good old days

Chapter 390 Don't appreciate it

The old lady blocked the two of them at the door of the girls' dormitory, while Chen Qiuhua looked out of the window of the duty room.

After school was over at noon, Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi grabbed a meal from the cafeteria and gathered at the girls' dormitory. Before their bicycles even started, they were blocked by the old lady of the Chen family.

Neither of them had a good impression of this old lady.

"Your father gave you all the money, so I'll treat it as if it's for you."

The old lady's eyes fell on Chen Yi's face. Naturally, these words were also addressed to him. Judging from her expression, she should be worried about the money.

The old lady was really worried. That was not 100 yuan, but a full 1 yuan. How long did it take to save this amount of salary?
Why give that money to Wang Sumei?She is the one who was bought home with some grain!

The old lady would know about the 1 yuan, naturally it was Feng Man who told her.

Feng Man was so angry that day that she didn't dare to do anything to Wang Sumei because of Chen Jinhua. But just because she couldn't do it didn't mean she couldn't say anything. She knew better than anyone what kind of person her mother-in-law was. Just talk.

After Feng Man finished informing the old lady, Chen Jinhua confessed to his own mother and explained everything in detail.

What Chen Jiajia did was disgraceful and caused people to tug at her pigtails. The old lady was very annoyed, and her mind was still stuck in the past. She felt that slandering Wang Sumei and others was not a smear to her family, Jin Hua, but was it not clear?So Chen Jiajia was scolded by the old lady again.

She has a promising grandson and a granddaughter who doesn't like her. Now she chooses the prosperous grandson.

The old lady was still worried about the 1 yuan, but she thought that if she gave the money, it would be enough to make Chen Yi recognize Chen Jinhua back. She could hold her nose and swallow this sigh of relief.

Chen Yi said calmly: "He voluntarily compensated my mother for the money. If he wants to take it back, we can pay it back to you."

He can also build a house for her mother. If he reaches out and takes it, do these people think he owes them?

The old lady glared: "Are you stupid? You are my grandson. I am happy for you to take the money, but you have to go home to see it later. You can bring your children back during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and our family will have a meal."

Although she said she was happy, Jiang Xinyu felt that she was not happy at all.

She thought it was quite amazing. In the eyes of the old lady, was 1 yuan worth ten yuan?How could she say that she was happy to give the money to Chen Yi? Why did she hate her mother-in-law so much, but still wanted Chen Yi to return "home"? Is her grandson so important in her eyes?
If Chen Yi were a girl, would she recognize this granddaughter?
Jiang Xinyu felt that this old lady would not want a granddaughter. She had patriarchal preference written all over her face.

Chen Yi didn't want to talk to her about whether she could go home, nor did he want to show off the deep love between ancestors and grandchildren with this old lady. He was even more worried about her coming to see them again in the future, so he simply asked: "You wanted to sell my mother back then. , is it a fact?"

The old lady paused on the spot, tilted her head, and tightened the corners of her mouth. The grooves on both sides made her look even meaner. The closeness and expectation in her eyes disappeared without a trace, replaced by an unabashed disdain. "Without me raising her, she would have starved to death a long time ago. I'm not sorry for her. She gave birth to Jinhua's son, which is of some use."

Chen Yi's face also turned cold, "Then we have nothing to say."

The wheels spun and the bike drove off.

The old lady was annoyed.

Who is she?
She is Chen Jinhua's mother. She has trained a university teacher and a leader. Her son, who is least expected to live up to expectations, is a worker in a Beijing cotton factory. Among her three daughters, the third is in the education department and the man is a department-level cadre. The fourth daughter is She worked as a housekeeper in a university, and her husband was a minor leader in the factory. When the sixth daughter got married, her second son was already promising, so she married the best, and her husband is now a big leader in a northern province.

There is no bad person in her big family. It's not because the second child has no son, and Chen Yi's own prospects are very similar to the second child when he was young, that she doesn't come to be warm to others and cold to others.

"Okay, kiss your own mother, right? I don't care about you anymore!"

The old lady entered the duty room cursing.Chen Qiuhua glanced at her and said, "Why, don't you appreciate it?"

The old lady muttered angrily, "Because, he hates me!"

"I knew Wang Sumei was not a good person! She must have said bad things about me in front of Chen Yi!"

"This white-eyed wolf doesn't even think about it. Her family was so poor back then that she couldn't even afford a drink of water. If it wasn't for your father's kindness in sending some food to her family, her whole family would have starved to death! It was her family who insisted on selling her to Our family exchanges food, otherwise what would we do with her? Is she wasting food? She eats my food and drinks my food. Even if I sell her, shouldn’t she just suffer? If it weren’t for us, she would have died of hunger long ago. If she wasn’t If she sells her to our family, her parents, brother and sister-in-law will also have to sell her to others, and she is just an ungrateful white-eyed wolf."

Chen Qiuhua sometimes feels that her mother is going too far, but now she agrees with it.

Now is a new society, and we don’t want to be like the past, but that’s how Wang Sumei was born.

She still remembers the difficult days in the past. If it wasn't her family, it's hard to say what kind of fate Wang Sumei would be!

"Mom, second brother really gave Wang Sumei 1 yuan?"

When Chen Qiuhua mentioned 1 yuan, his tone became lighter.

It's not that she has no future, it's that 1 yuan is really too much. Her family's total wealth is only [-] yuan, and they have saved it over the years.

The old lady nodded with a grimace, "I can't just watch this 1 yuan thrown into the water without even hearing a sound."

Chen Qiuhua murmured: "Wang Sumei is quite greedy now, and her courage has gained a lot."

How dare she accept 1 yuan?

"Mom, are you going to ask for it back?" Chen Qiuhua's tone was full of expectation. Although the money would not fall into her hands, it was still better than getting it cheaper than Wang Sumei.

The old lady shook her head and sighed, and said innocently: "Your second brother refused to let me go, saying that they had suffered a lot, so I will use this money to raise my grandson."

The second brother was serious about not letting her have any more contact with Wang Sumei. She couldn't just think of other ways if she wanted to.

Chen Qiuhua felt uncomfortable, raising a grandson?Which grandson of her mother needs 1 yuan to support?She snorted, "Who hasn't suffered in the past?"

Everyone has suffered hardship, but not everyone can get 1 yuan. The second brother is stupid and generous.

In the past, she thought Widow Wang was a coward, but now she is no longer a coward, but more greedy.

The days before the Mid-Autumn Festival Party were full and busy.

Jiang Xinyu was so busy that she took off and spent most of her time after class rehearsing. For a week in a row, she only went back to see her children at noon. She had to rehearse in the afternoon, which lasted more than two hours, so she simply didn't go back. .

The child has also changed from the discomfort he felt when he first started school. He smiles when he sees her, and is happy to have his grandma coax him when he doesn't see her.

It's really nice to not have to take care of a baby. Jiang Xinyu sometimes even forgets that she has a baby.

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