good old days

Chapter 515 Confusion

Although the procedures for the courtyard have not yet been completed, the key to the courtyard door has been obtained. It will not be long before this courtyard will belong to Jiang Xinyu's family.

Jiang Xinyu said: "Let's go to the furniture factory to order three beds, three tables, and two large double-door wardrobes for now, and then we can add other things slowly?"

When there are more decoration options in the future, this house will have to be renovated. Now I don’t have so much energy, so just keep it tidy, clean, and have the most basic functions.

Wang Sumei nodded, "Money is tight, wait until you make money to buy more furniture."

Jiang Xinyu wanted to laugh when she heard what her mother-in-law said. She had obviously gained a lot of money for goods this month, but she still felt that she had not made any money.

Yes, it costs 2,000 yuan to buy a yard with the money in hand. When the goods arrive, I still have to pay for the goods. Money is really tight.

"How many days should we close the door? There are not many dried fruits left in the store. The dried cantaloupe and figs have long been gone. The remaining goods will not be sold for a few days. When the goods arrive, we will open the door again. It will probably not take a few days." I will start moving with Yahui tomorrow and tidy up the house."

The house was right in front of her, and Wang Sumei wished she could buy a big bed, pack it up and move in on the same day.

Chen Yi thought for a moment and said, "Let's put a sign on the door saying we will be closed for seven days if there is an incident."

It is not good to close a business. Although it will have little impact on the market, it is better to put up a sign and write down the reason.

The couple is in school and really don't have time to clean up the house. The goods are expected to arrive in the next few days. Thinking about it, there are actually a lot of things to do.

After school in the afternoon, when Jiang Xinyu returned to the dormitory with her lunch box, she met Geng Ruhui at the door of the building.

"Sister Hui, why are you here? Have you eaten?"

Geng Ruhui shook his head, "I have something to tell you."

The two of them arrived at a deserted place, and the information Geng Ruhui brought made her not sure what expression to put on.

"I had a rest today and took a car to Jin Shuner's village early in the morning. Jin Shuner was drinking at home and was bitten by a poisonous snake. Liu Fengxi committed suicide by drinking pesticide."

Jiang Xinyu: "Why did she commit suicide? She came to borrow money before, so how could she commit suicide?"

Geng Ruhui said in a serious tone: "I heard from people in her village that others called her Kefu, a broom star, who would be unlucky to whomever she married. She killed her first husband, Jin Shunke, and Jin Shunke." Shun'er's family now has two children left, one is still in trouble and the other is only a few months old."

Jiang Xinyu said after a while: "Why can't she think about it so hard? Didn't she just say she didn't want to give birth to Duoduo?"

It was a simple death, and he really meant nothing in this life.

Geng Ruhui shook her head and said: "Rumors are only one aspect. She feels that she cannot afford to raise two children."

Everyone died, but there were still people in the village who said she deserved it, and a woman who killed two men should die.

Who would feel better hearing such words? People like Liu Fengxi who have lived under oppression for a long time should be mentally abnormal.

"What about the two children? Jin Shun's brother and his father's family will take care of them, right?"

Geng Ruhui nodded, "Jin Shun'er's brother's family doesn't care, but Jin Shun'er's father has to take care of it. It's not easy even for the old couple to work. It will be very difficult in the future."

"I was just wondering if I did something wrong last time?"

Jiang Xinyu: "What's wrong with you? It was God's will that Jin Shun was bitten by a poisonous snake. I'm afraid Liu Fengxi committed suicide because she felt that the man died and her world collapsed. What does it have to do with you? Don't take everything on yourself. You are not Savior."

Everyone's life is in their own hands. When you feel unfair, you should fight hard. If you don't live up to your expectations, who is to blame?

She didn't feel happy at all for Liu Fengxi to die like this, but after the death of a man who beat and kicked her every day, she should find a way to survive even for the sake of her two children. She thought of Yuan Chunhua from the Wuliqiao Brigade, who was also a deceased man. She tried every means to make life at home possible for her four children. Later, she was reported and arrested, and everything was brought to light, so she abandoned her four children and drank pesticide.

As for Liu Fengxi, life has not reached the point where she can no longer survive. Jiang Xinyu even feels that she loves no one. Abandoning Duoduo can be attributed to her preference for boys over girls. But now she doesn't want her two sons anymore. She has no children in her heart. Nor herself.

If she abandoned her two children and remarried for her own sake like she abandoned Duoduo last time, she would be called cruel, but at least she could save herself.

After her death, her whole life passed in a blur.

Geng Ruhui felt uncomfortable.

She had been thinking about Liu Fengxi since she came back from their village last time, and she had even written related articles and submitted them.

She wanted to see how the secretary handled the situation, how Liu Fengxi's family was doing, and whether they would go to the streets again to beg for money. Who would have known that as soon as I went there today, I would get the news that both the couple had died.

Geng Ruhui left sadly. Jiang Xinyu looked at her back, feeling uneasy.

In this era, the thinking of the people at the bottom was still very backward, especially female comrades. There were only a very small number of educated and independent lesbians. If we want to change the status quo, it will take decades of development. As the people become richer and education becomes more popular, people like Liu Fengxi will stand up. If not all, then most of them will wake up.

On Wednesday afternoon, Guo Hong, who had been "shrunk" for a while, returned.

In the teacher's office, Teacher Shen looked at Guo Hong, who had come back to report with a sallow complexion after a long journey, and said, "Just come back. You missed a week and a half of classes. Go back and make up for it."

Guo Hong nodded vigorously, returned to the dormitory, lay down on her bed, and felt reassured as she watched the wall covering fall to the mottled roof.

Yao Xin was disgusted and said: "It stinks so much, let's wash it off with a basin of water."

Guo Hong was not angry at all. She knew that Yao Xin had always been soft-spoken and soft-hearted. Their call was timely and gave her courage. She was grateful in her heart.

After she came back from washing, everyone in the dormitory was almost back, and they all asked her what was going on.

Guo Hong said in a straight voice: "Something happened at home and I was late buying tickets."

She could be described as fleeing on the run, and she ate a total of three dry biscuits to satisfy her hunger.

"I'm full of energy now. Xinyu, Yao Xin, you two accompany me to the playground and run a few laps."

The roommates thought that the eldest lady Yao Xin could curse, but they never thought that she actually said "um" and then walked out with her arms and legs raised.

The night breeze was already chilly, and Guo Hong's stomach growled in the wind.

Jiang Xinyu said: "My family has rented a new residence. It's in Xinnan Courtyard. It's only a ten-minute walk away. Let's go eat roasted sweet potatoes?"

The things hadn't been moved yet, but she knew that her mother-in-law had bought three bags of sweet potatoes and put them in the yard at noon today.

The school is in the suburbs, and there are farmers selling their crops nearby. My mother-in-law bought them when she saw them, and the prices were not expensive anyway.

Guo Hong nodded hurriedly. She was so hungry that her chest pressed against her back, and she still had a lot to say.

(End of this chapter)

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