good old days

Chapter 401 The old lady had a stroke

Feng Man felt that what she said was reasonable, and she spoke sincerely, as if she was thinking about her man.

The old lady took it in, but she was so angry that she was so angry in Shitou Hutong today that she had been holding back her anger for a long time.

"Chunlin is my maternal grandnephew. He has been good and filial since he was a child. He didn't do it on purpose this time. Taking the bankbook is a trivial matter. As long as Wang Sumei doesn't pursue it and Jinhua is willing to help, he won't have to go to jail."

The old lady's voice was loud and woke up Chen Jiajia who was sleeping in the room on the second floor.

She listened for a while and then came downstairs angrily, "Is He Chunlin grandma's grandson? Why does grandma protect him so much! He dares to come and steal bankbooks, why won't he dare to do it in the future? A stinky grandma. I protect you like a baby, so you’re not afraid of affecting my dad? Is there a grandma like you?"

Chen Jiajia, like her mother, hated He Chunlin to death. Before Chen Yi appeared, He Chunlin was the person she hated the most.With all his virtue, he still wants to be her brother?Don’t even look in the mirror to see if you are worthy!

Feng Man felt that her daughter was right, but this was really out of order. Just when she was about to pretend to say a few words, the old lady covered her heart and fell down.

Feng Man was frightened and vented her anger. She was so angry that she couldn't explain it to Chen Jinhua.

She hurriedly asked Chen Jiajia to go outside and call someone to see if there was a jeep parked in the yard, and send them to the hospital quickly.

The old lady is usually in good health. She walks without a hunchback despite her age. She is very steady and her voice is not soft when she speaks. She usually feels pain in her heart when she is angry. When she is angry and the pain stops, she doesn’t care. I didn't take it seriously because of the pain in my heart. I was so angry today that I was already unconscious when I was sent to the hospital.

After the rescue, the person woke up. After some examination, the left side of the old lady's body was numb, her left hand could not be held tightly, her left leg was somewhat inoperable, and her mouth was crooked.

When Chen Jinhua got the news and hurried over, he saw his mother lying sick on the hospital bed.

The old lady cried at that time.

She spoke unkindly, but she didn't forget to complain about Feng Man and Chen Jiajia. She also scolded Chen Yi and Jiang Xinyu. In the end, she concluded unkindly that none of them were good.

Her mouth was crooked, her eyes were slanted, her nose was full of tears, and she looked really miserable. People who didn't know her would think when they saw this scene: How miserable her life was!
"Jin, Jinhua, mom, please, please, don't let Chun and Lin go to jail!"

The old lady took out the bankbook from her pocket with her right hand and handed it to Chen Jinhua.

Before Chen Jinhua could say anything, the doctor came in and said, "It's not enough to be excited like this. Stop crying. If you cry any more, it's likely to aggravate the condition."

After a while, Chen Jinhua followed the doctor out to inquire about the situation.

After asking, Chen Jinhua was not in a relaxed mood.

Just because you can save it this time doesn't mean you can save it next time.His mother is not young anymore, so she can’t go through such trouble again in the future.

After Feng Man was busy in the ward, Chen Jiajia came to her father.

"Dad, you can't blame my mother and I for what happened this time. It was grandma who was causing trouble. We told her to think about you and that she regarded He Chunlin as her grandson, and she fell down in anger."

Chen Jinhua frowned and said: "You have to let her go in the future. She is not young and cannot stand it again."

In front of Chen Jinhua, Chen Jiajia could only nod obediently.

In her mind, she was thinking that after her grandma was discharged from the hospital and went to live with her, she and her mother would hide out. If they couldn't afford to offend her, why couldn't they hide away?
When it got dark in the afternoon, He Chunlin's parents and grandparents came to the hospital after hearing that the old lady was ill.

Feng Man stopped the person directly outside the ward.

"Mom has to rest now. You can come see her when she feels better."

Grandma He Chunlin rolled her eyes and asked, "What should Chunlin do?"

Feng Man hated this family and said with a bad face: "It's not about your Chunlin. My mother-in-law can't be so anxious and angry that she is hospitalized."

He Chunlin's mother: "That's not what you said. It was my aunt who started the bankbook matter, so she has to be responsible for our Chunlin!"

