day shortens the study time." Jiang Xinyu felt a little resentful in her heart.

Running back and forth twice a day meant that several hours were lost. Compared to last semester when she went to the library every day, her study time this semester would undoubtedly be much shorter, and she had no private time.

Why can't her children grow up to be a certain age all of a sudden? It would be easier to be sensible and obedient.

After Huang Zhibiao got off work in the afternoon, he and Li Xiu'e went to Shitou Hutong carrying their things.

Jiang Xinyu and the others rushed together during this time after school.

Compared with Chen Jiajia who was unwilling to do so, Huang Zhibiao and Li Xiu'e's attitude of apologizing and admitting their mistakes was much more comfortable.

"When Huang Wei comes out, I will escort him to admit his mistake to you."

Widow Wang's attitude was lukewarm, but Li Xiu'e talked a lot.

"Sister, my Huang Wei has been dissatisfied since he was a child. He was asked to join the army. He was causing trouble in the army and had to come back to fool around. My son cannot be compared with your child. Look at your son and daughter-in-law. To be able to get into Huaqing is such a talented man and a beautiful woman..."

I don't know where I found my daughter-in-law, but she was able to get admitted to Huaqing. She was not bad looking either. Li Xiu'e was really puzzled.

Li Xiu'e praised Jiang Xinyu and the two of them, which made Widow Wang's lukewarm face soothed a lot.

It doesn't matter what she looks like in the eyes of others. She especially likes to hear people praise her son and daughter-in-law.

After Li Xiu'e praised Chen Yi and Jiang Xinyu, she also praised the child in Chen Yi's arms.This man never boasted about anyone's words. Jiang Xinyu looked at her child and couldn't see where he shined with wisdom.

Widow Wang couldn't resist this series of rainbow farts, so her attitude softened completely, and she even started a family affair with Li Xiu'e.

Women chat mostly about trivial matters at home.

About twenty minutes later, Widow Wang sent the couple to the gate of the hospital.

Li Xiu'e also said: "For so many years in the capital with Lao Huang, I have never felt happy talking to others. I will come to you another day. If you are free, come to our place to talk to me..."

Jiang Xinyu was quite convinced. This relationship changed so quickly.

Halfway along the way, Huang Zhibiao looked at Li Xiu'e.

The two of them came to apologize today, and the mission was considered a complete success. When Huang Wei came out, he would have to escort people to apologize again before the matter was settled.

"The sun is out in the west, so we're talking a lot today."

Li Xiu'e glared at her man, snorted, and said with a sneer: "I can't fall in love with her anymore?"

She came from a rural area and didn't have much education. Later, she attended literacy classes for her men. She was much better than rural women who were illiterate, but she was incomparable to female cadres who had studied seriously and were capable. The work also has limitations.Although he is now considered a small leader, there is basically no room for promotion.

Leaders' wives are also divided into different classes. Feng Man belongs to the first echelon where men strive for success and they themselves strive for success. Because of the comradeship between men in the past, she can associate with those people, but she is actually several heads shorter than Feng Man.

In this circle, although her family is not ranked high, they cannot be easily bullied.Being slapped was only the one time in her life yesterday, and she could remember Feng Man for the rest of her life.

Widow Wang is a rural woman, but she is also Chen Jinhua's ex-wife and gave birth to a son for Chen Jinhua, who is still promising.

Yesterday I went to Chen Jinhua's house. In her words, Chen Jinhua also valued her son. She had to let her return the humiliation of being slapped by Feng Man.

Huang Zhibiao still understands that he has a wife, and sometimes he can't speak clearly, and his brain circuit is different from that of normal female comrades, but overall he is still a normal person.

Both of them have never washed the mud off their legs, but it doesn't matter. Compared with most people's lives, their family is not that bad.

Today, Huang Zhibiao and his wife came to apologize and brought a knife of meat and a fat duck, as well as tea and two bottles of special liquor. The liquor was Moutai.

Widow Wang put the things away, looked at the large amount of meat and said to Jiang Xinyu: "It's cold and the meat can't be kept for too long. I'll stew the meat and potatoes tomorrow morning. You can also call Liu Wen over."

This piece of meat seemed to be more than two kilograms at least, and the duck was even fatter. Widow Wang planned to raise it and save it for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Uncle Luo only has two old hens here, so it wouldn't be a problem to add another duck to raise for ten days or so.

The competition between Jiang Xinyu and Liu Wen last semester was a tie. Their grade rankings were the same, but their total scores were incomparable because of the different number of subjects.

Although the two didn't get to know each other happily, they can now call each other friends.

Regardless of whether it is in a village or a city, as long as there are social relationships, there will be things that are different between the east and the west.

Widow Wang has been a hot topic of discussion in the alley these days.

Today, a jeep came at noon, and two cadre-looking couples came in the afternoon, both carrying things in their hands. The big guys started to think, what happened that day was really caused by someone deliberately causing trouble.

The identity of the leader's ex-wife is quite eye-catching. The yard of Uncle Luo's house suddenly became a lively place, and people were looking at her even while having a meal. Jiang Xinyu hurriedly pulled Chen Yi away.

Is [-] degrees myopia considered semi-blind?A reader asked me to post an update. Let’s start with five thousand today-()

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