good old days

Chapter 506 Cooperation

Chapter 506 Cooperation

Zhou Qi feels that buying a courtyard house for 8,000 yuan is expensive. Judging from the current prices, it is indeed not cheap. But if he is paid 30 yuan a month, he can afford it after working for 23 years without food or water. A set of courtyard houses.

But a few decades later, wages have increased a hundred times, but a courtyard house can easily cost tens of millions or hundreds of millions. Ordinary people will not be able to afford a courtyard house even if they work for the rest of their lives and work as cows and horses in the next life.

Jiang Xinyu looked at her mother-in-law with excitement in her eyes.

Wang Sumei gritted her teeth and said, "Buy it, let's buy one too."

What's it like living in someone else's house every day?

Even though Uncle Luo's family were all kind-hearted people, she didn't feel at ease living in a rented house.

Song Yahui, who came back from shopping for groceries, knew through the closed glass that someone was inside, so she waited outside obediently. When she saw Teacher Jiang's husband, Chen Yi, walking with a young and pretty lesbian, she immediately stepped forward. Go and ask him like a husband who saw his wife cheating on her: "Brother Chen Yi, who is she?"

Chen Yi frowned slightly, it would be great if Jiang Xinyu had Song Yahui's energy.

"This is your teacher Jiang's maternal cousin, named Zhao Xiangling."

Song Yahui instantly relaxed his guard and greeted Zhao Xiangling with a smile, "Hello, I am Sister Xinyu's former student, and now I work in the store."

Zhao Xiangling smiled shyly and said "Hello".

Chen Yi met Zhao Xiangling at the street corner, said hello and came along.

When he entered the house, he saw Zhou Qi and his wife, and he also had a smile on his face.

"I originally planned to go find you and discuss something with you."

There are too many people, so it’s not the time to talk.

Jiang Xinyu suggested: "There is a Western restaurant over there, let's go have coffee."

She has developed a stomach for Chinese food, but now she misses Western food.

Wang Sumei didn't know what Chen Yi was going to say, but she had a look and didn't disturb them.

"You go ahead. Xiao Song and I packed up and went back with the baby in our arms."

What is the coffee my daughter-in-law is talking about? It sounds like it should be a foreign thing.

Jiang Xinyu pinched the little red face of her child who had just woken up and said to her mother-in-law: "Next time I will take you to eat Western food."

Wang Sumei is looking forward to it a little bit, but not much. Western food or not, and having meat every meal at home is the best life.

Zhao Xiangling bit her lip and said, "Then I'll come and play with you next time."

Jiang Xinyu: "Let's go together."

Zhao Xiangling shook her head, "No, you have something serious to say."

Jiang Xinyu packed a small bag of dried fruits for her, including some of various kinds.

Wang Sumei said: "Go back with me and have dinner at our place in the afternoon."

Zhao Xiangling refused: "I just arrived at school the day before yesterday, and I still have a lot of things to do, so I'd better go back to school."

Steak costs 1.20 cents each, salad costs 50 cents, coffee costs 50 cents, fried fish costs 1.2 cents, cream mushroom soup costs 1.2 cents, sausages cost 18 cents each. The cutlery is wrapped in white cloth.

A meal costs about ten yuan, which is expensive, but fortunately no tickets are required.

Zhou Qi is not that good at using knives and forks. He used to go to occasions with foreign guests with his parents and learned how to use knives and forks. However, he only uses knives and forks very few times in life. He still feels that chopsticks are easy to use.

He watched the couple opposite holding knives and forks, cutting beef with ease and grace, and was amazed. These two people were really strange. They didn't have the rustic atmosphere of being from the countryside, but they were from the countryside.

Jiang Yuzhu looked at the bloodshot meat in Zhou Qi's cut beef and frowned: "What do you want seven mature? It's still bloodshot. You can eat it yourself. If I had known, I wouldn't have listened to you."

Zhou Qi touched his nose, "Others say that seven-ripe ones are tender and full-ripe ones are old. Don't you want to follow the trend?" Things with bloodshot eyes, no matter how tender they taste, are indeed a bit dull. I don't know how others react to them. If you eat it without changing its color and swallow it, you still have to say "it's just tender".

