good old days

Chapter 408 Tutorial

Sun Zhaohui had been planning for a long time and was used to being "gentle" on weekdays. She was determined to have a good relationship with Widow Wang, and Widow Wang was an "honest" person who would never offend me or others. However, when they returned from a trip to the department store, they People got a lot closer.

"I just happened to go back to make buns at noon. My son and daughter-in-law will be back in a while. Will you have some at our house for noon?"

Widow Wang chopped a pound of meat and planned to save the remaining meat for making cabbage and meat dumplings at noon tomorrow. She estimated that the amount she could make at noon would be quite large.

Although her heart ached a little, this was a relative of Yuzhu's mother-in-law's family, so she was definitely not a family that was short of meat, and she couldn't be stingy anymore.

Sun Zhaohui said with a smile: "Forget it at noon today. I'm just here to recognize you. I will bring my nephew as a guest at the weekend. It would be great if your son and daughter-in-law could give them some guidance. If you are free, hold the child in your arms." Go to our place and recognize the door, and you can come and visit more often in the future."

Widow Wang didn't notice anything was wrong because she only wanted to care about her children. She couldn't imagine that her family had such good conditions and could have anything else to do with her. After accepting the offer, she sent him away enthusiastically.

Widow Wang hummed a song, finished making and steaming the buns, and tall Luo Chaosheng entered the courtyard.

"came back?"

Luo Chaosheng nodded and asked politely: "The people who came to make trouble last time haven't come again, have they?"

Widow Wang told her everything in detail, "They will definitely not dare to come here again."

Luo Chaosheng nodded, "That's good, you still have to watch the door at night."

He fetched water and washed clothes, and talked to her all the time. After a while, Grandma Zhang, who heard the commotion next door, also came to inquire about Uncle Luo.

Before the buns came out of the pot, the aroma filled the yard. As soon as they came out of the pot, Widow Wang invited the two of them to eat.

Grandma Zhang didn’t refuse, it was just a white-flour meat bun, why couldn’t she eat it?Just bring something over when you get back after eating.

Luo Chaosheng couldn't resist but took one. The dough was good, it tasted very juicy, and the meat filling was delicious. It was both fat and thin, not greasy, and juicy.

"You're pretty good at it."

Widow Wang was somewhat proud, "My daughter-in-law and her sister love to eat the bacon and mushroom buns I make. Unfortunately, there is no food supply here, so it is inconvenient to make anything."

Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi smelled the smell of steamed buns before they entered the hospital. While eating, they mentioned that Sun Zhaohui wanted them to give her nephew tutoring lessons.

"She said she would bring her nephew over on the weekend. If either of you is free, please help them."

This is a relative of Jiang Yuzhu's mother-in-law's family. Jiang Xinyu doesn't think Sun Zhaohui can have any ideas. Tutoring is also a matter of progress.

But the last time her sister got married, Second Aunt Zhou Qi was quarreling with Zhou Qi's mother. Second Aunt Zhou Qi seemed kind, but she didn't look like a fuel-efficient lamp. She had to ask her sister about the economical mother-in-law. My mother was cheated.

At noon, I returned to the dormitory carrying the buns I had brought for my roommates. When I came out to go to class, I was stopped by Chen Qiuhua.

"You insist on suing Chunlin. Chen Yi is so angry that he has a stroke. Now he can't even say anything. He must be spared and spared. They are all relatives. Is it necessary to take the matter to the Public Security Bureau?"

Jiang Xinyu saw the accusation clearly in her eyes, curved her lips and said with a smile: "This is not our responsibility. If she asked for money, we would directly return it to her, but she let people steal it, Fourth Aunt, you are the same Do you agree? Otherwise, we can't have two burglaries in the house when no one is home. She will have a stroke now, and you are also responsible. Isn't it inappropriate for Fourth Aunt to accuse us? "

Chen Qiuhua didn't say anything for a long time.

She thought she was perfectly invisible during the bankbook theft incident, but she didn't expect Jiang Xinyu to conclude that it was related to her.

Shocked, guilty and angry, Chen Qiuhua could only listen to Jiang Xinyu continue to say: "Fourth aunt, you stopped me because you wanted to accuse us? Or do you want to let us go by accusing you?" Chen Qiuhua was not so confident anymore, "Chen Yi's milk has recently been I'm in the hospital, you go and have a look."

Jiang Xinyu wanted to laugh in her heart, "Fourth Aunt, if you are really doing good for the old lady, it would be better not to let us go see her, otherwise the condition will worsen and we will not be responsible."

"Class is about to start. I have to leave quickly. I won't tell Fourth Aunt."

Chen Qiuhua returned to the duty room in a bad mood and sat on the chair with a sullen face.

At this time, she deeply felt that Wang Sumei was a disaster. If she had not come to the capital, many things would not have happened to her family, and her mother would not have suffered a stroke.

People from the He family did not dare to come to make trouble again, and no one from the Chen family came to look for them again. The stone alley became calm.

On Sunday, Sun Zhaohui came over with her two nephews, carrying a bag of oranges and pomegranates.

Both nephews took the college entrance examination twice, but neither passed the exam, nor did they pass the technical secondary school line.

One is seventeen and the other is nineteen. They are not too old and can still work hard for two more years.

Jiang Xinyu asked about the results of the two people in the past. Their total scores in the two college entrance examinations did not exceed [-].

When she heard that, she felt a little cold. This result was obviously based on a poor foundation. If she wanted to make up for it, she had to start from the basics.

But the mother-in-law agreed, so they had to do things.

She still has to take care of her children, so let Chen Yi do this, hehe.

Chen Yi has given lessons to educated youths in the village, and has also taught Jiang Xinyu difficult mathematics questions on weekdays. He is still good at tutoring people.

Even if his mother agreed, he couldn't just do it perfunctorily.I am going to get to know the learning situation of the two of them and make a tutoring plan. I plan to take time every weekend to teach them two hours of lessons efficiently.

Within ten minutes, he understood that one of the two people was not interested in studying at all. As for the other, his attitude was quite upright, but his brain was not very bright. It took him several times to understand the knowledge points that others could easily understand. .

His mother really found a good job for him.

Rather than grinding around here, he would rather stay in the research institute and not come out.

Jiang Xinyu held her child and talked to Sun Zhaohui, and glanced at Chen Yi from time to time.

The couple now understand each other quite well, and even if he doesn't show any impatience, his slight frown from time to time still betrays his slightly irritable mood.

An hour later, Chen Yi assigned study tasks to the two of them and said bluntly: "I will check your study status next time you come. If it is still the same as today, you will not come next time."

Sun Zhaohui, who heard this, didn't expect that he said it so rudely. She was stunned when Chen Yi said to her seriously: "Aunt Sun, if you want to be efficient in tutoring, your study attitude is the key. If you don't take class seriously, I will I feel there is no need to waste this time. Even if I fail the exam twice, it is better to go to work as soon as possible. Sun Yaodong is not bad, and his attitude is very serious, but his foundation is not good."

Another Sun Jianwei was dissatisfied, "I am also listening carefully."

Chen Yi: "No, you didn't."

This kid's eyes always glance at Jiang Xinyu who is sitting at the door of the room, and he looks around from time to time. How can he look like he is learning?

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