good old days

Chapter 420 Wearing fake skin

Originally, the officers at the police station had to go home after work, but Jiang Lao, three and four people kneeling here with great force were too eye-catching. Jiang Xinyu said a lot of vile things in one output, and they couldn't even raise their eyebrows. Move your legs.

Is the countryside so lively?
Previously, many people thought that Jiang Laosan's family looked honest and kind, and he had no choice but to kneel down at the door of the police station because he loved his daughter so much.

But after listening to Jiang Xinyu's words, when I looked at these people, I felt that these people were all wearing masks.

Who says farmers are all honest and honest?These people really don’t seem right at first glance.

You can't even refute it, so naturally everything they say is true.

Jiang Lao, three and four others sat on their knees. Jiang Xinyu stood there upright, with no uneasiness on her face because they were kneeling. Her eyes were clear and cold, like red plums in winter, with natural pride and nobility, which made her People think everything she says is right.

Why doesn't Jiang Laosan feel ashamed?His face turned blue and red.

Instead of being surrounded by a circle of police officers, he had already raised his fist to beat Jiang Xinyu.

After Jiang Xinyu said that, she started to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf: "Uncle Third, you have to be conscientious to live in this world. I hope you can be a kind and upright person in the future, and don't focus on profit."

"If you do something wrong, you have to pay, otherwise she will never remember the lesson."

Jiang Xinyu stood there, while Jiang Laosan and others were still kneeling. Her posture was somewhat "condescending" and her words were somewhat "pointing the country", but people who listened to the whole process did not think her attitude was arrogant, because as long as If she puts herself into it, no one will think that what she said is too much. If it were them, they could say something even more outrageous.

"Comrade police, if they go to school to harass me again, how can I get rid of them?"

Captain Chang of the police station said: "They are not locals. Although they have issued letters of introduction to visit relatives in the capital, if they engage in provocative behavior, we can deport them as usual and let the local police deal with them in accordance with the law."

She asked this question specifically to help Jiang Laosan. She didn't believe that they dared to go to school to trouble her after the police told her.

Since she was here specifically to support Jiang Baoqin, she should go find Song Minghan to settle the score. Why was she wasting her time like this?
Captain Chang said to everyone: "Okay, okay, let's all disperse. You guys, go do whatever you need to do, and stop kneeling at the door of the police station."

Jiang Xinyu and Wang Liang went back to school together. Jiang Laosan got up and chased after them.

Wang Liang: "You haven't kneeled enough?"

Damn, who are these people in this family? They look like they are wearing fake skin.If you are a relative with them, why don't you be careful at night?
Jiang Laosan held back his anger and said: "Isn't Song Minghan's grandfather a professor at Huaqing? We have no place to stay at night, so we have to go to his house to make do for the night."

Of course, he wasn't just trying to make it happen for one night, but he wanted to shamelessly rely on it for benefits.

He felt quite regretful.

You shouldn't have agreed to give Jiang Xinyu to Yao Xianmin in the first place. If you hadn't fallen out with Chen Xiuyun's family, and the daughters of Chen Xiuyun's family were already promising, how could they not help their family?
Jiang Xinyu said: "Professor Yu is very busy. You can go directly to the Electric Power College to find Song Minghan."

If Song Minghan didn't get entangled with these people, she would "die with eyes closed".

After saying that, he left, and Jiang Laosan and others did not dare to follow him.

Several people looked at each other.

The guest house costs five yuan a night. They have both men and women, and they can't get a room. How can Jiang Laosan spare this money?

The person watching the gate in Huaqing obviously didn't want to see them, so the few of them could only fumble their way to the Electric Power College.

"Thank you so much, Brother Wang, for what happened today."

Wang Liang said with a smile: "It's a joke, don't take it seriously. Don't worry, I won't mention today's matter to others."

What happened today is what Jiang Xinyu said.It is said that family scandals should not be publicized, and no one wants their jokes to become known to everyone.

Jiang Xinyu wanted to save face and didn't want to fight in front of everyone, but what she said today was not her scandal, and she didn't particularly care whether it was spread or not.However, out of emotion and reason, she thanked Wang Liangliang again.

The two of them rushed to school and passed by Chang Zhenzhen on his bicycle.

Chang Zhenzhen wore a red scarf around her neck, which made her face pale and rosy. She glanced at her without opening her mouth to speak.

Jiang Xinyu didn't take it seriously at all.She is not RMB, everyone has to like her.

She didn't know whether Yao Xin's statement that this girl wanted to poach her was true or not.

Anyway, this girl would always greet her with a smile when she saw her before. After being "humiliated" by Chen Yi, this girl didn't have a good face when seeing her.

Wang Liang looked back several times.

Jiang Xinyu smiled and said, "Brother Wang, aren't you married?" She still stared at the unmarried female student.

Wang Liang turned around and whispered sheepishly: "Xiao Liu went to the local police station last time and saw Chang Zhenzhen inside. The captain of the police station is named Chang, and he seems to be her brother."

What Wang Liang didn't say was that Xiao Liu couldn't take his eyes off Chang Zhenzhen every time he saw him. As soon as someone's eyes came to him, he would be so panicked that he didn't know where to look. That would make him laugh to death.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the yellow leaves are falling from the trees in a swirl. Chang Zhenzhen is riding a bicycle, and his face is chilled by the wind.

When I got home, the food at home was already on the table.

Her brother Chang Zhou saw her coming in and asked, "Do you know someone from your school named Jiang Xinyu?"

Chang Zhenzhen frowned and said, "Why are you asking about her? Oh, no, how do you know her?"

Her sister-in-law placed the dishes and chopsticks and glanced at her man when she heard this.

Chang Zhou told the story of this afternoon's farce with a normal expression.

Chang Zhenzhen looked shocked, "Is she so hard-hearted? She won't forgive her even if her uncle kneels down on her?"

Her sister-in-law Ji Meixia said: "I think she did the right thing. If she has a soft heart and is bullied by others, if her heart is hardened, she will naturally have less trouble."

Chang Zhenzhen couldn't refute her sister-in-law's words, because life had been visibly "difficult" for the siblings since they lost their parents, and their family was the most vocal about the interactions between relatives.If it weren't for the help from my sister-in-law, how could they live the life they have now?

Chang Zhenzhen pounded the white rice in the bowl with chopsticks. Thinking of Chen Yi's last humiliation, she felt sour.

So how come a man who is a good-looking, handsome father and a big leader gets married?
Ji Meixia said: "That girl has relatives like that, and her family's life must not be easy."

Chang Zhenzhen immediately retorted, "What's not easy? She got married, and her husband was Chen Jinhua's son. Last time Zhou Qi got married, Xiaoyun and I went to join in the fun. What we heard at the wedding banquet was that her sister was still Zhou Qi's wife. .”

With this kind of relationship, why isn’t it easy?Isn’t it easy to have their family?

Chang Zhou paused and said, "If you can get into Huaqing, you must be an outstanding person. You should interact more with such people."

Chang Zhenzhen said a dull "Oh".

(End of this chapter)

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