This foreigner is really good at cooking. The meat is called "tender" even though it's not fully cooked!

Jiang Xinyu wiped her mouth with a napkin, called the waiter, and ordered another well-cooked dish for Jiang Yuzhu.

Zhou Qi asked: "Brother-in-law, what are you going to discuss with us?"

Chen Yi put down the tableware and looked at him seriously, "Are you interested in making some extra money?"

He talked about finding a store and going to a plastic factory for packaging. Zhou Qi understood instantly. He waved his hand and said, "What are you doing? Our relationship doesn't need to be like this."

Jiang Xinyu shook her head, "Brother-in-law, if you buy shares, we can confidently ask you to help if there is any trouble in the store in the future."

In a human society, relationships are always the most useful.

What if a few decades later, packaging wouldn’t be easy? Just go directly to the factory and place the order. After all, Party A’s sponsor is the uncle who sends the money. But in this era, private enterprises are not allowed to appear, and even small packaging can be difficult for them.

They can't trouble Zhou Jin and Zhou Qi again and again. If they do it too often, their favors will be exhausted and they will become annoying. If they were allowed to buy shares in other ways and get a share later, wouldn't that be what they should do?

"Sister, brother-in-law, you don't have to guard the store. You just have to help when we need to find connections. This shouldn't happen often. We will give you a 10% profit, is it okay?"

Zhou Qi hesitated. It was appropriate for relatives and friends to do a small favor. It did not involve issues of principle or ability. It was nothing, but getting benefits? Isn't that a bit inappropriate?

Jiang Xinyu scooped a bowl of soup for her sister, "Sister, please help me persuade my brother-in-law. This is called cooperation. The profit we promise you is not much. If you accept it, we will not trouble you in the future."

Jiang Yuzhu glared at her.

What the hell is this? She married well, but her mother's family didn't get any benefits. What does it matter if she is happy alone? My parents all know that it is good to have a sense of moderation, but is this too extreme now?

Jiang Yuzhu looked at Zhou Qi and was about to speak when he heard him say: "Well, since we want to cooperate and take shares, let's do it formally. We will invest 10% of your total investment, and we will share 10% with you later. How about the profit?"

Chen Yi had no intention of asking them to invest money. After all, those relationships were actually much more important than money.

But judging from his attitude, he won't agree to today's proposal unless he is allowed to pay.

He nodded: "Okay, we have taken advantage of you. From now on, we will divide the accounts once every quarter, and our accounts will be in duplicate."

Zhou Qi smiled and said, "Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet. When I finish speaking, you will definitely accuse me of being a waste of money."

Neither Chen Yi nor Jiang Xinyu were stupid, and they instantly understood what he meant.

As expected, I heard Zhou Qi say: "As you know, Yuzhu and I have spent all our savings to buy a yard. My parents have to pay for the yard renovation. We don't have much money now. If we want to cooperate, we will get dividends in the future." Let’s pay off 10% of the investment we should have made first, and when we finish paying it off, we will get the dividends.”

Jiang Xinyu looked at Zhou Qi with admiration.

In the past, people from the film studio went to their unit to shoot movies. Whenever I saw Zhou Qi, he always looked careless and only glanced at her sister. After marrying her sister, they didn't meet many times, and he seemed to be more stable. Quite a bit, but there are still shadows of the past.

After today's conversation, she found that her brother-in-law had a flexible mind. Sure enough, how could someone who grew up in a high-ranking family be a clueless fool?

"Don't worry, brother-in-law, we will make sure you won't regret today's decision."

Zhou Qi shrugged, "I'll treat it as if I picked it up for nothing. The more you earn, the more I pick up. You guys do a good job and I'll take good care of you."

Jiang Yuzhu didn't expect him to agree so quickly, so she pinched him.

At the corner of the street, through the bright glass window, I saw four people sitting by the window talking and laughing. The atmosphere was relaxed. Zhao Xiangling pinched the corner of her clothes with her fingers and couldn't move her eyes away.

Inside the glass window, his facial features are handsome but not overly strong. When he smiles, he gives people a sense of intimacy as if the spring breeze is blowing on his face. When the corners of his lips are slightly pursed, he has another cool and calm taste.

A casual glance made her feel guilty as a thief, and she fled there instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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