Feng Man grimaced: "If you go out and make a quarrel, my mother-in-law will be angry again if you make a quarrel here."

The He family reluctantly stopped talking.

Feng Man added: "It's useless for you to go to me, and it's useless to go to my mother-in-law now. If you disturb her, Jinhua will be unhappy. You should go to Wang Sumei. If they don't insist on suing, He Chunlin won't go to jail."

Who knows how to divert trouble to the east?Why can Wang Sumei be so free while she works so hard to serve the old lady?

As soon as the specific address of Shitou Hutong was mentioned, the He family was dismissed by her.

When it got dark, Widow Wang returned with two baskets covered with cloth and other women, comrades and children in the alley.

Today's harvest is full. In the basket, there are not only apples and pears, but also hawthorns and a dozen small red pomegranates.

When Widow Wang left, she was thinking about whether the thief would come and whether her son and daughter-in-law could get everything done. When she got to the mountains in the suburbs, she forgot everything when she picked up things.

"There are more apple trees. There are not many fruits on a pomegranate tree, and they are small in size, but they are sweet. If there are so many of us, one person can't get much."

When going down the mountain, I always carried a basket. It was quite a long way to where I took the bus, and it was not a short journey to get off the bus and carry it back to the alley. Widow Wang's hands were shaking, but her heart was warm.

Jiang Xinyu asked her to rest and heat up the steamed buns. The three of them had a meal of the soy sauce beef they brought back from the restaurant at noon.

Chen Yi talked about what happened during the day and what happened when the old lady came over to make trouble, but the words "bastard" were hidden.

Widow Wang said angrily: "Then He Chunlin was pretty good when he was a child. He was very clever when he was a little taller. Now look at it, why is he so different?"

Jiang Xinyu said: "I threw the bankbook to the old lady today. Mom, are you angry?"

Widow Wang: "Why are you angry? Just wait, Chen Yi's dad has to send me back this bankbook. This bankbook must be mine."

Chen Jinhua gave the 1 yuan passbook. She thought he was a kind person, much better than the old lady, and they were in the wrong. Widow Wang thought confidently that Chen Jinhua would definitely send the passbook back.

Widow Wang was right. Chen Jinhua came with his bankbook that night.

It was getting cold, so Widow Wang, wearing a thick and patched coat, took her to the big tree at the entrance of the alley.

"If you have anything to do, tell me immediately." There was a hint of impatience in her tone.

Chen Jinhua handed over the bankbook first.

Widow Wang didn't answer: "If I take it back again, will your mother still have to worry about it? Will someone steal it next time?"

This was said very rudely, but it was the truth. Chen Jinhua couldn't say that this matter had nothing to do with his mother.

"She is hospitalized, half of her body is numb, and she is still thinking about Chunlin while lying on the hospital bed."

Widow Wang sneered, "She asked for it, what do you mean?"

"You gave me the bankbook, and then your mother found someone to steal it. Now that she is in the hospital, you sent the bankbook back. Do you mean to stop us pursuing it?"

"Chen Jinhua, am I so easy to bully? I mean whatever you say, right?"

Chen Jinhua also felt shameless, but he didn't mean that.

After a while, he sighed, "Compared to my own son, do you think I will favor others?"

Widow Wang: "You can't say for sure. They are relatives from your mother's family. Who are Chen Yi and me?"

In the darkness, Chen Jinhua looked at her intently. After a while, he said: "Get your bankbook. It's getting cold. Go back."

Widow Wang took the bankbook and left without saying a word.

Under the night, he lit a cigarette, and the smoke lingered on his slightly furrowed brow.

Seeing her mother-in-law go back, Jiang Xinyu came out of the corner and arrived in front of Chen Jinhua.

"This afternoon the old lady called Chen Yi a bastard and a bastard. Tell me, why does the old lady act so self-consciously despite her age? Shouldn't you reflect and reflect on whether it is because of your indulgence for so many years? Because she is old, So as a junior, do you have to respect her? If you don't care about her, if she makes trouble next time, we won't be polite."

Jiang Xinyu left after saying that, and Chen Jinhua's footsteps seemed to have taken root in the same place.

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